The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 454 The wind is coming!

What? Isn't this just pointing to the nose and saying that all of us have bad character? The level of this guy scolding people in circles is really not low! However, you are the man who overturned a boat with a pole. To arouse public indignation...

In an instant, the crowd is excited. They came out one after another.

Are you still of good character? If people like you have good character, then all the people below today will be saints! Gu Han looked at Jun Moxie unbalancedly, stared at him and gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you know what the word character means?"

"The character is very mysterious. I don't want to explain it to you nonsense." Jun Moxie waved his head and sat on the lounge chair like this. The lounge chair under him flew up lightly and took him into the interior of the heavenly punishment station.

"I dare to bet. You don't know what character is!, Gu Han spit everywhere and scolded loudly. Continue to go back to meditate!

It's a blow!

I was promoted from the saint to the third level of the saint. For more than a thousand years, countless lives, countless wanderings and the edge of life and death, countless dangerous deaths, and countless escapes from death!

But the boy was obviously only a saint's level of cultivation a few days ago. After a few days, he came out to sleep and passed the thunderstorm, and he could not see through his cultivation. That can only explain one thing: this boy's strength has officially surpassed himself!

Is there such an easy and enjoyable way to upgrade?

Gu Han was shocked and even more aggrieved!

Sleep, go to sleep, take a nap first to relieve your mood, at least you can't see and don't be upset.

It turns out that there is also "A Q" in this world. The existence of spirit!

However, the ancient saint is doomed to be disappointed!

Because it didn't stop all night, there was a fluctuation of heaven and earth, and then there was a disorder of heaven and earth. What if you can really fall asleep? As for adjusting your mood and so on, it's bullshit!

What's more outrageous is that it's the next morning. The color of fish white appeared at the beginning of the sky, and the extremely strong pressure of heaven and earth suddenly came. "The ancient cold, who was meditating and adjusting the breath, suddenly jumped up! Looking at the sky in horror, his two eyes almost bulged out.

Tianzhu Mountain has collapsed. Is the sky going to collapse now?

How can there be such a strong pressure? Even if it is the thunderstorm of the strong of the holy king, it is very difficult just in case. Gu Han himself is a third-level saint. Yesterday, he was lucky to witness the disaster of the young master of the king himself. It can roughly analyze the extent to which the fourth-level holy king will suffer thunder If you want to rise more than dozens of times to that extent, what's going on?!

How can there be such a terrible existence in the world!

Suddenly, a strange idea flashed in Gu Han's mind. Is it...

Everyone in the three holy places is now looking up at the dense dark clouds gradually accumulating in the sky. All of them panicked and inexplicably!

Robbery the cloud!

Countless clouds of disaster!

Endless clouds of disaster.

dense, layer by layer, overwhelming! A cluster of clusters... Cover the fish-white sky that has just appeared a little bit!

One after another, one giant one, slowly formed in the rotation of the clouds, indifferently staring at the ant-like human beings below!

"What's going on*..." Gu Han jumped up, like crazy, waving his hands. He shouted, "What the hell is going on*..."

It's really the possibility I imagined, and it's also the worst thing in front of me. It's really not the right time!

The ancient man has completely lost his temper!

No wonder the old man is so out of shape! This is really outrageous!

The eyes in the sky are dense, almost tens of thousands! The dark clouds are dense. The accumulation is rolling layer by layer, almost covering the top of the head!

Even with the experience of Gu Han for more than 3,000 years, he has never seen such a phenomenon!

Crossing the disaster...

It has never been just a matter of one person. From ancient times to now, it has rarely happened for two people to cross the disaster at the same time. As for more people to cross the disaster together, it has hardly happened!

The reason why it has hardly happened is that thousands of years ago, there was a superpower. In order to ensure that his son can survive the disaster safely, he arranged many masters to block the disaster for his son.

But no one expected that it was just a thunderstorm at the level of the venerable level. It was because someone intervened in the thunderstorm, which made the thunderstorm more and more powerful and more difficult to compete. In the end, the super suzerain even lost himself, and even lost the powerful force he founded, and failed to survive the thunderstorm

If it is just a person's robbery, no matter what level the man's strength has reached, even if he is the first young master of Jiuyou to reproduce in the world and cross the disaster in person, he may not have such a great momentum!

Such a situation in front of you. Obviously, it is not only the thunderstorm of one person or two people, but at least hundreds of thousands of people crossing the disaster at the same time...

The most obvious evidence is in the sky, and the infinitely ferocious one-eyed is the best proof. Heaven is a disaster, no matter how strong or weak, there is only one...

