The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 487 Moving Rescuers

Back to Dazhai, Mei Xueyan and others only greeted the Marquis at the door.

An unprecedented victory, everyone was not only happy to win, but also had a lot of sadness. Moreover, "from this battle", we can see the toughness of the alien army, especially the fighting spirit of the battle, which makes everyone feel heavy.

Needless to say, if such an alien army really enters the interior of the mainland, then it is definitely not comparable to the ordinary army and so-called elites of various countries.

When they face ordinary soldiers on the mainland, they are bound to cause the same or even more serious effect when they face them!

It's simply a distant gap between heaven and earth, and there is no way to make up for it!

As for the number of alien armies obtained so far, at least more than one million, the disaster that such a strong army can cause will be immeasurable!

And now the most targeted way is to permanently block them here and not let them move forward!

But how to intercept it?

The only really effective means is to kill them, kill them all, and kill them!

It was night, and the horn sounded a night. The alien army, as many as millions of troops, marched at the same time and came a hundred miles in front of the mountain where Tianzhu Mountain collapsed, and then stopped moving forward!

"The number of their troops can be said to have an absolute advantage, and their fighting spirit is so tenacious. Why don't they attack immediately?" Looking at the dense and almost boundless alien army of the sea, Gu Han couldn't help gasped, and only felt bursts of scalp numbness.

But in my heart, new doubts are also rising at the same time.

Why don't you move with such a force and such a fighting spirit? Why don't you start a war?

It's just displayed like this, what's the use of it?

At this point, everyone in the big account is puzzled.

As for the young master, he is also the second monk at this moment, and he can't figure out what these guys are thinking.

He didn't know that the cause of this strange thing was precisely because of him.

It was precisely because Jun Moxie pretended to be a small force before that his unparalleled powerful idea really scared Chuangshang North Island and made him completely lose the confidence to win.

Now Chuangshang North Island has re-established a very clear assertion in its heart: if you want to conquer Xuanxuan Continent in an all-round way, you must kill the peerless strong man as soon as possible! If this person does not die, the mainland will be difficult to calm down!

Although this idea is fixed, it is difficult to implement it!

With the power of Shangshang North Island itself, he has no ability to get Jun Moxie at all. More importantly, he has already lost the confidence to defeat and kill Jun Moxie.

In the master's duel, confidence is the key to victory or defeat. Chuangshang North Island does not even have the most basic confidence, so naturally you have to hesitate!

Since even Chuangshang North Island, the first master of the alien race, is not confident to deal with Jun Moxie, does the alien race still have the ability to target the young master of Jun?

The case is for sure!

Chuangshang North Island is not left in the camp at this moment. He is running south with all his strength to ask for help.

Please move enough to deal with the "peerless strong man!"

With the strength of creating the North Island, it is all out of its way. Its speed is like the passage of a hurricane. In total, it is only two hours, and it has gone to the foot of a mountain thousands of miles away from the battlefield.

This mountain is surrounded by clouds and fog. In the residence of the Shenri people, it can be said to be an extremely rare beautiful water and green mountain.

But this mountain is particularly quiet, such an excellent place to find. "No aliens have chosen to settle here?

Chuangshang North Island quickly walked up the mountain along a winding path.

Chuangshang North Island had just reached the halfway up the mountain, and a voice floated down: "North Island, I have told you again and again before? I can't wait for three people to participate in the battle of heaven. Why are you here again today?

Chuangshang North Island heard the sound and immediately crawled down." He stopped supporting his hands on the ground, and even his forehead was attached to the ground. He said respectfully, "If there is no major change in the future of his family, how dares Beidao come to disturb the retreat of the three capable people?

At present, there is a peerless strong man who is unable to deal with by our generation, but this visit is a last resort. I hope the three capable people can forgive me.

"The enemy you can't deal with?" The voice said faintly, "How powerful is it? But did Gu Han, who is known as Xuanxuan's first person, break through the fourth level of the emperor?

Although his voice is indifferent, it also shows a trace of solemnness. In the whole Shenri clan, except for the three of them, Chuangshang North Island is already recognized as the first master of the alien race. Even if he wants to say so, it is obvious that his confidence has collapsed and he has no confidence to deal with the other party. It seems that the opponent he met this time is indeed the same.

The strong man who can make Chuangshang North Island have no confidence at all is naturally a master above the emperor. Although there are such a strong man as Xuanxuan, the number is also very small, so they can only get the first person in the holy land, Gu Han, and Xia Changtian Ji Bowen, the two second-level saints.

Among them, only Gu Han is the strongest. If he has successfully climbed to a higher level in the past 500 years, it is also reasonable. As for others other than these three, even if they can be promoted to the realm of the saint, it is impossible to threaten an old saint like Chuangshang North Island!

