The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 462 I don't need you to remind me of this!

"Disgusting?!" Gu Han was stunned when he heard the words, and then laughed in his voice, "This reason is very good. Their group is really disgusting! For this reason, they should be destroyed!"

Gu Han can cultivate the level of the sage, and naturally he will not be a fool. With his wisdom and experience accumulated for thousands of years, how can he not see the insincerity of Jun Moxie's words? But no matter what, any reason is always a secondary problem. Only now is Jun Moxie's undisguised murderous intention and hatred for aliens is the most important!

"In the future. If there is really no huge threat of aliens, and there are no three holy places, only the evil king's mansion and the heavenly punishment, you need to be cautious by yourself.

Gu Han's words have a little to explain the future, and he seems to be so focused on his words: "Don't be evil, don't think that only human beings can do evil, and don't think that in this world, only bad people can do evil!" Once a good person is evil, then the evil he does will be a great evil that bad people can't catch up with, great evil! Please remember this old man's words!"

"This statement makes sense! It can be said to be the truth!" Jun Moxie sighed from the bottom of his heart.

When a bad person does bad things, at least he will know clearly that what he has done is not a good thing, and there will be many scruples in his heart.

But if a good person does a bad thing as a good thing, the influence is huge! Because this matter is right and just in his heart! It's glorious! Driven by such thoughts, he has no scruples at all. He can use any means to improve the plan, do everything possible, and finally promote this matter!

And out of their trust in this "good man", almost all of them are unconditional assistance, blind obedience, helpers... At that time, what extent of huge damage will be caused in the end, in fact, no one can estimate!

Isn't there a best example of the three holy places in front of you!

If it hadn't been for Jun Moxie's birth and brought the last line of light to the world, or it would really be like the prophecy!

Sumsually a dream "not fantasy but not empty!

Ten Thousand Years of Huifeng" becomes a feast in one day!

Gu Han smiled bitterly. "His idea at this moment obviously went with Jun Moxie.

But he didn't say it, and Jun Moxie naturally wouldn't say it seriously.

Since the old man in front of him is determined to apologize with death, why mention the previous things?

Although a big mistake has been made, the starting point of good people and bad people is always very different. Why destroy the little dignity of good people? Especially the moment when I have realized my mistake and am determined to make up for it at all costs!

"If a man is about to die, his words will be good, and the bird will die, and his song will be the saddest. The last thing I want to remind you is that after that, you must restrain the heavenly punishment of the mysterious beast!"

Gu Han said heavily, "God punishes the mysterious beast, most of them are straightforward, and they don't have some human scheming." His personality is really cute; if you dare to fight and dare to rush, it can be said to be a selection of dead people! Anyone wants to have such a subordinate! And you have indeed obtained the loyality of the heavenly punishment, which no one can question!"

"However, because of this, the character of the mysterious beasts also means that they will be the most easily deceived. Once a theory is accepted, death will not change. This is your greatest success, but on the other hand, it is also the place you have to guard against. In the future, you will lose the restriction of the holy land, and the peak master of heavenly punishment will have to contact with human beings sooner or later. At that time, no one can tell what the consequences will be. I hope the lord will not misunderstand that the old man is alarmist here.

Gu Han's heart-of-centered words.

Jun Moxie lowered his head and pondered, "I can guarantee that they won't do anything too out of line until I leave this continent."

"Yes, you can guarantee it! I believe in you 100%! If you can't do it at all, it's not Jun Moxie. But what about after you?"

Gu Han asked, "You just said that sooner or later you will embark on the road that is the first young master of Jiuyou!" There is no limit to your previous journey. It is impossible for you to stay in this world and this continent for a long time. Or more than a hundred years later, or a thousand years later, "maybe even just in more than ten or twenty years, you will leave!"

"After you leave, who can really master the heavenly punishment?" Gu Han nodded to the team of Heavenly Punishment: "In order to cope with the current danger, you have raised the strength of Heavenly Punishment to an extremely horrible level! If a strong man with such strength loses your checks and balances, the whole continent may no longer be able to balance any of them! And you have cultivated more than 100,000! This continent may not sink because of aliens, because of your existence, but also because of your existence, it may turn the Xuanxuan Continent into the paradise of mysterious beasts!"

Jun Moxie's face was gloomy and he couldn't see any expression.

