Arrogant World

Chapter 11 Barbarian Triple Sky

Chapter 11 Barbarian Triple Sky

It has been nearly half a month since he got the Xuanjin gloves left by his father. During this period, Fan not only did not relax his brute force cultivation, but even increased a lot on his own. However, the weather-beaten Nalan Xun unconsciously trembled after reading it. There was nothing he could do. Since then, from the outside After learning about his parents' situation, Fenfan strengthened his goal: to improve his cultivation and help his parents.

After a practice, Fenfan felt really bored. He went out for a walk alone and walked on the road of the White Emperor tribe. Who knew that he met Wang Wu who brought him to find his grandfather. The two met each other for a long time. Fenfan couldn't resist Wang Wu's repeated invitations. The two came to one of the White Emperor tribe. The tavern drank it. In the chat, he inadvertently knew from Wang Wu's mouth that his grandfather, who had been around him, was actually a big man in Chongyuanjing, and there were few opponents in the whole tribe and even on the mainland.

That is, he was surprised at the beginning, and then Fenfan figured out. Anyway, his grandfather was also the former patriarch of the tribe. If he can't go up, how can he convince the public? In addition to having a human strategy, the patriarch of each tribe should also have his own cultivation not be too low. This is just becoming a patriarch. Two necessary conditions.

"But I really didn't expect that my grandfather was actually a master of Chongyuanjing's triple sky, but the most powerful barbarian I've seen so far is that I don't know why my father I have never met. More than ten years ago, my father was able to successfully elope with my mother under my grandfather's eyes. The worst should be higher than Grandpa, right?

After drinking a lot of wine that day, I didn't know how to separate Fan from Wang Wu. As for how to return home, it was even more unclear. I only knew that since I got up that day, my head was soft and my head was swollen with pain. After resting for nearly half a day, I slowly recovered.

But from that day, he also began to consciously increase his exercise volume. Every time he trained, he put dozens of pounds on his body. From his unfamiliarity at the beginning to today's familiar road, one punch was enough to make a hole in a person's body. Every time after removing the load, Fenfan felt like a fairy all day long, and his speed suddenly increased several times. Now Fenfan, the village head of Fenggu Village, can't catch his move. Fenfan clenched his fist and thought in his heart.

"Burning Fan, come on, this is the meat porridge I made for you by Grandpa. Hurry up while it's hot. You know, it took me a whole morning to make it. You see that you are as thin as a mouse. Since you come to Grandpa, you can eat and drink well, hahahaha." At this time, Nalan asked with a bowl of it. When the hot man came to Fenfan, he laughed and said to Fenfan.

Looking at the carefully prepared meat porridge mentioned by his grandfather in the bowl, Fenfan only felt a burst of cold sweat. The black thing was like a solid in the bowl, and the black thing in the bowl was like a piece of wood.

"Drink?" Fenfan looked at the unknown things in the bowl, sweated coldly, and twitched in his heart, "Unsis, you have worked really hard. You have been taking care of me alone for so many days, but what I don't understand is why there is no servant in your former patriarch's family? These little things have to bother your grandfather to do by himself. I think you'd better drink it. Just think of it as my grandfather and I respect you. After so many years, this bowl of porridge deserves to be drunk. Burning Fan's wits in a hurry quickly said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, boy, it seems that you haven't heard of the fame of the porridge cooked by your grandfather in the tribe. You know how many people want to eat it and I don't want to make it for them. Boy, you are blessed to push it." It's worthy of the old Jianghu. As soon as he heard it in the tone of Burning Fan, he understood something, so Nalan said angrily.

"Eh? Is this dark square unknown object really very famous? "It doesn't look like a lie. It seems that there is really something mysterious in this thing. Anyway, if you can't die, just try it!" Grandpa's expression was very excited, as if he didn't get the honor he deserved for his great work. It seemed that he didn't want to lie, and he couldn't help thinking about it.

"That... Grandpa, let me try it!" Although Fenfan's tone was still a little hesitant, he at least wanted to drink it. When Nalan Xun, who was sulking beside him, heard Fenfan's general intention, he quickly jumped from the side and quickly stuffed the meat porridge in his hand into Fenfan's hand. The speed strengthened Fenfan's sense of distrust of porridge again.

Under the gaze of his grandfather, Fenfan picked up the meat porridge directly with his hand and took a gentle bite. It can be said that Nalanxun could be the first person on the mainland to bite the meat porridge with his mouth, but the meat porridge melted in his mouth and immediately turned into a warm current and directly entered the Dantian of Burning Fan, and then Fenfan obviously felt a heat flow scattered into the muscle meridians all over his body, as if his strength had increased a little, and he couldn't help looking at the so-called meat porridge in his hand doubtfully.

