Arrogant World

Chapter 1 Burning (Middle,)

Chapter 1 Burning Fan (in the form, please collect)

In September, the late autumn wind rustled. In the Shaolin Temple, every leaf became withered and yellow. With the blowing of the autumn wind, they fell down from the trees like butterflies, accumulating a thick layer of dead branches and leaves on the roadside. As soon as they stepped on their feet, they made a creaking sound.

There was no shadow in the Shaolin Temple in the whole morning. The temple seemed empty, showing the unique depression in late autumn. It's desolate.

At this time, at the end of the road, a thin figure was constantly cleaning the dead branches on the ancient road with a broom in his hand, and there were no more than three piles of dead leaf mountains not far from him.

The teenager did not have a bald head like other monks, and his dark hair was scattered on his shoulders. With his thin body, he looked a little chic.

This teenager is called Fenfan. He is a vulgar disciple in Shaolin Temple. He has no parents since he was a child. He has lived a crazy life without restraint. By chance, he was adopted by the Shaolin abbot and came to Shaolin Temple and became a lay disciple.

"At this time, the brothers should be doing morning classes. I really envy them. They have such a high status, and I don't know when I can become one of them?" While sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground, Fenfan looked up at the majestic hall in the east. At this time, the sound of chanting kept coming from the hall.

Every morning and dusk drum-like bells and the sound of Buddha are mixed together to constantly wash away the delusions in Fan's heart. At this time, the original earthly noise has become quiet, without any fluctuations, like a calm lake in the dense forest, without any waves.

Looking deeply at the hall, Fenfan shook his head gently, but still gave up the idea of becoming a monk. If he couldn't marry and have children, it was better for Fenfan to die.

Fenfan took the broom and looked back at the three piles of dead branches and leaves behind him. When he was about to turn around and prepare to burn the dead leaves, the sky suddenly changed, and a shout exploded from the sky, which made the Shaolin Temple shake twice. Fenfan was in awe and tilted his head to look at the western sky. At this time, there was a blood-red west. Red clouds, mixed with a strong smell of blood, rushed from the sky to Shaolin Temple. The red cloud was very fast and came to the top of Fenfan's head in the blink of an eye.

"Listen, Shaolin bald donkeys, today is the day when your Shaolin Temple destroys the temple. In the past, Shaolin sealed my blood three madness with the number of people. Today, you Shaolin is doomed to die with the hands of my blood three madness." The cold shouts full of violence above the head of Burning Fan once again swept across the whole Shaolin Temple, and the sound was like an ancient bell, sonorous. It is powerful and makes the eardrums painful.

In an instant, four words of "martial arts master" flashed from Burning Fan's mind. Jin Yong's lingering rivers and lakes have been entangled many generations of Chinese children. At this moment, Fenfan felt that the previously hazy Jianghu was falling his thick disguise in front of him.

After the bloody three crazy voices, a huge Buddha name came from the Daxiong Hall of Shaolin Temple. The voice was calm and the words were clear: "Amitabha, the benefactor's delusions. Our Shaolin Temple has always been a matter of justice, and it is also obvious to all in the whole martial arts. You are crazy, the heinous crime committed a hundred years ago. OK, it's not an exawe of killing thousands of times in many cities and villages in a row. Our Buddhism is compassionate and can't bear to kill, so we just sealed you a hundred years ago. May you change your mind and convert to my Buddha. One cause is doomed. The reason why you committed that heinous crime is the result. We sealed you is the result, so Lao Yan hopes that the blood donor will put this matter down!"

The voice is the abbot of Shaolin Temple - Master Huiming. Master Huiming is a recognized Buddhist method in the Taoist world. He is full of Buddhism and earth. He has hundreds of scriptures and thousands of scriptures in his heart. He talks about Buddhism with people. He is kind and amiable. He adopted him. Fenfan is usually very good to Fenfan, so at this time, when Fenfan heard Huiming's voice, his originally nervous mind suddenly relaxed.

"Hmm, a school of nonsense. I know best who I am. Although I am a demon, I know that people respect me a foot and I will kill them. If people offend me, I will kill them. It's not my turn to dictate where you Shaolin Temple is."

"It seems that this matter can only be seen through your subordinates. Don't talk nonsense! The blood-clothed guard listened to the order and killed me. There were no chickens and dogs left, and there was no grass left. I don't want to see a living person in Shaolin Temple later." At the end, the blood three shouted fiercely, his tone was cold, and there was a firmness that Shaolin vowed not to return.

As soon as the blood three crazy orders came out, Burning Fan couldn't scream in his heart. He quickly returned the broom in his hand and flashed into the well next to him.

This well was inadvertently found by Fenfan. There is a horizontal cave in the waist of the well, from which cold air is constantly sprayed from it all year round. Every time the ordinary Fenfan feels a trace of chill at the outermost part of the hole, not to mention the cold, let alone go in to see the end.

So until now, Fenfan doesn't know what is in it. He can only vaguely guess that it is a martial arts treasure, but today after knowing that there are really martial arts masters in the world, Fenfan has been nine points sure that there must be a martial arts master sitting or hiding some genius treasures in that cave.

When Fenfan just drilled into the cave, looking up from the bottom of the well, there were continuous figures passing by the mouth of the well, and the speed was like lightning. Everyone was wearing blood-colored clothes, masks, holding short knives in their hands, and there were many short knives dripping blood on the tip of the knife.

For a moment, the sound of crying in the whole Shaolin Temple was chaotic, and Fenfan's heart was gloomy. He had been in the Shaolin Temple for a long time. The brothers in the whole Shaolin Temple were very familiar with each other. Thinking that at this time, maybe they had died under the short knife in the hands of the blood-clothed man, and they couldn't help breathing in their hearts. Chaos.