"If it is a more pessimistic idea... Human beings in this continent may be reduced to food or toys in the mouth of the heavenly punishment beast 1!!

Gu Hansenran said, "The heavenly punishment beast is very humane, and it is also affectionate and righteous, which no one can deny! But there is also one undeniable thing, that is, the ferocity that belongs to the "beast" in their bones still exists and will always exist! Their war-thirsty and bloodthirsty instincts are obvious!"

Jun Moxie's face is ugly.

"I say this" is not what I want you to do, but... just to remind you!" Gu Han said lightly, "If it really comes to that time..."... Oh, no matter what, I'm doomed not to see it anyway. Everything in the future has nothing to do with me.

Jun Moxie said indifferently, "Since you have seen through this point, isn't it even more meaningless to say this now!" His eyelids turned over and said, "Gu Han, what you said is really reasonable this time. In the future," these things are indeed likely to happen. But that's always the future! Who can really understand the future! It's too early for us to say this now!"

Gu Han smiled bitterly. From Jun Moxie's words, he could see the degree of Jun Moxie's love for the heavenly punishment of the mysterious beast! I'm afraid that in the heart of this evil monarch, the people in the world are really not as good as the heavenly punishment of the mysterious beast!

This matter is really strange to Gu Han. Jun Moxie is still a human in his bones, but why doesn't he have a minimum sense of identity with human beings? He really can't figure this out.

Zi is not a fish, naturally ignorant fish's pleasure!

"Well, I will press "No, I won't mention it, so that we won't be unhappy." Gu Han sighed helplessly.

"It doesn't matter. I have my own mind. No matter what you say or what anyone says, the possibility of changing my original intention is absolutely non-existent. Jun Moxie smiled and said, "So, you'd better save it and hurry up with everything that should be explained. Let's finish it."

The ancient cold made him roll his eyes. What do you mean by "explain all the things that should be explained in one go?" Even if I die in front of my eyes, I'm not there yet, am I? It seems to be like this. After getting angry, it seems like it's going to be over!

When talking to this boy, you really need to be prepared to be pissed off by him at any time!

"What do you think I'm doing?" Seeing that he stared at himself fiercely, Jun Moxie couldn't help but get up inexplicably and said, "I said ancient, but I didn't take the initiative to curse you to die, did I? It's you who said that you've lived enough and you're going to die. I'm respecting your opinion, so I didn't stop you. You're not happy. Besides, you also brought me here to listen to your nagging. "I want to listen to you." Nagging... Just nagging, but you don't say it now... What's the matter? I'm depressed!"

I'm depressed!

After listening to the last three words, Gu Han really felt this feeling in his heart. Are you still depressed? I'm so depressed that I can't speak.

"Forget it, I'm a person who is about to die, so I won't give you general knowledge!" Gu Han exhaled and wanted to end the argument.

"Yes, you also admit that you are going to die. That's what you said. I didn't say it!" Jun Moxie snorted, "What's the last words do you have? I still have a lot of things to do! Hurry up!"

Gu Han almost turned his back on his back. Damn it, even if I don't want to die, I guess I'll be pissed off by you bastard!

"Jun Moxie, you are too indifferent to life! Don't you think that even if our three holy places have done a lot of things wrong, they will fight fiercely and brilliantly in this last battle, and live up to the reputation of legend? Gu Han was depressed to death.

The ancient man said the final plan of the three holy places. In the final analysis, he still hopes to get Jun Moxie's heartfelt admiration. At least, there is a person in this world who understands the truth. Even if everyone in the world doesn't know it, we finally paid "at least" to have an evil monarch as a witness.

The only thing I want at the right time is to ask this evil monarch to give a compliment, that's all!

Because the current Jun Moxie is already a well-deserved peak figure in today's world!

I never thought that this boy could be so stingy! Don't say praise, don't even say a word of regret!

"How did you say that?! Even if you really die in battle, I still don't think your death is great.

" Jun Moxie pondered for a moment, and then said solemnly, "Gu Han, no one has ever forced you to come in this battle, has it? All of you seek benevolence and defend the glory in your hearts with your own lives! This is normal. Because I'm also here. To be honest, I don't have much confidence to believe that I will be able to return the blame alive, but so what? As long as you do what you should do, don't you have a clear conscience?