"This person is not Gu Han, nor is he any of Xia Changtian Ji Bowen. Well, I'm ashamed to say that Beidao still does not know the specific identity of the other strong man. We only had a battle of ideas 50 miles apart before, but we looked at each other, and the North Island was defeated. I'm ashamed that "North Island has really lost three capable people..." Chuangshang North Island's way.

"Isn't it ancient cold? Is there such a strong man in the Xuanxuan mainland? In that battle of divine thoughts, you only looked at each other? Another voice asked in surprise, "And it's 50 miles away?" Are you defeated all?"

"It's really not Gu Han. Beidao has met Gu Han before. Somehow, Gu Han's own cultivation does not advance but retreat. Now he only has the strength of the third level of the Holy King. If he fights head-on, Beidao is confident that he can defeat it without any effort, like "..."

Chuangshang North Island said in shame: "The man's spiritual power can be said to be incredibly powerful. After that glance, Beidao only felt that his mind was turbulent, annoyed and disgusted, and his mind was almost lost. Mr. Takahashi was glanced at by him, collapsed on the spot, and fell from the void wind..."

"It's just a glance, it's really just a um..." This time, the voices of three people came out at the same time, and the voices of the three people were full of caution.

At a distance of 50 miles of space, just a glance can make the Holy King's master lose his mind, and almost make a saint's master fall ghost... Such a strong spiritual power, even these three people will be ashamed of themselves, it's really good!

No wonder Chuangshang North Island is self-contained that he is by no means the opponent of this person. It seems that this is true. Chuangshang North Island is quite lucky to meet such a strong man and escape his life...

"This person can have such a terrible spiritual power. It's not an accident for you to lose to him this time." A man's voice said leisurely, "I don't expect that there is still such a strong man in the world. If you can fight with this person, it will be a great pleasure. Unfortunately, such a nose appears in the north of Tianzhu Mountain."

The other two also sighed at the same time.

Chuangshang North Island said, "Three mighty people, can't you help because this person is in the north of Tianzhu Mountain?" At this point, Chuangshang North Island is very confused. Why is this? As long as you have strength, where can't you go? Do the three predecessors only bear the supreme reputation of the power, but only nest in the territory of the Shenri clan to enjoy peace? But he refused to go to Xuanxuan Continent to create the infinite glory of his own race? What is this statement?

In the face of the questioning of Chuangshang North Island, the three of them were silent for a moment. One of them said, "It's not us who don't want to contribute to our own people. If that person enters the territory of the Shenri clan, we will naturally attack it. Even if the three of them join hands to kill it On the contrary, if he stays in the north of Tianzhu Mountain all the time, we can't do anything. Everything is powerless.

"Why is this?" Chuangshang North Island shouted, "Now Tianzhu Mountain is obviously gone!"

"The tangible Tianzhu Mountain has indeed collapsed. How do we know that the invisible Tianzhu Mountain barrier still exists. We refuse to take action. We are unwilling to take action, but we can't take action!" Another voice replied unusually seriously. In the voice, it is also mixed with indescribable grievance and anger, as if this is an inexplicable pain.

"Please give me some advice." Create a respectful road to the North Island.

"The beginning and end of this matter... I told you, and it's not impossible. Your current strength is about to reach that bottleneck. Once you break through, you will know. It's not a big deal to know it earlier. A heavy voice said slowly.

"Ten thousand years ago, the first young master of Jiuyou, the first person in the world, unified the whole Xuanxuan Continent with a strong attitude. Under the whole world, he was practicing the skills of the first young master of Jiuyou. And the first young master of Jiuyou was not satisfied with this and wanted to unify all the land under the sky. Because of this, he accidentally found the existence of our clan and killed it.

"Ah? It turns out that the first young master of Jiuyou has ever been to our side? Later..." Chuangshang North Island was a surprise.

Why is this matter not recorded in the history books of all dynasties? Even if it's a legend, it's not a little bit? How can there be no record of such sensational historical facts?

"At that time, my Shenri clan was still in the stage of development. Ru Mao drank blood and was naked. The original intention of the first young master of Jiuyou was also to bring our Shenri clan under his rule, but after seeing our people, he was furious. The old voice narrated slowly.

"Fury? What on earth is he angry about? Chuangshang North Island is puzzled.

"Because... Jiuyou's first young master said we were disgusting at the first sight of us..." The voice was obviously a little angry, and the silent air agitated inexplicably: "At that time, Jiuyou's first young master said, what qualifications does such a disgusting race have to be under my rule! Moreover, that bastard is so cruel that he actually wants to destroy our Shenri clan..."