The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 448 Kill another one!

The end of the explosion!

Dust is pervasive, sand and stone are flying, and there is a big hole in the middle. The area is quite amazing, almost as big as the big hole made by Jun Moxie with the power of earth before!

Xia Changtian, who self-exploded, naturally turned into ashes and died so much that he could not die. It seemed that there was not even the soul of the holy baby left, but Jun Moxie, who was at the core of the explosion, was also without a trace and disappeared!

Isn't this boy who died with Xia Changtian? Gu Han and others looked heavy and indescribably complicated and strange. If these two people really die together... then it's really a big deal!

Nowadays, the people in the three holy places are psychologically strange. No one in their hearts mourns for the death of Xia Changtian. Instead, they are praying for Jun Moxie. This greatest enemy in the past must not have anything to happen. Even if Mo Wudao, who originally wanted Jun Moxie to be the most, he is praying sincerely praying in his heart

Jun Moxie, don't die!

Now, at this moment, the power of the mainland is really lost...

And the most important thing is that if Jun Moxie supports Xia Changtian, not only does not expect that the Heavenly Punishment will continue to help fight against the alien army, but also these mysterious beasts will definitely go crazy immediately and destroy all the traces of the three holy places at all costs. There is no suspense!

A group of masters present looked at the scene in the field in a sway, as if they had been hit by a thunderbolt.

A total of 40 masters, plus a strong saint, disappeared in such a short time!

What caused all this is just... done by one person!

If Jun Moxie was not buried with him, the result would be terrible!

"Brother Xia..." Ji Bowen was shocked to see that Xia Changtian blew himself up and died. He died without a whole body, and he roared like crying" with grief and indignation. When Xia Changtian blew himself up, Ji Bowen fought for several swords and hid at the last moment.

And the blood of the yellow naturally refused to let go, and then went away, always chasing, and the sword was pressing.

Ji Bowen witnessed the death of his best friend and was so flustered that he was hit one after another. But at this moment, he just shouted wildly and didn't care about the injury on his body.

Suddenly, Ji Bowen was like an arrow to the sky, and he pulled up with a miserable smile!

The blood of the fire and yellow also emitted an extremely sad sword roar, brushing a few swords. The sword light flashed, the blood splashed like rain in the sky, and one arm fell from the air with the sword light!

"Ah n!" Ji Bowen suddenly raised his head in mid-air in pain, looked up to the sky and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The blood immediately turned into a blood mist all over the sky, but his flying body still kept a straight posture and moved forward at full speed!

The blood of Yanhuang is buzzing and trembling, and the tail is chasing quickly.

Inadvertently before, I actually let this guy escape." Yan Huang's blood felt very shameless, and he was a little embarrassed and angry. It seems that the price of humiliating a child who thinks he is very talented and face-saving will be terrible!

Ji Bowen laughed loudly and suddenly shouted with all his strength, "Jun Moxie, since you are so inhumane", then I will make you regret it for the rest of your life! What Brother Xia didn't finish, I'll do it!"

The voice has not fallen" Suddenly, the figure violates all the physical principles!

Originally, it changed from rushing straight to the sky to falling obliquely! Its power is as fierce as the wind, and its speed is as fast as electricity! In a flash, it was strange to pull out hundreds of one-armed shadows in the sky, and rushed to Mei Xueyan on the ground with a "wow"!

Ji Bowen laughed wildly, and the only hand left gathered all the power! His eyes radiated extremely ferocious brilliance, and he patted Mei Xueyan's head!

This palm is the lifelong strength of a second-level saint. When this palm is released, the space range of a hundred feet with the palm as the core is instantly frozen! It seems to have turned into a huge piece of iron!

In this space, even the wind and even the air can no longer flow!

Mei Xueyan's hair was floating, and it suddenly froze: Xiong Kaishan opened his mouth, and his angry face seemed to be scolded, but it was also frozen at this moment! It seems that today's time and space have become solid at this moment!

Ji Bowen laughed bitterly, full of the pleasure of revenge!

He wants revenge, revenge on Jun Moxie, and the best way to revenge is to kill Jun Moxie's most important person, the person he loves most! He has even made up his mind that as long as he can kill Mei Xueyan now, and then take a look at Jun Moxie's sad expression, he will immediately explode!

Just to be able to take a look at Jun Moxie's heartbroken expression, Ji Bowen has already felt satisfied, and there is no other request!

Everything is worth it!

If you want our brothers to suffer as much as death, then I will let you live in pain all your life! In regret! Until forever!

Thinking of this, Ji Bowen laughed happily inexplicably!

Yes, there is only one life for anyone.

But when it's time to give up, we won't be stingy either!

I believe that if you are attacked by death self-explosive at such a close distance, the heavenly punishment mysterious beast or the high-level of the evil king's mansion, no one will be able to survive!

