The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 466 The arrival of the army!

(Today's first update!)

With that, Jun Moxie pointed to Gu Han's hand that grabbed his skirt and shouted, "Let go!"

"What did you say? Just for fun?" Gu Han's eyes instantly became extremely dangerous. He stared at Jun Moxie's eyes like a needle. Jun Moxie stared back at him provocatively. There was a trace of coldness on the corners of his mouth, but Gu Han smiled in a blink of an eye. He let go of his hand and said easily, "Since you said, "Since you That's fun. Keep playing! A generation of evil monarchs want to play. What can I do if I'm going to die? What can I do if I don't accept my fate!"

Jun Moxie was stunned. He really didn't expect that he would answer like this. He couldn't help scolding, "Fuck you! What the hell are you talking about?! That's your daughter!"

"People's words, what's the matter, can't you understand?" Gu Han laughed.

"I have nothing to say now, and I won't continue to be angry with you here." Gu Han snorted and said, "One more thing, she is not my daughter. Please remember that never let her know that she is my daughter!" This is my last request to you!"

After Gu Han finished speaking, he suddenly released the space lock like this. Shi Shiran went out, and the two steps had reached the masters of the Holy Land. Although Xu Fa is already snow-white, his expression has become particularly relaxed!

His demeanor actually showed greatness again, and it seemed that he suddenly changed a person. Although he had not recovered to the height when Jun Moxie saw him at the beginning, he was also completely different from the previous decadence!

Whether it's right or wrong, the merits and demerits of a lifetime are all locked in the space just now, and you can talk clearly with Jun Moxie.

Even if it is wrong and guilty, it has guarded the mainland for ten thousand years!

Even if it's right, you have done too many things that are extremely wrong!

But now, all of this doesn't matter anymore!

The only important thing is the current battle.

What he said to Jun Moxie, it's just for fun." Gu Han sneered directly!

If the evil monarch is such an irresponsible person, Gu Han has to admit that he has made a look!

As he said before: No matter what you do, I don't know!

In the face of such a person who changes from extreme responsibility to extreme irresponsibility in only one second, Jun Moxie can't laugh or cry!

His grandma, what's the matter! What kind of person is this!

But Jun Moxie also knew that Gu Han's pain, guilt or shame just now, at the moment he walked out of this space lock, everything had returned to nothingness!

Because he has passed on everything here to himself!

Gu Han, really don't want to live anymore!

Similarly, the Holy Land will also be destined to turn into a phantom in this war, the existence in the annals of history! This is their only pursuit now, and it is also their biggest ideal now! I believe that even if Jun Moxie kneels down and begged them now, they will not change their minds.

Their hearts are dead!

Jun Moxie can't stop their death, not to mention that he didn't want to stop them!

As he said before, even if you want to die, you have to pay the greatest price!

This is Jun Moxie's only request.

This requirement is either cold-blooded, utilitarian, or cruel.

But" is the only request he can make!

Only in this way can it be of considerable positive value to this war!

Only in this way can we be responsible for Xuanxuan Continent!

If these masters play self-explosive when they only face some little minion, then the young master will really want to cry without tears!

Wartime men have to live freely: the hero of death!

I feel at ease and worthy of this life!

Even if it eventually turns into clouds and smoke, it is still a magnificent rosy glow!

This is called a man!

This is the name of a man!

This sentence is by no means limited to Jun Moxie's requirements for today's three holy places. It is also his requirements for all his subordinates and all soldiers of heavenly punishment, and what he requires of himself!

The rumbling sound in the distance suddenly sounded.

The support force from the heavenly punishment has finally arrived!

All flying mysterious beasts above level 7 are dispatched to transport troops at the same time. Although their strength is not good and they need to stop, they will eventually transport a large number of living forces at this critical moment.

When Jun Moxie passed by, Mei Xueyan was counting the troops.

Let's also tell Jun Moxie a good news: in addition to the combat strength of the Peng and the monkey clan, which are relatively weak, and are still on the way to come, the lions, leopards, eagles and wolves, a total of 20,000 soldiers of 5,000 per clan, have arrived at the station! The overstretched combat strength has been greatly relieved!

So far, the current total combat strength of the heavenly punishment has reached 34,000, and there are still 7,000 in the Holy Land. The total number of combatants who can fight on both sides is 41,000, and the lowest combat strength of all of them has also reached the level of Venerable, and all of them are ready for battle!

At noon, led by Gu Han, he led the personnel of the three holy places, including Mo Wudao, to divide the 7,000 combat forces into ten teams, and came to the Tianpene camp in an orderly manner. Qingshi accepted the unified dispatch command of Jun Mo Xie.

