The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 456 Thousands of years of hegemony, eternal evil power!

Today's third update! Make up for the debt, Chapter 20! Completion of the arrears!! Starting from tomorrow, the outbreak will start to ask for tickets!

I've been owed to everyone, and I'm embarrassed to ask for tickets. This month, it's so miserable. Hehe... I hope it will start tomorrow, and everyone will support one or two! Thank you!)

Originally, this handwriting was unprecedentedly certain, but it may not be the end. Master Jun still has the ability to make the same big scene, or even a bigger scene, but today's embarrassment, Master Jun will not do it again!

As for others, even if they have this ability and resources, they may not be as wasteful as Master Jun!

So today's grandeur is unprecedented, and it is rare to reappear!

Three days later.

This unprecedented disaster, but like a farce, finally came to an end.

Jun Moxie stayed on it with five spines and six beasts. The bones all over my body are sore. At the moment when the disaster was announced to have completely stopped, he got into the Hongjun Tower with a "*..." sound. Whether it was bathing or sleeping, even the five girls who had a long time in private meetings, he would not show up anyway.

The thunderstorm has gone, but for the next half day, everyone's ears are still roaring.

It has been thundering for three days and three nights in a row, and it's not an ordinary thunder. It's a disaster...

Although everyone is generally used to it.

The huge handwriting shown by the young master here has naturally aroused widespread discussion.

Not only the three holy places, but also the heavenly punishment soldiers who have always admired their powerful brother-in-law are still inconceivable that they can get through the disaster so without any danger. They are amazed by the three piles and five groups.

Everything else may be fake, but the strength improvement brought about by the disaster is not fake in any case. Feeling the huge strength in the body, everyone has a sense of satisfaction.

This moment. The war spirit is unprecedented!

What is an alien? As long as we dare to come, we can kill them!

On the side of the different races, after three days of waiting. There is finally a movement.

After all, such a super luxurious lineup. But it is not generally visible.

Witnessing with my own eyes, I have personally experienced the magical power of Jun Moxie. Gu Han, the first person in the holy land, involuntarily raised his guilty thoughts from the bottom of his heart. This is not what normal human beings can do at all!

Or only the legendary gods have such a vast magic power!

Unfortunately, the Holy Land and Jun Mo Xie have always been at a bad relationship for a long time. Now there are more things that Xia Changtian and others stand by and lead to the tragic sacrifice of the heavenly punishment soldiers. The conflict between the two sides has gone to an irreconcilable point.

Otherwise, how much loss can be recovered for the Holy Land with Jun Moxie's hand? How many people can worry about the danger of the thunderstorm? What a mistake...

Just when Gu Han sighed sincerely and felt a little lost. Suddenly, there was a burst of floating in the air in the sky. This inexplicable fluctuation was mixed with the feeling of extreme danger.

The divine light flashed in Gu Han's eyes and shouted, "Who is coming?" A somewhat hoarse and strange voice in the air smiled and said, "Gu Han is worthy of Gu Han. This detached insight" is really nothing else. Old friend, it's been gone for another 500 years. How are you? *..."

Gu Han's pupils suddenly contracted and said word by word, "So it's you? *......”

"Ha ha ha... Of course it's me, not me, who else!" The air in the air is another strange fluctuation. Slowly, all the air in the air in the air began to produce the same fluctuation. It makes people confused at all. Where on earth is this man hiding?

"It seems that Tianzhu Mountain has collapsed, and we Shenri are not looking forward to it for more than a day or two. That's a whole ten thousand years of waiting! Now the Tianzhu landslide has also officially announced the beginning of the decline of the three holy places in Xuanxuan Continent. Brother Gu Han, we all met. I really can't bear to see the legend of a generation fall like this. You Xuanxuan mainland have a good saying that those who know the current affairs are handsome. "Can't you still see the general trend today? *..." The strange voice is still ethereal.

"Bullshit! What's the general trend *..." Gu Han said angrily, "If you aliens dare to come in, you are doomed not to think about going back alive!" This is the real trend! "Alas...*..." The voice seemed to be very disappointed and sighed, and said with melancholy, "Brother Gu Han, you were the same as when you first met 3,000 years ago. But it's a pity that your luck. But it's not as good as before...

He sighed deeply. He said, "Gu Han, do you still remember that when the Tianzhu Mountain battlefield had not been opened, there was a stone tablet at that time? What is recorded on it? Others either don't know or don't remember, but you should know it, right? *..."

"Stone tablet*..." Gu Han's face was stunned: "Stone tablet..."

The time mentioned by the ethereal voice. It's not even as long as Gu Han. It's a long time, and few people really know about it. Even if you know it, you may not remember it. However, among the most secret and oldest classics of the Heavenly Holy Palace, it has been recorded. On the old site of Tianzhu Mountain, a stone tablet was once erected.

