The soldiers of another world

Chapter 156 Chapter 157 Under the City

After Ye Feng killed the enemy commander, he did not stay much. Continue to the next battle site. With the death of its own commander, the troops of the Tianma Empire could not form an effective attack. Only passive defense. With the passage of time, even passive defense has begun to become a little difficult. Finally, the soldiers who were fighting outside found something wrong. It's been so long. The commander didn't even issue any instructions. When many people took time to look at the position of commander, they found that the commander who should have stood there did not know when he fell to the ground. A long gun stood on their commander's body like a flag. Seeing this, many people can't believe it. The commander who was just organizing their defense counterattack was killed in a moment. And because they saw the death of their officers, many soldiers' brains suddenly did not react. He was killed by the mountain thieves opposite them. Until they died, their eyes were full of puzzlement. Why, why did the commander die? Isn't he in the innermost part?

Anyway, the commander is dead. And his death also caused many people to lose their lives in an instant. But this is not the most important yet. The most important thing is the loss of unified coordination and command. The armies of the Tianma Empire can only fight separately. In this way, the party that originally had an advantage was surrounded by the party whose number was less than them. The scene is really strange. When the division and enclosure is completed, the next thing will be well expected. Ye Feng took his men to clean up one by one. The starting speed is still a little slow. However, as more and more places were cleared, their speed began to accelerate slowly. Wait until the last soldier of the Tianma Empire is strangled. It was only one hour before they launched the attack. In this hour, 3,000 Tianma Empires were killed here. Of course. The mountain thieves are not much better. The number of people is at a disadvantage. Moreover, the combat effectiveness is not as strong as that of the imperial army. If it hadn't been for Ye Feng and other people everywhere to put out the fire. Today's failure must be on the side of the mountain thief. Of course, there are not so many ifs. The end result is that they won.

The battlefield after the fight seems very quiet. No cheers. There is really no cheer. Many people stared at the weapons in their hands, and then looked at the soldiers of the Tianma Empire who had fallen on the ground without breathing. The surprise and shock in the eyes are getting stronger and stronger. They can't believe that they really did it themselves. These people really destroyed a regular army of the empire. Is this...true? Many people ask themselves this in their own hearts.

"Mr. Ye. What should we do next?" Obviously, this scene did not bring much shock to the black wind. But his eyebrows frowned slightly when he saw the bodies of these imperial soldiers on the ground. A little unbearable flashed in his eyes.

"Let everyone take off the clothes of these imperial soldiers and wash them all, and then let them put them on. As for these bodies... find a place to bury them." Ye Feng looked at the bodies all over the ground. I can't help frowning.

"I understand." Heifeng did not ask Ye Feng what he wanted to do. After Ye Feng finished speaking, he retreated. One by one, people will be awakened by people who are still immersed in dreams. Then, he began to assign the tasks ordered by Ye Feng.

Captain. Next, you don't have to use these people's clothes to pretend to be their people. Did you get a surprise attack?" * I tidied up my clothes. Looking at Ye Feng, he said.

"Of course not. Since the enemy sent these people to destroy us. They must be the closest troops here. And if we put on their clothes. The enemy must be able to recognize it at once. Or, the enemy wants us to wear their clothes to do some damage. However, since they gave us such a big gift. If we don't answer, it's really a little hard to say. Let these mountain thieves change all their clothes first. Don't wash, never wash. Just wear these bloody clothes. There are not many people. Five hundred people is enough. Ye Feng stared at the mountain thieves who were taking off their clothes and said.

"Okay." *Although he has long given up the idea of guessing Ye Feng's thoughts. However, many times he still can't help thinking about such things. If you change your own words. What will you do? Then * a very sad discovery. I will definitely ask my men to change into the clothes of these soldiers and then make a big attack. But Ye Feng actually rejected this method. Or, he has more far-reaching considerations. *I gave up again.

Let the mountain thieves who were taking off their clothes from the soldiers who died in battle stop their hands. * I told Ye Feng's words to them again. Then he left. Take your team members to clean up the blood stains on their bodies. They didn't bring an extra set of clothes or anything when they came out. Until now, they only have one such a dress. If you don't wash off the blood stains from your clothes as soon as possible. When the blood stains dry. It's hard to wash it off.

"Mr. Ye. It's all done according to your instructions. What are we going to do next? The black wind came to Ye Feng again. He didn't know why Ye Feng suddenly stopped them from washing the blood stains on the soldiers' clothes again.

