The soldiers of another world

Chapter 286 Disaster

If it weren't for the spirit beast in the field, it would have been changed. Ye Feng probably thought that he had suddenly returned to the time when he had just come to the Xuanwu Continent. Because aside, he actually saw all the people Ye Feng saw now. One of them was the Yin Eleven that Ye Feng and Zhu Junming met at the beginning. And this time, Yin Eleven was still surrounded by the six disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect. However, unlike the beginning, Ye Feng did not have Zhu Junming around him, and this time Yin Eleven did not face three scorpion-tailed tigers. But... a dog.

Ye Feng is not wrong. He is indeed not a wolf or a jackal. What is really a dog. It's just that this dog is relatively large. From the distance of Ye Feng, it is at least comparable to a cow. The dog is covered with snow-white hair. A pair of eyes are full of blood. Full of angry eyes, staring at the Yin Eleven facing him. Ye Feng took a closer look. Under the cover of snow-white hair, the dog's abdomen kept dripping blood. Obviously, he was injured. However, this did not make it flinched. Instead, it aroused its fierceness even more.

The big white dog's mouth opened slightly, revealing its sharp teeth, and it kept roaring at Yin Eleven. Its two front paws were digging on the ground from time to time, as if it was ready to launch an attack.

In the face of the demonstration of the big white dog, Yin Eleven did not look afraid at all. Instead, he said with a smile, "You don't have to pretend. If you are not injured, we are really not your opponents. But you have been injured now, and your strength has been greatly reduced. I advise you not to resist. Go back with me. I can not only cure your injury. It can take your strength further. There is nothing to hesitate about this kind of good thing. You'd better be good and let us take you back."

"Roar..." Ye Feng heard this cry again. This time, he was sure that it was the big white dog that made the sound. But the dog's barking is not like this. After practicing, even the cry has changed. Although Ye Feng wondered why the dog's bark was different from that of ordinary dogs, he still heard that the sound was full of anger and hatred. Ye Feng guessed that the wound on the dog should also be done by Yin Eleven. Otherwise, the dog would not be so angry.

"Hmm... I don't know what's good or not. Do it, take the hook net and net it. As long as I don't die, I can save it. Yin Eleven's face suddenly changed, and he also heard the anger and hatred in the roar of the big dog. I know it won't agree with me. In this case, there is no need for him to talk nonsense with it. Immediately ordered the six disciples of the Yin Corpse sect around the white dog to throw the net in their hands at it.

The nets held by these disciples are not the kind that ordinary hunters catch beasts. These nets are made of good cow tendons. After weaving, these nets cannot be used immediately. They must be soaked in special potions for a period of time before they can be used. The biggest feature of this net is that it will become tighter and tighter after absorbing water. In order to match this characteristic, the people of the corpse sect have placed an iron hook half the size of a palm at the net knot. In this way, as long as the target is caught and the target struggles in the net, it will be deeply pierced into the body by these iron hooks attached to the net. Moreover, the blood flowing from the wound will be absorbed by the outer net, and then the large net that absorbs blood will become tighter and tighter, so that the iron hook will become deeper and deeper, and more and more blood will flow out. As long as you are caught by this net, you can't move at all. Otherwise, you will not only not break this big net, but also seriously hurt yourself. At this time, a total of six nets, which were much smaller than the body of the big white dog, came down from all directions towards the big white dog.

The big white dog may not know what damage these big nets will do to him. Maybe it doesn't care about these networks that don't look very big. It's standing there. He didn't care about the big nets that were about to cover him. Instead, he raised its head slightly and opened its mouth. Just as it opened its mouth, the six nets had covered its body. However, as long as you look carefully, you will find that the six nets cover the body of the big white dog, but they are not directly relieved of his body. Because there is a faint white halo between the net and its body. It is this halo of the same color as the hair on the surface of the white dog's body, blocking these six difficult nets.

"No, he's going to work hard..." Yin Eleven secretly shouted bad. When he saw the ferocity flashed in the big white dog's eyes, his heart was full of alarm. Hurry back. After his bad sound, the six people around the big dog also scattered and fled.

"Is this the attack method of spirit beasts?" Ye Feng didn't run. He was already far away from there. Even if he wanted to run, there was still time. Moreover, the big dog's attack will not come at him. There is no danger. Of course, Ye Feng will stay and take a good look at how the spirit beast attacked.

After the big dog opened its blood basin, Ye Feng felt that the air around him was constantly gathering towards the big dog. To be precise, it gathered towards its open mouth. From Ye Feng's perspective, the open mouth is like a bottomless abyss at this moment. Countless air with fallen leaves like small rivers, all converging towards the big mouth. Ye Feng didn't know how the big dog did this. He doesn't know how much air it can gather. However, he knew that after preparing for such a long time, this attack must not be small.