Suddenly, he was found by a man in blood who had just passed by. The man in blood looked into the well and saw half of his head exposed by Burning Fan, and couldn't help grinning at Burning Fan. His body jumped down to Burning Fan in an instant, and the short knife in his hand was cut down in the air.

Looking at the smile of the man in blood, Burning Fan suddenly felt a little bad. Regardless of the cold in the cave, Burning Fan tightened his collar and climbed to the depths of the cave.

The cave corridor is about one person high, and the surrounding walls are covered with ice crystals of ice. It is not an exhalation to become ice at all. At this time, Fenfan's body has a thin layer of ice slag.

The man in blood behind him looked at the direction of Fenfan's escape and felt the strangeness in the cave. The hesitancy flashed in his eyes, but it was replaced by fanatical heat. He also thought of the secret treasure hidden in the cave. At present, he did not hesitate and quickly chased in the direction of Fan.

Hearing the sound behind him, Fenfan looked back and saw the man in blood getting in from the hole and rushing towards him at a very fast speed.

Burning Fan's eyes flashed sharply, and his hands, regardless of the cold around him, hit the wall of the corridor with a fierce punch. Suddenly, ice dregs mixed with blood sprayed out and splashed at Fenfan's feet. A head-sized ice cube rolled down from the wall, revealing the dark wall.

Bend down, Burning Fan picked up the head-sized ice cube and hit the man in blood. There was only one-height corridor and there was not much space to avoid. The man in blood could only stop, and the short blade in his hand scattered the ice, and Burning Fan took advantage of this time to run forward quickly.

The two walked and stopped like this for nearly half an hour. Burning Fan's body was already covered with ice, and the blood in his hands had long been frozen, revealing the bright red light under the ice slag. From the outside world, it was a lively ice knot. Although the blood-clothed man had internal protection, he also had also After the freezing, coupled with the continuous harassment in front of Fenfan, the distance between the two did not get closer.

"Hu" Fenfan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and a light appeared in front of the corridor. In surprise, the speed of Fenfan suddenly increased, but in the blink of an eye, he came to the mouth of the cave.

At this time, with a "bang", the whole earth seemed to tremble, and Fenfan, who was already frozen with little strength, rolled down the hole.

Despite the pain all over his body, he looked up with difficulty and was shocked. He saw a golden and brilliant cave in front of Fenfan, 100 meters square. The countless night pearls at the top of the cave are like stars in the starry sky. The pearls and gold light reflect each other, which is very gorgeous. In front of the cave, there is a gold in front of them. The Buddha stood there, about 30 feet high, with orchid fingers and a smile on his face, while a box was placed under the golden Buddha, facing the hole where the burning Fan came out.

The box is small, dark, about half a foot long and wide, with dense runes painted on it. From the outside, the box has nothing strange, but it constantly exudes a broad atmosphere from the box, which is obviously not extraordinary.

At this time, Burning Fan did not find that the temperature in the cave made the ice all over Burning Fan melt and evaporated without burning it. Burning Fan quickly stood up and bowed to the Buddha's head and said secretly: Amitabha.

After that, he got up and walked towards the box. The box that could be placed under the Buddha statue would not be useless.

He held his inner excitement and opened the box with trembling hands. He saw a golden stone in it, slightly the size of a thumb. Although the stone was small, it constantly released a warm and fraternal and compassionate breath from it. That is, Fenfan knew that the golden stone in his hand was a treasure.

In surprise, Burning Fan couldn't help taking the golden stone out of the box and raised it above his head to carefully observe the golden stone through the night pearl above the cave. The more he looked at it, the more surprised he became. The more shocked he became. The golden stone gave people the feeling of amber, as if there were thousands of Buddha figures sitting in it and kept chanting. Buddhist scriptures.

"sheli" appeared in Fan's mind like thunder from the dry sky, instantly suppressing all the ideas of resistance. How can the burning fan in Shaolin Temple not know the reli? Reli is the essence formed in the body of the sitting of the monks of all dynasties. It has the power of heaven and earth. Anyone who can use the energy in the reli can ensure that he will not be sick and poisoned.

At this time, Fenfan couldn't believe that what he had in his hand was the reli that only existed in the legend. At this time, the man in blood who followed Burning Fan also jumped out of the corridor, and his eyes were instantly attracted by the reli. How could he not know that Burning Fan was a treasure? When the man in Blood looked at Burning Fan, his eyes also showed a sharp color. Quietly jumping to the top of Fenfan's head, the blood-clad man's palm turned over, and the weeping blood knife also quietly appeared in the palm of his hand without making a sound, and the knife quickly slid to the neck of Fenfan**. Fenfan, who was observing Reli, only felt a bloody color on his head. In an instant, the murderous atmosphere enveloped Fenfan's whole body. Suddenly, I remembered that there was a killing star behind me. Suddenly, I was immersed in cold sweat all over my body. My hair exploded, and I didn't have time to react more, so I had to roll aside in confusion. Seeing that the man in blood raised his knife and attacked again, Burning Fan, who wanted to dodge, tripped and threw Reli out. He was stunned. When he looked up, he found that something was rushing towards him at high speed and subconsciously opened his mouth, and that was Reli. Then a golden light burst out from Burning Fan's body, and the blood-clad man was blown away and hit fiercely against the stone wall, leaving a human-shaped shadow.

On the contrary, after the reli entered the abdomen, Burning Fan exploded like an atomic bomb in his stomach. After shaking the blood-clad man, the body of Burning Fan exploded and turned into pieces of meat and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The Shaolin Temple above the head collapsed into the ground after the explosion of burning Fan. At this point, the Shaolin monks and the Blood Tuzong disappeared between heaven and earth

On another continent, the genius named Burning Fan opened the way to be famous all over the world.

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