Jun Moxie did not refuse this move in the Holy Land and accepted it.

No matter what was dirty or how much hatred there was before, but at this moment, he is already a comrade-in-arms standing in the same trench.

The only exception was the five people who originally followed Xia Changtian, but they were unwilling to team up with the others in the Holy Land and still stayed outside alone. Even if Gu Han moved his feelings, understood his reason, and scolded things, they still did not change their original intention at all.

We will definitely participate in this catastrophe, but we will never be with you! We kill us, whether it's life or death, and you don't need to pay attention to it. Since you stand by and watch when we are sought revenge, why should I listen to you at this time?

Similarly, we will never accept any unified command, especially from the enemy...

Although they did not say this attitude clearly, their expressions and movements were clearly expressed.

In this regard, Jun Moxie directly ignored it. It even stopped those who were going to persuade. Whatever, you can do whatever you want. Even if you go to play self-harm and self-destruct now, no one will stop you. There will be a large-scale war of hundreds of thousands of people here at any time. It doesn't matter if there are more or fewer people!

Do you think someone will coax you if you lose your temper like this? I don't have that spare time!

The owner of the immortal palace... Or it should be said that when the former palace owner Mo Wudao came in, he looked gloomy and didn't say anything. He just stared at Jun Moxie, and his eyes seemed particularly complicated.

Unfortunately, Jun Moxie still doesn't pay attention to him. No matter how complicated his vision is, it has no more meaning to the current situation!

On the contrary, Jun Moxie said a few words enthusiastically to a garrison on the battlefield.

"Senior Leng Tong, I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't be all right."

Leng Tong smiled bitterly and couldn't help sighing: "Your lord, the speed is really the best in the ages! I admire you." The first thing he said in the ages is not Jun Moxie's movement speed, but his promotion speed.

Jun Moxie's promotion speed is really too evil. Even the first young man of Jiuyou in those years did not have such a speed. A young man who is less than 20 years old actually has the legendary level of the peak of the fourth level of the sage, which is the most incredible, not to mention that this teenager was three years ago, fundamentally He is still a prodigal son who can't even be regarded as a mysterious prodigal son!

Jun Moxie laughed and said sincerely, "Senior Leng Tong, you always want to thank you for the difference between right and wrong of that day. Thinking of the demeanor of the previous day, I miss it so far."

Leng Tong smiled and said, "How can it be? At that time, I was just pushing the boat along the water. I believe that even if I don't have that choice, you also have the ability to solve that crisis smoothly, and there will be no damage at all. Besides, at that time, you had the upper hand, hehe..."

"That being said, Jun Moxie owes you a favor after all." Jun Moxie smiled, and then his face became heavy. He slowly asked, "Will you act together with the Holy Land this time?"

This question is basically to ask if Leng Tong is determined to die on his arrival this time.

"Of course, it is my greatest honor to sprinkle blood here! It's also my lifelong wish!" Leng Tong said solemnly, "I have been practicing all my life, and what I want is nothing more than this battle!"

"Good!" Jun Moxie nodded slowly, sighed, and said, "Cold pupil, worthy of being a real man and a good man! In terms of wit and sophistry, running away from life, or the advancement of Xuanqi and the progress of martial arts, you are not as good as me. But if it comes to the difference between right and wrong, and this is free and easy, I'm not as good as you!"

This sentence is about to come out, and even Gu Han is moved by it.

Although Leng Tong's cultivation is not low, he is just a saint. Why can he get such a high praise from the evil monarch?

With the wisdom and experience accumulated over countless years, it can naturally be heard. The tone of Jun Moxie's words is sighing, which is absolutely sincere and has no congratulation.

Jun Moxie's words are not only a praise and admiration for Leng Tong, but also a summary of himself.

Only he is the one who understands himself. Jun Moxie clearly knows that there are too many weaknesses in him.

He is eccentric, self-centered, and extremely extreme.

Imagine that if I didn't have the existence of Hongjun Tower, an anti-sky cheater, in this world where the strong are respected and the fist clamp is the most reasonable, I'm afraid I don't know how many times I have died now!

If there is no Hongjun Tower, Jun Moxie believes that with his perseverance, in this year, he may have the opportunity to elevate his cultivation to the level of Dixuan, which is already an optimistic estimate. As for the peak level of the current four-level saint, even if he dismantles his bones and skins one by one and completely reorganizes them, it is impossible!

Even if you don't die, it is estimated that the height you can reach in your life will be entangled with Li Youran in Tianxiang Kingdom of Tianxiang City until the end of your life.