That stone tablet was erected by the first young master of Jiuyou, the first man of Xuanxuan in those years. What is recorded above is a prophecy of the first young master of Jiuyou. But since Tianzhu Mountain suddenly collapsed halfway 8,000 years ago. The stone tablet also disappeared inexplicably.

The man who was invisible in mid-air sighed gently and said, "You human beings are really forgetful. No one can remember such an important thing, and even the head of the Heavenly Palace has been ignored. It's so pathetic."

"Nonsense! How can I forget, of course I remember. However, there is no obligation to tell you! Gu Han burst into flames. Thinking of the record on the stone tablet in my heart, I couldn't help sighing helplessly.

Is all this really God's will? Everything has been fixed for a long time?!

"Hehehe...*..." There was a stirring in the air, and the demonic voice slowly murmured: "Nine illusions are empty, and the quicksand becomes the wind; the pillar of heaven collapses, and the two sides compete for power; the three saints' war, ethereal shadow; suddenly a dream. Non-phantom and non-empty; thousands of years of hegemony, eternal evil power*..."

When the voice reads the inscription, it seems to be calm and with a little respect.

The ancient cold face is like dead ashes. That's right. This is the most secret record of the Heavenly Palace.

Unexpectedly, this alien really knows!

"Ancient cold. You don't have to be too surprised. Of course, I have known this content for a long time, but I haven't fully understood the meaning until now. The man in the air still said in a strange voice: "Of course, about the nine fantasy quicksand" I already knew it 3,000 years ago *..."

"What*..." Gu Han opened his eyes fiercely: "You know? How do you know *..."

"It doesn't matter! This is not the point! What really matters is the meaning of the content recorded in the stone tablet, do you understand? The voice sneered and said, "Gu Han, I believe that with your wisdom, you will not be unable to understand *..."

The ancient cold sweat is like rain. The voice suddenly hoarse and said, "Chuangshang North Island. You don't have to be so proud! Things may not be what you think. Everything is possible. Everything is not yet to the end*..."

And the man who speaks invisibility in the void is the contemporary leader of aliens and the first master of aliens! Chuangshang North Island, this person and Gu Han really know each other. The battle for three thousand years has been under the auspices and control of Gu Han and Chuangshang North Island.

The sound laughed, this time. But the two voices laughed at the same time. One is still gloomy and strange, while the other is a delicate smile like a silver bell.

"Nine illusions are empty. The smooth sand becomes the wind; the content described in these two sentences is very simple. The nine fantasy sand, which supports the immortality of Tianzhu Mountain for hundreds of millions of years, is gone because of some change. Therefore, Tianzhu Mountain collapsed because of it *..." The alien Chuangshang North Island smiled happily and explained patiently.

"The pillar of heaven fell down, competing for power on both sides. I don't need to explain this sentence, do I? As for the sentence "The field of the three saints, ethereal shadows" in the back, it is only to say, "Your three holy places will be destroyed."

The alien created Shangbei Island with a gloating smile and said, "As for a sudden dream, it is not fantasy or emptiness; in my understanding, this continent guarded by your three holy places has been ten thousand years, but it is still just a long-term dream! Since it is a dream, I will wake up sooner or later.

"Nonsense! Gu Han roared, and suddenly his body flashed like lightning, pounced into the void.

There were a few bangs, as if someone was slapped with Gu Han in the void, and then there was a series of violent fluctuations in the air.

The ancient cold fell to the ground, and the falcon-like eyes still looked at the air cautiously.

"Very good! It seems that you have been able to control my whereabouts. However, "this is still not enough *..." The voice in the sky changed and seemed to come from all directions.

Gu Han smiled sadly. He said, "That's right, it's not enough."

Once the other party changes the inherent way of hiding, Gu Han can no longer find it. Gu Han's cultivation is undoubtedly the first person in the three holy places, but he does not have the same insightful eyes like Qiao Ying, and is unable to understand the unique concealment of the alien race.

"Next, there is the last sentence... Chuangshang North Island in the void smiled more happily: "Gu Han. I have to say. It's really enjoyable to flirt with you like this every 500 years. I like this feeling very much and enjoy it*..."

Gu Han snorted and said, "But it's a pity that every battle is always the fastest for you to escape. If you can be as upright as human beings, I may look up at you*..."

"It's a pity that you are not qualified to make me like that*..." Chuangshang North Island giggled: "Then let's talk about this last sentence, the hegemony of thousands of years" eternal evil deeds, hahaha, it is clear that we Shenri clan can also occupy the long years of the mainland *..."

He smiled proudly: "You human beings have always called our Shenri clan an evil existence; our skills are naturally evil skills. Haha, this eternal evil skill must be the kung fu of our Shenri clan, right? At this point, we should not give in, and there is nothing wrong with the plan. Are you self-righteous guys willing to say that your Xuangong is evil?