The soldiers of another world

Chapter 268 Xingangjing

Three days later, dozens of meters away from the edge of the bloody desert, Ye Feng was sitting there at this moment. There is a lot of invisible energy around Ye Feng. These energies slowly swam around Ye Feng's body, forming a spiral. And Ye Feng is in this spiral package.

On the first day, after Ye Feng escaped from the bloody desert, he was very glad that he did not go deep into the desert. If Ye Feng walks to the center of the bloody desert and then begins to practice, then Ye Feng has become a member of this huge bloody desert at this moment. On that day, Ye Feng tried her best and finally sent out the vitality of the mysterious force inhaled inside the body. Then it condensed into a dark red wing behind it. It was at that time that Ye Feng regained control of the vitality inside the body. As soon as Ye Feng found that he could control the vitality inside his body, he ran out of the desert without hesitation.

Just kidding, don't leave when you can control it now. What if you can't control it again? Is it possible to emit as much as you keep sucking in? Not to mention whether it can be emitted like this in the end, it's okay, Ye Feng's body can't support it for so long. Even if you are hungry, you will starve Ye Feng to death. Ye Feng left quickly.


, Ye Feng found a strange phenomenon. It seems that there is no problem with flying on the ground close to the desert. However, as long as it rises a little, Ye Feng's feeling of approaching the bloody desert in the air will come back. Fortunately, Ye Feng is not too high. There is no danger. When Ye Fengfei was bleeding in the desert, he carefully observed the situation in his body. Suddenly, he smiled bitterly. There is no big problem with Ye Feng's body. The vitality in the body has not decreased. The same has not increased. What scared Ye Feng was. When Ye Feng carefully examined the veins in the body, he found that many veins had already cracked. If Ye Feng exudes the vitality in her body later, these veins will burst in less than a while. At that time, Ye Feng will really die.

Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief. His current situation is a great blessing in his misfortune. The strength has not been improved, and there will be opportunities in the future. But if people are finished. Then there is nothing left. Ye Feng looked at the vast desert in front of him. For a moment, my heart was full of fear. According to Ye Feng's memory, he has just entered the desert only a few hundred meters away. But at such a distance, Ye Feng almost killed herself when she practiced. Not to mention practicing in the center of this desert. According to Ye Bei, the central area of this desert is the main battlefield of the two sides. The area that Ye Feng has just entered is just a warring border. Even if that's the case, it's not what Ye Feng can bear now.

Ye Feng did not dare to continue to practice in this desert, and now he can't practice like this. Ye Feng sat down and began to repair the injury of the muscles and veins in his body. This sitting is two days. When Ye Feng stood up again, the veins in his body also recovered as before. Faintly, Ye Feng even felt that her veins had become much stronger than before.

Ye Feng looked at the nearby desert and stepped in again with one foot. However, this time Ye Feng did not go deep. Instead, he sat down to practice less than one meter from the boundary. After practicing there for an hour, Ye Feng opened his eyes. Then continue to walk a distance of one meter. Ye Feng found that there would be times when he could not control the vitality in his body when he practiced on the periphery of the desert. But it's much better than the situation at the beginning. The closer to the periphery, the weaker the feeling. After feeling that he could easily control the vitality in his body, Ye Feng continued to move forward. He wants to find a critical place. That is to say, where his own control can be equal to the uncontrolled power of the outside world. That is Ye Feng's best practice site.

Ye Feng groped towards the interior of the desert in this way. He didn't stop until he reached about ten meters away from the border. This is the most suitable place that Ye Feng can find. Here, Ye Feng has to do his best to compete with the uncontrolled power of the outside world. And there should be no laxity, otherwise Ye Feng will lose control of the vitality in the body. A little sweat appeared on Ye Feng's forehead. It's just a time for him to come here and sit down. But this is the time of incense. Ye Feng feels like a year has passed. There is more and more sweat on Ye Feng's forehead. It has even flowed down his cheeks and dripped on the dark red wilderness. But Ye Feng still gritted his teeth and persisted. After a quarter of an hour, Ye Feng opened his eyes. He rushed out without looking back.

"That's awesome... Huh..." Ye Feng lay on the grass. A trace of apprehens flashed in his eyes. Just now, he insisted desperately, but he insisted on the theory for less than two columns of incense. And if he hadn't left quickly, he might have been controlled by the peripheral force again. At this moment, Ye Feng can't even lift a trace of strength. The whole body is sore and weak. But Ye Feng was very happy. Because in that short time, Ye Feng's strength has been significantly improved. Ye Feng estimated that as long as he continued to practice there for a few days. He will break through to the eightfold realm of heaven. Then, he will continue to move towards the depths. Seek opportunities to continue to break through. After Ye Feng recovered, he once again entered the bloody desert.