"Very good. Let everyone rest for half an hour. Then, you pick out five or three hundred people to wear those blood-stained clothes. With them. The troops pretending to be defeated fled to the nearest city. Do you understand?" Ye Feng said slowly.

"I know." The black wind is even more puzzled. According to Ye Feng's trend, he should be prepared to use these mountain thieves to pretend to be these soldiers, and then take the opportunity to sneak into the heavily guarded city and give the enemy a surprise attack. However, why are there only more than 300 people, even if they add *, there are only more than 600. Even if this person goes in, he can't play any role. Such defeated troops are usually assigned to a place to wait for the order of the military headquarters. At this time, they are very closely guarded. Any excessive move will bring unimaginable consequences. As for why there is such treatment. The purpose is to prevent the enemy from planting some spies in the defeated army when they are defeated.

"What are you still standing here for? Why don't you go?" Ye Feng turned around and saw that the black wind was still standing there and bowing his head to meditate. It's funny to say.

"Oh. I know." Heifeng found that he didn't know what Ye Feng was going to do. I can only put away the thoughts in my heart. Go and prepare as Ye Feng said.

"*, you came back... You didn't go to do the laundry just now, did you?" Ye Feng saw * and others return to the crowd. I was about to call them over to prepare for the next thing. I didn't know that the words were not finished yet. I saw that their bodies were a little wet. It didn't rain today, and Ye Feng suddenly remembered what they were going to do.

"Yes. This is the only dress. If the blood stains on your body are not washed off, it will be difficult to wash them off when they are dry. But then again. Captain, why do you charge forward every time? But there is no blood stain on the body?" *Look at Ye Feng doubtfully. To be precise, it's the dress on Ye Feng's body. * Every time they see that Ye Feng is definitely more ferocious than them. But why is there no blood on Ye Feng's clothes? If Ye Feng used to wash it off when they didn't know it. But what about today? They went to clean up as soon as the battle was over. There was no wet trace on Ye Feng's body. What the hell is going on?

"Let's not talk about this, I said, why are you so active in washing clothes?" * in front of Ye Feng, he cleverly avoided this question. He couldn't tell him that he tried to hide far enough every time he killed.


"Wait a minute, you will take them and the 300 mountain thieves selected by the black wind to change into those blood-stained military uniforms to carry out the task. You washed your clothes so early now. You don't have to wash it again then. Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders. He said helplessly.

"Captain, aren't you cheating? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why don't you change someone else? *This is really surprising. The clothes I just wore were washed in vain.

"I'd like to tell you. But you disappeared after you spread the message for me. I want to tell you that you also have to find someone. Moreover, you are the main force of this mission. At that time, you will need your combat effectiveness to cooperate, if you change others. I'm afraid there is no way to succeed in this mission. Ye Feng said solemnly.

"Well. All right. At worst, just wash the clothes again." * Hearing Ye Feng's tone of speech, he knew that Ye Feng did not joke with them. The task they are going to carry out this time is certainly quite important. Therefore, he also answered Ye Feng half jokingly.

"Very good. You guys take a break. When the time comes. You change your clothes immediately. By the way, we will follow you then. But in order to avoid being discovered by the enemy. We won't be too close to you. If something happens to you, remember to delay as much as possible. Do you understand?" Ye Feng ordered again.

"I see. But, captain, what is the task this time? Now, * still doesn't understand what Ye Feng is going to do this time.

"Ha ha. The enemy should have made two preparations. If their attack is successful. Then they should be out of the next preparation. However, if their attack fails. I think they must have been waiting for us in the Acropolis. Waiting for us to wear the clothes of these fallen soldiers and want to sneak in, as long as we appear under the Acropolis. Well. What awaits us will be ambush on all sides. And you are the bait for this mission. Your task is to lure out all these ambers. We will then eliminate all these ambers. You just need to hold on a little longer. Of course, if you can't do it, break out. As long as you are alive, there will be opportunities. Ye Feng explained the task in detail.

"But what if they let us into the city?" *I know that Ye Feng will never think less about things. But he couldn't help asking.

"No. I guess they will definitely be identified by people familiar with us and this unit above the gate. Once it is found that it is not their original unit. And I recognize you. They dare not take this risk. That's the Acropolis. There can't be any mistakes." Ye Feng said confidently.

"People who know us? You mean..." * After thinking for a while, I understood who Ye Feng was talking about.

"That's right, it's Li Hu. According to what he knows about you. He absolutely dares not let you in. If it's not good. The Acropolis is about to be lost. He can't bear this responsibility. All right. Go get ready." Ye Feng said.

"All's good." *Ggle. I took my brothers to get ready.