The soldiers of another world

Chapter 348 Treasure Open 8

Tuobaye is very nervous now. To be precise, there is uncontrollable excitement in the tension.

Looking at the team of thousands of people behind him, Tuoba Ye couldn't help recalling the panic in his heart when he knew about the mission.

Absolutely frightened, take back your eyes. Tuobaye looked at Fancheng in the distance, and his mood was still difficult to calm down. Attacking Fancheng, this is the task assigned to the mysterious dark leader after seeing Tuobaye.

Tuobaye's first reaction was that the leader wanted to kill him in a different way. Fancheng, that's Fancheng. Unexpectedly, he was asked to attack Fancheng. Is there any difference between this and looking for death? However, when Tuobano saw the troops he was about to lead. His worries immediately disappeared. Instead, it is ecstasy. It's exciting.

A master of the star realm of 2,000 people. That's the star realm. It's not heaven. Tuobaye's own strength is only threefold. In this unit, the strength of Tuoba can only be ranked at the downstream level. However, such a powerful team was handed over to him to lead. Even with Tuobano's deep personality, it is difficult to suppress the excitement in his heart.

Although it is not the first day to contact this team, it turns back every time. When I saw this disciplined and powerful team. He still can't believe it. Is this the foundation of an organization that has been passed down for six thousand years?

"Your Excellency." Just as Tuoba Ye fell into memories that he had recalled many times, a voice sounded in his ear.

"What's going on in Fancheng?" Tuobaye turned his head and looked at the deputy wearing a mask. Ask.

"There is no movement in Fancheng, as usual. When will we launch an attack? The deputy said.

"Reep in place. Tonight. Target: Fancheng. Tuobaye said lightly.

"Yes." After saying that, the deputy went to convey Tuobaye's order.

Looking at the departing deputy, a glimmer of light flashed in Tuobaye's eyes. The strength of his deputy. It is definitely much higher than Tuobano. Even if it has not reached the corona. It's not far from each other. However, what Tuobano admires most is the obedience of this team. Absolute obedience. When Tuobaye took over the team, he was still a little scared. After all, his strength is nothing among these people. If there are a few of these people who are not convinced. Give him some stumblings or something. There is nothing he can do.

However, it is obvious that Tuoba Ye's worries are very unnecessary. From departure to now. His orders have been well executed. No one questioned his order. There is no one who opposes his leadership. It's as if Tuoba Ye has always been their leader.

"I don't know what's going on with the master." A few more hours. He is about to attack Fancheng with the team behind him. Yin Peng and others who are far away in the forest. What the hell is going on?

Lost Lin, now everyone's eyes are on one person. This person is Xiaomin standing next to Ye Feng. When Ye Feng handed over the key to Xiaomin. The whole audience focused on her.

"No problem?" Ye Feng didn't know how to open this treasure. However, he still asked Xiaomin with great concern.

"No problem." Xiaomin smiled sweetly at Ye Feng. Then he turned his eyes to the very ordinary-looking key in his hand.

Ye Feng quietly stepped back a few steps, and he knew more than ordinary people. Especially the very ordinary-looking key. In order to get this key, Uncle Sun. But it paid the price of an arm. Moreover, when the key was unearthed, the vision of heaven and earth. In retrospect, Ye Feng has a little palpitations. Although he knew that the opening of this treasure should not be as horrible as looking for the key from Uncle Sun. Even if it won't hurt Xiaomin, Ye Feng is not a member of the royal family and may be affected. Who can guarantee such a thing?

Ye Feng's retreat suddenly aroused the curiosity of the people around him. Because Ye Feng's action indicates that the treasure is about to be opened. Many people not only did not retreat. Instead, he walked a distance forward. It is clear how the treasure was opened.

Xiaomin didn't notice Ye Feng's movements. At this moment, all her spirit seems to have been attracted by the key in her hand.

"This is..." Xiaomin rubbed her eyes with her hands in disbelief. She just seemed to see the phoenix on the key move. However, when she looks at it carefully. There seems to be nothing wrong with the key in hand. Was she dazzled just now?

However, it's good to be dazzle. It doesn't matter if you are not dazzle. The most important thing now is to open this treasure. Then get out of here. Xiaomin took a deep breath. Then slowly spit it out. I slowly calmed down.

Under everyone's eyes, Xiaomin slowly raised her hand. When Xiaomin's hand came to her mouth, everyone only saw Xiaomin's body tremble. Then a drop of blood slowly dripped down Xiaomin's tongue on the key.

When Xiaomin's blood dripped on the key, something strange happened. The blood still remained as it dripped, floating strangely over the key. Sharp-eyed people will find that the key does not come into contact with blood droplets. There is only a small distance between the two. It seems that the keys and blood drops are testing.