Seeing Fenfan's doubtful eyes, Na Lanxun finally felt that he had won a game and couldn't help proudly introduce, "This porridge was made by my grandfather using nine and eighty-one materials all morning. Only my grandfather can make it in the whole continent. This meat porridge can increase a person's strength and moisten it. A person's meridians and muscles enable the muscle meridians to adapt to more brute force and lay a good foundation for the future. Starting from today, you will drink this kind of meat porridge every day for a month. During this month, you have to practice fighting with me. Of course, I only use my strength to know that you can draw in my hands or defeat me, which is when you can go back.

Hearing what his grandfather said, Fenfan quickly ate the meat porridge in his hand and ran the brute force in his body as his grandfather said. He only felt that the originally astringent brute force became round and smooth at this moment, as if it was instructed by his arms.


Then for a month, as my grandfather said, after eating meat porridge every morning, I practiced fighting with my grandfather. Although my grandfather only used his strength, he could not stop it. Every time he was beaten all over his body. At night, my grandfather pushed Fenfan to live, and the next morning, he still became alive. Tiger, a month passed unconsciously, and Fenfan was also promoted to the realm of the three heavens of barbarians. The speed of promotion was that Nalan Xun couldn't help beating his heart violently. It was really evil.


In the compound, the two figures collided with each other. After a forced touch, the two figures retreated at the same time, but one slightly immature figure took three or four steps back before stopping, while the other figure only took a symbolic step back.

These two figures are Burning Fan and Nalan Xun, but today's Burning Fan is really fierce and must be killed, but even under the attack of Burning Fan, Nalan Xun still seems very relaxed and sneaks up from time to time.

"Damn, it seems that you have to use that trick, otherwise you really can't defeat your grandfather. Well, that's it." Burning Fan shook his slightly numb arm, and his fingers flew into wonderful marks one by one. Nalan's face in the distance became a little interesting. "Oh? Are you going to use the power of the beast soul? I haven't seen this boy's beast soul. The so-called hero, I don't want to go there, but I don't know what grade of beast soul he is.

"Ha, the Buddha's soul comes out." With a shout, a faint golden humanoid shadow appeared behind the burning fan. The virtual shadow sat behind the burning fan, holding the mysterious Dharma in his hand, smiling, and the orchid in his hand. As soon as the virtual shadow appeared, the momentum of the burning fan suddenly soared exponentially.

As soon as his feet stamped on the ground, Burning Fan's body suddenly rushed to his grandfather. The original place suddenly cracked, and Burning Fan's body, like a fierce wolf, came to his grandfather in the blink of an eye like a hungry tiger at the same time, turned his claws into a knife, sounded through the air, and hit his grandfather's neck fiercely.

Nalanxun felt a little bad after the soul of burning the barbarian beast came out. Not to mention that he had never seen this kind of barbarian beast, but the breath emanating from it actually had the ability to make his mind ripple. In addition, the combat effectiveness of burning Fan has so much. Now he looks more and more away from himself. The knife with close hands has changed greatly. He didn't care about any strength. His whole body rose, and his palm was on the knife of Fenfan's hand. With a bang, Fenfan's body flew back faster than when he came and smashed into the room behind him.

"Cough, Grandpa, you lost this time. You must have used more than one force in the last move, right?" A cough came out of the house. It was Burning Fan, but at this time, Burning Fan was not so good. His clothes were broken, and only one underwear was still intact, and the virtual shadow behind him became as if a gust of wind could blow.

"Hey, I'm in a hurry and have no choice but to win, but you won. I didn't expect that at a young age, with the cultivation of the barbarian triple heaven, you actually exerted the power of brute force triple heaven in the end. What a small monster is your beast soul? Why haven't I seen it?" In the end, Na Lanxun couldn't help pointing to the virtual shadow behind Fenfan and asking.

"Oh, that's what you said. I named it Buddha Soul. Since then, I have been the Buddha. Hey hey, but I beat you today, Grandpa. I'm leaving tomorrow, and I have to investigate my mother and father's affairs. Take care of yourself, and thank you for your teaching over the past few days. I will never forget it. Although he often joked with his grandfather, as soon as he was about to separate, Fenfan felt reluctant to leave. Thinking of his grandfather's teachings for many days, Fenfan couldn't help kowtoing his grandfather three heads fiercely and resolutely entered the room to change his clothes and left. Without looking back, Fenfan couldn't help but leave for fear that he wanted to stay here.

"Dunpa, the two months here are the most happy days of my life. I will never forget your teaching to me."

"Fan'er, let's go and walk out of your own world. Grandpa believes that you must be a latent dragon, and sooner or later you will bloom your glory on the mainland." Looking at the back of Fenfan's far away, Na Lanxun did not retain it, because he knew that Fenfan did not belong to him, and the outside continent was the stage where Fan should go. In the setting sun, the sunset shone on Na Lanxun, making the old man look even more lonely.