Ye Feng is practicing lifeless in the bloody desert. But except for the bloody desert, practitioners of the whole continent are very puzzled. Because Ye Feng hasn't appeared for a long time. They didn't know what Ye Feng was thinking. He suddenly appeared and then disappeared. What is this? However, dissatisfaction is the result of dissatisfaction. But no one gave up looking for Ye Feng's whereabouts. Ye Feng appeared, which proved that Ye Feng was not dead, let alone caught by anyone. In this way, everyone has a chance. Because of Ye Feng's appearance, the continent, which had been calmed down, once again set off a wave of searching for Ye Feng.

However, what makes many people helpless is. Ye Feng disappeared again. Same as last time. After Ye Feng disappeared this time, no one could find him anywhere. And many people simply don't go to Ye Feng. Most people are waiting in some smaller cities. They felt that since Ye Feng would suddenly appear in a small city last time, she might do the same after disappearing this time. Therefore, many people are waiting in various cities where they think that Ye Feng may appear. Be prepared to wait for Ye Feng to appear. However, this time they are waiting for four months.

Four months later, Ye Feng's figure has come to the distance he entered when he came to the bloody desert on the first day. It took Ye Feng four months to get here. Moreover, looking at Ye Feng's pale face, it can be seen that Ye Feng is still a little reluctant to come here at this moment. Sure enough, after a moment, Ye Feng swept towards the periphery again. Since Ye Feng can walk here, why don't he just retreat a little and leave the desert? Ye Feng hasn't tried it. Ye Feng can't hold on again, and he doesn't want to run out after every practice. So Ye Feng retreated a little. That place is no longer a threat to Ye Feng. But this idea almost killed Ye Feng. Ye Feng's idea is not wrong. But that is on the premise that Ye Feng's own strength remains at its best. At this time, those safe distances are safe. However, Ye Feng has practiced to the point where he can't continue to practice. At this time, he will not leave the desert but continue to stay here, even if he does not practice. The vitality inside the body will still be controlled. Fortunately, Ye Feng left as soon as he felt something was wrong. Otherwise, when the remaining vitality in the body is controlled, Ye Feng will experience the pain at the beginning again.

"We should be able to break through to the star realm tomorrow." Ye Feng lay on the grass again. Although the vitality in his veins is pitiful at this moment. But Ye Feng knew that after he recovered. The vitality in the body will be like a rushing river and sea. In just four months, Ye Feng's strength has broken through to the ninth peak of Tianangjing. It's only one step away from entering the star realm. Ye Feng just tried to see if he could break through in one breath. But he failed. Ye Feng decided to have a good rest today. Tomorrow, we will break through to the star realm in one fell swoop.

The next day, Ye Feng was not in a hurry to enter the desert to practice. It is much more difficult to break through the Xingang realm than the small realm in Tianang, and Ye Feng also knows this. In order to break through at one stroke, Ye Feng must adjust his state to the best. Ye Feng began to practice on the grass like this. With Ye Feng's cultivation, the vitality in his body also flowed in the veins over and over again. Feel the abundant vitality in the veins. Ye Feng knew that he was not far from breaking through. Opening his eyes, Ye Feng couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth. Then, the whole person swept towards the desert.

This time, Ye Feng did not choose the limit area he could control to break through. This time he wants to break through, not practice. If you choose the extreme area, if you don't control it well, you will not only have no way to break through, but even lose your life. Moreover, even if the breakthrough is successful, Ye Feng, who has just broken through, cannot fully control the new power in his body. If it is controlled by external forces. What's the use of breaking through? Therefore, Ye Feng did not enter the area yesterday. Instead, choose to be about 100 meters away from the desert boundary. That's enough.

After Ye Feng sat down cross-legged. Take a few deep breaths. Then, close your eyes. Entered the process of cultivation. As usual. As soon as Ye Feng entered the practice, the unknown energy began to gather around his body. This time, Ye Feng did not inhale this energy into his body. Ye Feng is just gathering. The ability he needs to break through is not a small number. Therefore, Ye Feng was not in a hurry to inhale this energy into his body. Instead, it is converging. When these abilities converge to a certain extent, it will be the beginning of Ye Feng's breakthrough.

As time goes by, the energy around Ye Feng gathers more and more. Because these energies are too concentrated, the previously invisible energy has become a kind of gray around Ye Feng at this moment. And as Ye Feng continued to practice. Gray is constantly changing towards black. Looking from afar, there seemed to be a black whirlwind around Ye Feng's body. Suddenly, this black whirlwind seems to have found a vent. He quickly penetrated into Ye Feng's body. Because the energy is too concentrated, and the speed of pouring into Ye Feng's body is too fast. Ye Feng's whole body was full of blood. And as black energy continued to pour in, the surface of Ye Feng's body had been covered with blood. Seeing that it continues, Ye Feng will lose too much blood and die. But at this time, Ye Feng's eyes suddenly opened, and then opened his mouth, and the remaining energy was sucked into his body by Ye Feng. And Ye Feng's eyes also flashed a trace of joy after the energy disappeared. He finally broke through to the star realm.