The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 464 Gu Han's Last Request

Jun Moxie said indifferently: ... Gu Han, ancient predecessor n I want you to remember, you must remember: from now on, I don't want to hear anyone say in front of me, "I want to die, these three words!" If so, I will fulfill his wish immediately! There is no need for him to find an alien to play with self-explosion. I can fulfill him immediately! Let him die without any pain. "It's definitely better than self-explosion, and you can leave a whole body!"

Jun Moxie slowly turned his back to Gu Han and said indifferently, "Or you haven't realized what a huge weakening effect such a sentence will have on the morale of your own army. Maybe you will think it's very tragic and sensational, and you will even be moved to tears! But for me, the person who said this at this moment is directly unforgivable! Thousands of knives can't atone for his sins, and the reincarnation of the world can't be blamed!"

"He was cuckolded by his wife and died. At best, he was the only one to die! But your death will indirectly bury my countless brothers! Hey hey, so many saints have committed suicide in despair. What's the use of us who are weaker? Does resistance make sense? Guess, will anyone think so? How many people will think so?!" Jun Mo said sarcastically, "Don't think that what I just said is insulting you and blaspheming your spirit. It's true that you are so reckless self-exploding. It's really not as good as those men whose wives come out of the wall with cuckolds to find someone to die desperately.

In my opinion, they at least have a little blood, but you don't even have that much blood! The so-called ten-thousand-year glory, the final glory, while you are trying your best to maintain it, you are also in your own hearts. "It's worse to treat these as bullshit!!"

Slowly took two steps" Jun Moxie raised his hand, gently knocked on the sealed space wall twice, and said faintly, "Ancient, you don't want me to forcibly break through your space to block out, will you?" "Please wait a moment! I have one last thing to do, please, Lord!" When Gu Han turned around, Jun Moxie was almost shocked. Gu Han's hair is all white in this short time!

When I first saw him, Gu Han still had dark hair, just like a middle-aged man. When we met on Tianzhu Mountain for the second time, Feng Han, who was greatly injured in vitality, was already gray, wrinkles appeared on his face, and the state of aging was obvious.

However, in just a few days, Gu Han's hair was completely white at this moment!

This generation of saints has been hit too hard in less than seven days!

First, the Tiansheng Palace, which had been guarded for two lifetimes, was suddenly destroyed, and the Tianzhu Mountain, which blocked both sides of the mainland, also collapsed. It is equivalent to the belief in my heart, which is suddenly taken out!

The whole person has almost turned into an empty shell!

But it's more than that! He was proud of his Xuangong all his life, and he suddenly slipped when he was about to break through the most important barrier! It slipped a lot!

If that's all, he can still hold on!

But then I learned that the ten-thousand-year guardian of the Holy Land and the 5,000-year battle for the sky, it turned out to be a huge mistake! This kind of blow completely defeated his spirit!

His only goal is to die, only death! Fight to the end with a foreigner.

But now he is told that such a way of death is just an escape, which is the most shameful cowardly act!

It's even worse than those men who have been cuckolded!

Gu Han collapsed! It's completely broken down!

His deep mysterious power completely collapsed at this moment, maintaining his face for thousands of years, and he withered in an instant!

But Jun Moxie always feels that there should be other reasons!

Neither Gu Han nor the legendary Wu Shanyun in the past should be so crisp and weak.

"Finally, I finally ask you for a personal matter." Gu Han was silent for a long time. It was not until Jun Moxie almost felt impatient that he turned around tremblingly, and there were tears in his eyes: "Please, be sure to take good care of Qiao Ying!"

Jun Moxie couldn't help but be silent.

"Qiao Ying is a poor girl. Hui's eyes made her, but it was also because of Hui's eyes. When she was young, she received the Tiansheng Palace by me. She spent thousands of years alone! Although she is old, her heart is only in the huā-like years of that year. The happiness that women in the world should enjoy, the affection of her husband and children... She has nothing! None of them! She has given everything so far for the Holy Land and the Battle of Heaven! Now, I entrust her to you." Gu Han looked at Jun Moxie, and his eyes were full of prayers.

"I hope you can take good care of her. If it is possible... If she is still alive after this war, I hope that she can find her own destination, find the place... her own happiness, the happiness of a woman!" Jun Moxie still kept silent.

Because he can hear that Gu Han's words have not been finished yet. There should be other explanations.

But Gu Han stopped, with a sad and sad expression.