Xiaomin did not pay attention to this very strange phenomenon, but continued to raise her hand. When Xiaomin's hand was raised high above her head. The blood drops that originally floated over the key slowly integrated into the key. This process is very slow. However, everyone stared at the process of integration without blinking. They know. After the key and blood droplets are fully integrated, the most critical time will come.

The speed of blood droplets into the key is very slow. Slowly, some people can't wait to help the blood droplets. However, this is just a thought. At this time, as long as someone dares to move. That is the attack of everyone except him.

Slowly, the blood drops merged into the key little by little. When the last trace of blood disappeared over the key, a dark red light flashed on the surface of the key.

"Here it comes." Golden-faced fever and Sun Lin and others are tense. They know that the next step is the moment to open the treasure.

The key to Xiaomin's blood slowly drifted away from Xiaomin's palm in the nervous eyes of everyone. Floating forward.

The flight speed of the key is slow. However, the key at this moment is like a magnet with great suction, which firmly attracts the attention of countless people.

The key to slow flight stopped at the point where it came to the dividing line between the lost forest and the general forest. And no one noticed that at this time, Xiaomin, who had raised her hand high above her head, did not know when she had folded her hand on her chest. A pair of flexible eyes gradually became empty.

"Hmm?" The first thing that noticed Xiaomin's change was Ye Feng, who was the closest to Xiaomin. Ye Feng was actually attracted by the change of the key. However, when Xiaomin began to say some sounds that Ye Feng couldn't understand. Ye Feng's mind was pulled back from the key.

Ye Feng frowned, and Xiaomin gave him a very strange feeling at this moment. It seems that the person standing in front of him is not the Xiaomin he knows at all. But another person is ordinary.

I don't know what Xiaomin is saying. Of course, no one except Ye Feng will pay attention to Xiaomin's every move at this moment. However, when Xiaomin's hands folded on her chest began to move, especially when her hands began to move and the key not far from her began to rotate at the same time. Xiaomin returned to everyone's sight.

Xiaomin's hands are soft and boneless, and the movement between the two hands is getting faster and faster. It's like wearing a butterfly. Many people have to open their eyes wide. I want to see what Xiaomin is doing. But these people had no choice but to find that they could barely keep up with Xiaomin's speed at the beginning. But later, the faster Xiaomin's speed is. I can't keep up at all. Now, in the eyes of these people. Xiaomin's hands are just a phantom. Except that the arms are relatively normal, Xiaomin's palms have completely disappeared.

"It's so fast." Ye Feng is a Lin. Xiaomin's fast speed is somewhat abnormal. Even with his strength. I can't keep up with Xiaomin's speed. This is not normal. Xiaomin has never practiced at all. How can there be such a fast hand speed?

"So that's it. Memory awakening. No wonder it must be royal blood. The golden face showed the original appearance. Looking at the continuous change of his hands, even he was a little surprised by the speed of Xiaomin. There is no joy in the eyes of the golden-faced man. Instead, it is full of admiration.

"What is memory awakening?" Sun Lin, who also guessed why Xiaomin behaved like this, also muttered these four words. However, Sun Zheng didn't understand.

"Memory awakening. This is a secret art. That is to say, a person will bury a memory in his soul. This kind of memory is indelible. Even after thousands of generations of inheritance. As long as it is this person's bloodline, it will definitely leave this memory. The way to open memory is to need a specific language or object. The key is probably the item that opens the little girl's memory. And I want this key to open her inheritance memory. Her blood must be needed to open the key. No wonder you have to have the blood of the royal family. The key has been changed by others. There is no way to use this key." When Sun Lin said this, it was full of solemn. Seal the memory into the soul. What an anti-sky means this is.

"Can uncle do it?" Sun Zheng asked curiously.

"I can't, not only I can't. No one on the mainland can do this. How powerful our ancestors were at the beginning. Sun Lin sighed a little. People who can do this. Strength is no longer what he can imagine.

"So powerful!" Sun Zheng was also surprised. In his understanding, Sun Lin is already the most powerful existence on this continent. Even he thought he was inferior. How strong should that be?

The movements of Xiaomin's hands and the muttering in his mouth. There is no stagnation. There is no trace of astringency. It's as if these movements and languages have been practiced tens of millions of times.

"Order!" A low and short shout came out of Xiaomin's mouth. The clear voice instantly came to everyone present. And the hands, which were originally like phantom, stopped instantly after Xiaomin drank this order. There is no warning. From extremely fast to extremely quiet.

However, at this moment, no one has time to pay attention to how Xiaomin did this. Because after Xiaomin drank this word, two golden lights flew out of the rotating key.