Arrogant World

Chapter 47 Taoyuan Xiantao (ah!!!)

Chapter 47 Taoyuan Xiantao (please ask for tickets!!!)

The full brute force in his body makes Fenfan feel that he can't use his strength all over his body. The speed under his feet is getting faster and faster. In the end, Fenfan directly turns into a dark shadow, just like a black sable crossing. At this moment, he is still here, but the next moment there is no sound and nowhere.

At this time, Fenfan acted completely by his own body, and all the brute force in his body was completely indiscriminately injected into the muscles that were moving at this moment, making Fenfan's body appear more powerful, convenient and fast. Peng's black shadow shuttled between the trees in the jungle. A foot stamped on the trunk, and the body had already gone, leaving an obvious big footprint on the trunk, a few feet deep.

The shadow stopped, and after taking a long breath of relief, he looked up and slowly looked around. He found that this place was an extremely magical place, like a fairyland. This place was like a big upside down bowl covering the earth. A gap was not far behind Burning Fan. Burning Fan came in from that place. .

What you see is full of peach trees. Peach blossoms like wool fall from the sky and fall colorfully. Although you can't see the sun in the outside sky in this place, it is as bright as the day. The surrounding walls constantly emit a soft pale white light, which makes people feel elegant.

A stream shuttled out from the depths of the peach forest and flowed through the gap under the feet of Burning Fan. From time to time, the faint flowing water touched the smooth stones by the stream and collided and made a small and crisp sound. The sound of springs and stones echoed in this closed place with an illusion of indifference and detachedness, which made Fan can't help but forget himself. .

The brute force that was originally surging in the body slowly calmed down at this moment, but the speed did not weaken at all, but it paused strangely every time it was about to touch the meridians at the bend of the meridians, and then slowly flowed through and then restored the original speed. In such a cycle, there was no sense of stagnation. , just like heaven.

Burning Fan did not know the situation in his body at this moment. His spiritual power floated out of his body under the wonderful sound of nature, wandering in the vast void. The peach blossoms around him seemed to set off Burning Fan at this moment, surrounded by a figure among immortals.

I don't know how long it has been floating. It came to the source along the stream, but it flowed out from a small hole in the middle of the mountain wall and quietly slid through a few feet of high space and fell to the ground. A small pond was formed on the ground. The spring water was clear and shallow, and several small fish were leisurely and did not know a person. I'm watching their play.

In the original place, Fenfan's body trembled violently, and his mind, which was observing the little fish playing as if it had been pulled by something, instantly returned to his body. Fenfan opened his eyes, and a golden light crossed his eyes, shocking the mind.

He stood up, swept his clothes without any dust, and stepped forward. "I really didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful place in the world, and it was really a sin for me, a layman, to rush into it."

"But it's fate to come soon. Why worry about it? Buddha said that if it comes, it will come. Why do you force yourself to find an uncomfortable place? Burning Fan touched his chin and shook his head.

"To breed such a beautiful paradise, the power of nature is indeed huge. No wonder all barbarians have been constantly pursuing powerful power since ancient times, some for saving people and some for killing. But if you see the magic of nature, you will definitely worship it at its feet. Although the so-called Zhong Lingyuxiu is used to describe girls, they also complement each other.

As soon as he thought about it, he walked forward with his feelings and looked at the dead horse. Although he looked at the peach forest very close, Fenfan also walked for a full quarter of an hour.

Stepping on the incense path paved with peach blossoms and smelling the fragrance in the air, Burning Fan looked up at the peach tree close at hand. It not only had peach blossoms, but also flashed two full red peaches from time to time, emitting a seductive fragrance.

Only when he saw the big peach burning Fan in front of him found that his stomach had been hungry for a long time. He only sprayed and forgot to eat. At this moment, the dry food in his arms had been automatically ignored by the back of the burning Fan.

Naturally, it was like at home, reaching out to pick a big peach from the tree, bent down in the stream next to it, and took a bite, and the sweet juice gushed out of the teeth of Burning Fan in an instant, staining Fan's little face.

He casually wiped his face, regardless of the splash of juice in the peach, and burned Fan bit the big peach in his hand. At the speed of burning Fan, the original huge peach disappeared for a moment.

He licked his mouth with his tongue, glanced at the big peach on the peach tree, and picked it from it again.

This time, Fenfan directly came to the stream with three big peaches in his arms. After washing, he ate them in a big mouthful. This time, it took a full quarter of an hour.

After eating, Fenfan burped fiercely, buried the four peach cores in the smaller land, and sat on the spot, because when he ate the second peach, Fenfan felt that the cool brute force slowly emanating from the peaches was added to his Dantian, making him originally vast. The solemn brute force gives a sense of ease.

This force is not fierce, just like the stream here, slowly and silently watering the Dantian and muscles of Burning Fan, which actually makes the power of Burning Fan add a trace out of thin air, and the original forty-nine stone force actually shook slightly.

After all, it is not the power he has worked hard to cultivate. Although it is very calm, it is not easy to command, so Fenfan sat down decisively on the spot and was not afraid of the enemy's sneak attack, because when Fenfan was careful before, he knew that he was alone in this place, and no one else was among them. . That's why Burning Fan dares to practice with confidence.

The mind sank into the body and observed that although the trace of spirituality produced by the peach in the Dantian entered the Dantian at this moment, it did not integrate into the brute force cultivated by itself, but just kept wandering around, like an ill-consistent primary school student.

The task of Fenfan at this moment is to integrate this power into his body, so that he can truly become his own power and use it for himself, such as the instruction of his arms, leaving only a trace of mind to warn outside the body. Although he has not found anyone, he can't be careless. The rest of his mind is all immersed in the Dantian of Fenfan. , in Dantian, this divine power forms an empty big hand out of thin air, and lightningly grabs it towards that trace of spiritual energy...

It has been raining for several days in a row. Today is the second day, and the power company has been cut off. This chapter is still in the Internet cafe. Just give it to the poor little brother!!!