Gu Han was shocked and immediately raised his breath. Um, if you want to get up and look around the environment, I hope you can find a safer place to settle down. The thunderstorm in front of you is so amazing that the attack range is definitely not small. If the people of the three holy places are affected by the disaster, they are really innocent.

But as soon as the body rose to a height of five feet, it suddenly snorted and was smashed to the ground by the pressure of Tianwei! The power of tens of thousands of heavenly disasters actually oppresses a saint who can't jump!

Now Gu Han was really shocked!

These days, there is already great power before it comes down. If it really falls down... Don't say that those who are the first to cross the disaster, even if they are bystanders, may not be able to survive the disaster!

Looking at the scope covered by the thunderstorm, even if Tianzhu Mountain did not collapse due to the previous accident, it is bound to destroy the whole Tianzhu Mountain!

The people gathered here can be said to be the last one in Xuanxuan Continent, which can fight against the strength of alien races! If it is destroyed in one day, it will really be the Xuanxuan Continent!

Gu Han fell into hesitation for a moment, and was so anxious that he beat his chest and sighed repeatedly. There is no manner at all.

"Old, look over there!" It's really useless to sit on the ground. But he stretched out his hand vigorously. Point to the direction where the Heavenly Punishment Forest is located.

Don't look at Gu Han's foot pounding his chest and sighing. In the three holy places, except for this old man, no one can stand up at all.

As for the great suzerain of Mo Wudao, who only has the cultivation of the venerable, is even worse now. There is no atmosphere in the past. The image is lost. Under this unprecedented fear, everyone sat on the ground at the same time! If you are not crushed into five bodies, even if your cultivation is deep!

When Gu Han heard the words, he turned his head and saw that all the soldiers on the other side of the Tianpeni Forest Station were huddled together, closing their eyes one by one. He sat cross-legged with a solemn face.

It seems to be waiting for something to come...

"Is it because of all this in front of them?" Gu Han was stunned. He was stunned. Immediately, he was furious: "Bastard! Nonsense! How can you survive such a disaster! This is obviously a joke with a little life! Is everyone huddled together, waiting for the disaster to be bombarded into steamed buns? Do you really want to repeat the tragedy thousands of years ago? "Well. Look at the situation in front of you. It seems that... they have all broken through! But...but how is that possible? Everyone's cultivation is different at different levels. How can they survive the disaster at the same time? Did they all break through overnight last night?

Cheng Yin Xiao's cultivation is not very good in this group of people. Now he is tilted to the ground, and his face is full of disbelief.

The sky suddenly darkened, as if the night was coming again.

All the clouds are under pressure at the same time, and the dense electric light, with the trend visible to the naked eye, ran back and forth in the dark clouds, making a sound of thorns. It's like slowly sawing a person's bone with a blunt knife...

Gu Han suddenly stood on his hair. He was the only person present who could maintain a certain mobility. That is, he is the only one who has the opportunity to escape, but at this moment, he has fallen into a collapse, his belief has collapsed, and what he wants to protect in his life is about to collapse!

At this moment, a white shadow floated leisurely, folded lightly in the solemn air, and stopped steadily at a position of more than ten feet above the head of the heavenly punishment soldier, no longer moving and standing still. The white clothes are better than the snow, standing quietly in the air, motionless.

In the whole sky at this moment, there is not even half a breeze.

Silently like a constant picture scroll.

Except for the spontaneous flashing of a large number of electric lights, there is no other movement.

"Don't be evil! How can he still move? Can you still fly?" Gu Han stared at it and couldn't understand it anymore. I can only maintain a certain ability to move at most. Even if Jun Moxie is stronger than me at present, he can't be so strong, can he?

Is there still a turning point in this matter?!

In full view of the public, Master Jun raised his head and his black hair floated. But he saw that he quietly stretched out his hands, made a hugging gesture, and hugged to the sky.

"The wind is coming!

The almost ancient singing sound appears abruptly, extremely ethereal and extremely flexible.

The corners of Gu Han's mouth twitched.

This young master is so pretentious... It's really pretending to be home!


The wind is coming to you! Who do you think you are? Do you want to come as soon as you want? Do you really think you are a fairy?

And "the wind is coming..."?

Is it going to rain the next moment? Huh?

But at the next moment, even if Gu Han's eyes were wide open, he stared at those eyes like cow's eyes!

I almost didn't shoot out of my eyes!

Because, just after Master Jun said that sentence. In the originally stagnant sky, it was really...", suddenly there was a wind!

It's really windy!

The little wind blows up.

Blow up Jun Moxie's dark hair and blow his floating tidi.

At this moment, the image of Master Jun can only be described in four words: floating like a fairy.

Absolute, typical, floating!

"The wind is really coming..." The sound of "*..." in Gu Han's mouth was directly and completely petrified!