It seems very long, but when the big dog stopped absorbing air, they had just started their bodies and were ready to evacuate. At this time, the big mouth of the big white dog had been closed. It looked at the retreating Yin Eleven and others, and a trace of disdain flashed in its eyes. Then, in Yin Eleven's puzzled eyes, the big white dog turned his head slightly and made his long-term attack in the other direction.

The big dog opened its mouth slightly, and then attacked in that direction. So much air absorbed by the big dog has been compressed to an extreme by the big dog at this moment, although there is still no form. However, when this compressed air came out of its mouth, it flew in that direction like a shell out of the barrel. The shell passed over the ground, and a deep trace was plowed on the ground under the shell. Above the attack range of the big dog, there happened to be a disciple of the corpse sect.

The strength of this disciple is not weak, but it should be compared with whom. In the face of ordinary people, he is a master. However, in the face of this big white dog, he is just an ordinary person. He wants to run. But the shells coming at him seem to have blocked all the space around him. He can't make any movement at all. He didn't even have time to scream, and the disciple of the corpse sect was torn by the attack from the big dog.

The scene is bloody. But for the people of the corpse sect. Although this kind of scene is not often seen, it will not be stunned by this kind of scene. However, the other person is different. This person is Ye Feng. Ye Feng always thought he was safe. But sometimes it's dangerous to watch the bustle. For example, Ye Feng's current position is just in a straight line with the disciple of the newly dead corpse sect. The disciple of the Yin Corpse Sect is dead, but the attack of the white dog is not over yet. After tearing the disciple of the corpse sect, the attack continued to advance with endless power. All the trees blocking the shell attack route along the way were broken by invisible shells. At this time, Ye Feng also felt the feeling that the disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect were blocked around before the attack.

"Daw, fight." Ye Feng complained loudly in his heart. But complaining can't save him. Now the most important thing is to escape from the attack route of this invisible shell, otherwise, Ye Feng will be killed by this attack. At this time, Ye Feng didn't care about hiding his figure. The dark red red light immediately spread all over his body. Ye Feng's knees were bent, and then his whole body jumped up vigorically. With the strength of his legs, Ye Feng finally got rid of the covering range of invisible shell attack. As soon as he left the attack range, Ye Feng did not hesitate to use the branches of nearby big trees, and several vertical leaps to half In the air.

When Ye Feng just came to stand in mid-air, the place he was just in was like being crushed by a huge stone. Trees broke one after another, and wood chips flew everywhere. Ye Feng looked at the invisible shell heading towards the depths of the forest with lingering lingering lingering at the deep gully that disappeared into the depths of the forest with this attack. I'm still a little afraid. If he hadn't been far away, and if it hadn't been for a disciple of the Yin Corpse sect standing in front of Ye Feng, Ye Feng might have really confessed here this time. However, Ye Feng did escape the attack of the white dog. But there was another enemy.

"Ye Feng, how dare you appear here." Yin Eleven thought that the big white dog's brain was broken, but he actually used such a powerful attack on an ordinary corpse disciple. However, he soon understood. It's not that the big white dog's brain is broken. Instead, it has found Ye Feng hidden beside him. This attack was obviously aimed at Ye Feng. The disciple of the corpse sect just appeared in front of Ye Feng very unlucky. Looking at Ye Feng floating in mid-air without any external force, Yin Eleven's face showed a fierce color. It hasn't been long since then. Ye Feng has actually been the strength of Xingangjing. If he is allowed to continue to grow, it will not be a good thing for the corpse.

"Isn't this Yin Eleven, Lord Yin? Coincidentally, we met again. Where do you want to run this time? I can chase it slowly." Ye Feng slowly fell to the top of a tree. Standing on the treetops, he looked at Yin Eleven, who had come to the air, and said. Ye Feng has now broken through to the star realm, but he still can't fly freely in mid-air. For the sake of safety, it's better to find a place to get down.

"Humph... Ye Feng, how dare you appear? I don't know if people all over the world are looking for you now? As long as I release the news of your appearance in the West Forest, how long do you think you can hide it? Yin Eleven's face changed, and he was considering whether to take action with Ye Feng.

"You really reminded me that since you have said so, I can't let you go. Do you do it yourself or do you want me to do it? However, depending on your performance last time, you probably won't do it yourself. Ye Feng was not worried that Yin Eleven would announce the news of his appearance here. He was worried that after Yin Eleven left here, he would return the news of his appearance here to the Yin Corpse. At that time, if the corpse sects some masters to chase Ye Feng, Ye Feng will be in danger.