He knew that Jun Moxie was not dead, and Jun Moxie was definitely not dead! Because the damn magic sword behind him is still chasing him crazily! This sword is undoubtedly controlled by Jun Mobang. Since the sword is still flying, Jun Dian Evil is definitely not dead!

That is to say, Xia Changtian's self-explosion may have no impact on Jun Moxie!

This fact made Ji Bowen furious!

Jun Moxie, how can you not die? How can you not die? You deserve to die! You are the most damned person!

So Ji Bowen immediately chose this road of revenge! The resolute road to revenge!

Kill Mei Xueyan!

As long as Mei Xueyan dies, even if Jun Moxie can't die in the end, he will have to face the long years when life is worse than death!

Kill! Kill!

A hundred feet away, Ji Bowen passed by!

In front of the palm, the abrupt space collapsed, forming a huge palm print, void!

That comes from the ultimate power of a second-class saint to attack with all his life!

An unstoppable death blow!

However, unstoppable does not mean absolutely unimpeded!

At that moment, Mei Xueyan, who should be blocked in the confinement space, scolded fiercely, and her whole body's power suddenly broke out. The whole space immediately made a click and broken sound, and the hair flew again. As soon as the jade hand was raised, it was about to fight back!

At this moment, people in the three holy places could hardly believe what their eyes saw!

The space locked by a saint's lifelong strength" Mei Xueyan can break through? You can also fight back immediately! So what kind of amazing cultivation should this emperor have at present? Didn't you always call her "Ms. Mei" before? Why is there such an incredible and incomprehensible phenomenon?

But Mei Xueyan did not fight back in the end.

It's not too late to take action, but it's unnecessary! No need!

Because a strange figure appeared in front of Mei Xueyan, standing upright, blocking Ji Bowen's way!

With this person in front of Mei Xueyan, Mei Xueyan is confident that she will not have any strength to break through this person and hurt herself! That's how I believe it!

With the appearance of that man, the glory of dozens of black swords disappeared in a flash!

A pair of palms appeared out of thin air. In the space, it was instantly full of purple fog. The supernatural purple gas, rising, seemed to be full of the most mysterious "track of the way" between heaven and earth! As soon as Gu Han saw this purple gas, his face suddenly changed!

In this kind of purple gas, it clearly contains unlimited opportunities!

If you want to break through and go further, I'm afraid this will be the key to the key to the level!

After that, the front of these palms was blocked in front of the huge fingerprints condensed by Ji Bowen! It's like a turbulent flood." Suddenly, a towering mountain appeared!

Thunder hits the ground fire! Make a deafening sound like the collision of the sun and the moon!

The only person who can make Mei Xueyan so sure and have such strange things is the only one who can be evil!

Jun Moxie's cold face" his eyes shot out the brilliance of almost hysteria! When his lover's life was threatened, he suddenly appeared from the void, did not retreat, and fought hard with a sage!

"Ah nm~" Ji Bowen howled miserably. Before his body landed, he should fly backwards in the air. In front of and behind, dozens of bloody arrows shot!

The previous dozens of black swords were a total of 49 cold blades." At this moment, they passed through his body: Then, Jun Moxie's palms full of purple gas, and he patted it fiercely!

Under the impact of such a powerful and horrible impact, Ji Bowen was like a three-year-old child who was suddenly hit head-on by a running bull. It spewed out like a fountain of blood in the mouth, straight up to the sky more than ten feet high!

Jun Moxie's face on the opposite side inevitably showed a flush. He staggered back, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his back hit Mei Xueyan. Then he finally stopped, and then sat softly on the ground.

Ji Bowen has always been the strong man of the sage. Even if Jun Moxie can win a complete victory, it does not mean that he does not have to pay any price. In fact, Jun Moxie has continuously fought against the two sage kings, and the energy of the Hongjun Tower borrowed before has been completely exhausted! The meridians are in a disorder, and the internal and external injuries can no longer be suppressed, and finally they can't be supported!

But Jun Moxie's eyes still stared at Ji Bowen.

If he can still do it, then he will fight for the destruction of his soul and integrate with Hongjun Tower again! It is bound to completely crush this bureaucrats and raise his ashes!

With a soft cry, the blood of Yanhuang from behind Ji Bowen did not slow down, and it was mercilessly inserted straight into Ji Bowen's heart! Then it stopped there!

The blood of hot yellow flying at the speed of streamer, according to this speed trend, should completely pass through Ji Bowen's body, and there is no obstacle to clean up!

Because Ji Bowen's body can now be said to be defenseless, even the Jiuyou cold blade, which is far inferior to the blood of the fire and yellow, can penetrate it, not to mention the blood of the fire and yellow, which is sharper than countless times that of the cold blade?

But the truth is so mysterious and incredible!

The blood of Yanhuang obviously flew at an unparalleled ultra-high speed, but after inserting into Ji Bowen's body, it stopped flying! Stop in his body, stop in his muscles!