"I'm curious that Qiao Ying has such things as yin and yang eyes. Except for the person closest to her, no one should know, and even the closest one she may not understand what she has.

Jun Moxie said lightly, "This kind of thing is not a rare thing. It is often said that the children of the family can see some strange things... As long as it takes a long time, this kind of innate vision will gradually disappear and disappear to everyone!"

He coughed and said, "Why was Du Du Qiaoying discovered by you? Is it really a coincidence?"

Gu Han's body trembled." He didn't say anything for a long time. His eyes looked into the air, and his dull eyes slowly turned red. He finally closed his eyes." In a desperate tone, he said in a dying tone, "Because Qiao Ying's father is not an ordinary person... She, the earth... She is my daughter!"

Although Jun Moxie has guessed something, he is still shocked by this sentence!

Gu Han's love for Qiao Ying and the reluctance just now. In addition, after Qiao Ying arrived at the heavenly punishment camp, the relaxation of Gu Han's mind made Jun Moxie feel unusual.

But he didn't expect that Qiao Ying would be Gu Han's daughter!

Because the age span between the two is too big!

"It has been difficult since ancient times. When I was in the heavenly palace in this world, I loved my wife and it had passed away for 200 years. Gu Han said bitterly, "For a period of time, I missed her day and night. I often dreamed back at midnight, alone on the top of the mountain alone, quietly recalling everything in the past." "But at that time, I found that it was because of the affectionate persistence of those days that my skills had made great progress, and the pass that I could not I spent it easily. Because at that time, there was nothing in my heart except my dead wife! On the contrary, the spiritual platform is clear, and the cultivation is advancing rapidly, extremely affectionate, extremely love, extremely heart..."

Jun Moxie sighed gently and almost guessed what he wanted to say next.

"After a thousand years, my heart has reached the end of a dry well. And his own strength also fell silent. For a long time, there was no sign of a breakthrough. At the beginning, I was not good at all. I just wanted to achieve success naturally, but after hundreds of years, I still maintained my original appearance. The old man remembered that he missed his deceased wife, but he could make a breakthrough in cultivation. But at that time, my wife had been dead for 1,500 years. Even if I barely recalled it, all the memories were so vague... Even, there would be no more sadness..." Gu Han said in a low voice.

"So you think that instead of this, it's better to enter the world again and break into love again?" Jun Moxie sighed, and he really didn't know whether to scold him or respect him.

This situation is not uncommon. Some people use the power of hatred to break through, some people use women's double cultivation to break through, and some people are simply murderous and bloodthirsty, ferocious breakthroughs. But one thing is for sure, no matter what you use, as long as you rely on external forces, you will not reach the real peak, especially this deliberate method!

Gu Han obviously intends to make a breakthrough with the help of emotional sinking.

This is not a surprising way to do it!

"That's right!" Gu Han nodded: "At that time, my husband practiced for two generations, and he was still more than 7,000 years old in the name of Gu Han, but because of his profound mysterious skills, coupled with his skills, he was only like 30 people. In addition, after the change of appearance, it is completely different from the original appearance. After going down the mountain, it took almost no effort to find the right candidate.

Gu Han took a sad breath and said, "I want to pursue the feeling of sadness. Naturally, I have found a girl who is not talented and can't practice mysterious power. I still remember that her name is Qiao Qingyi. She is a good girl in the middle of beauty and wisdom. But I was born weak..."

"Old man... old man..." Gu Han was almost speechless: "I have to fall in love with each other and give all my feelings," but I have to watch her disappear... This feeling is really..." "A few years later, she gave birth to a daughter for me, and her body is even weaker. After two years, the depression will be better. Serious, finally passed away from the world..." Gu Han's voice trembled: "Before she died, she grabbed my hand and said, no matter what, take good care of our daughter... Then she said a word and turned a blind eye! But her last words have made me feel heartbroken and guilty until now. "She said, I know you are a person with ability... I don't blame you.

I've been able to get along with you for the past few years. I'm very satisfied. I'm really satisfied. This life is enough..." Gu Han burst into tears and suddenly almost burst into tears!

Jun Moxie sighed deeply; she was another blue-hearted woman.

It's a pity that the beauty has been so lifeless since ancient times.

This ancient cold is also really cruel. And although his experience was made by himself, it was indeed miserable!

Although he got the feeling of breaking through what he needed, he would never get out of his life...