Arrogant World

Chapter 70 Father can and so can

Chapter 70 Father can do it, too

Touching the statue of his father in front of him and listening to the memories of the Muye sky in his ear, Fenfan seemed to appear beside his father at this moment. Looking at his father with a sword, the sky and the earth were cut, and all the invading beasts died, and then left a statue fright without leaving a trace. This chic, this Domineering, this strength was deeply branded in Fan's heart at this moment, and he could not forget it for a long time.

"Mano patriarch, although I am small, I have been practicing on this continent for a lot of time. I have nothing to pay attention to, and there must be some plans. I have heard of this sentence. I don't know what it is like for the patriarch to come to me this time." He slowly transferred his mind back from the statue and glanced at his head. He glanced at the sky of Muye, who was standing behind him and trying to tell his father's heroic deeds for himself, and interrupted.

"Cough" I didn't expect Fenfan to be so faceless. The exit went straight to the topic, which made Muye's sky cough awkwardly twice, covering up his inner confusion and staring at Fenfan fiercely.

The face instantly turned into a look of suffering. "Hey, as you know, although the tribes living under the mountains do not worry about food, their fate is relatively more unpredictable. How big the mountains are, there must be many powerful beasts or powers hidden among them. If our hunter is a If you accidentally provoke them, it is easy to be fatally hit by them, just like the time your father saved our tribe, because a hunter in the village accidentally provoked a barbarian beast in the mountains that is higher than the immortal level, if it weren't for your father...··"

He nodded knowingly about the words of Muye Cangqiong. He grew up alone under the mountains. All the food was hunted by himself from the mountains without relying on any adult, so he was very clear about the risks and nodded, but did not say anything.

Seeing Fenfan nodded, Muye Cangqiong's heart was excited, but after waiting for a while, he didn't hear Fenfan say anything. He couldn't help but feel anxious, "Brother Fenfan, you have helped two of our tribe, but our floating tribe has not given you any gifts. How can it be embarrassed."

"It's okay. Helping others is just what I'm willing to do. I don't want to repay you at all. The patriarch must not say that. In that case, the boy is embarrassed to live here. However, as a patriarch, you must be very busy, and you will come here to talk to the boy regardless of your busy work. As I said before, the patriarch must have something important to tell the boy. The boy listened here. "Although the burning Fan has not been out for a long time, he has experienced it. There are many cruel things, and the grasp of people's hearts must have reached a certain level.

"Okay, since the little brother is so straightforward, I will no longer be pretentious. Does the little brother of Burning Fan know what the most basic thing of a tribe is?" Muye Cangqi did not say it directly, but asked Fenfan first.

"Eh, I think it should be a common belief?" Although Fenfan was also born in the tribe, he, who has been marginalized by the tribe since childhood, does not know this common sense at all and can only reply uncertainly.

Although he was surprised and burned Fan didn't even know this, Muye Cangqiong still shook his head, "It's not faith, but food. The most important and basic thing for a tribe is food. There is no food, what faith, what strength, and what advanced are all are all mirrors and months. In the end, it will be empty.

Thinking about what Muye Cangqiong said, although it is simple, I really haven't thought about it before. If a big tribe has no food, even if you are the first tribe without food, all people will always starve to death, so I thought of burning Fan here and nodded to Muye Sky with admiration.

"We buy the floating part facing the floating mountain. According to the climate and environment of our place and the exploration of previous generations, we can basically be sure that there will be no wild beasts within a thousand yards of the outer circumference of the floating mountain, and there are particularly many beasts. In addition, our tribe consciously raised livestock. It is enough to support our tribe through many difficult difficulties, but who would have thought that a strange thing happened not long ago? ·" Muye Cangqiong shook his head and sighed bitterly.

"Hum, I have also vaguely heard Brother Zhang San mention this matter, but it has been mentioned. I really don't know the details. What's wrong with the floating mountains?" When he first arrived at the floating tribe, he was stopped by Zhang Sanwangwu and mentioned similar things and asked Fenfan for help, but what he said was not very clear.

"Yes, what you said is really good. There is indeed something wrong with our floating mountains, and this problem is still very serious for our tribe."

"Is it..." When Fenfan heard Muye Cangqiong say this, his heart trembled and blurted out in connection with what he had said earlier.

"Yes, you guessed very correctly. Since a week ago, our floating mountains have not produced beasts. No, it means that the beasts have disappeared together and nowhere. They don't know where to go. You said how good this is for the tribe that makes us live on beasts. That's why After our previous action, we chose four strong and experienced young men from the clan to explore. Who would have thought that if it hadn't been for the burning of Fan, the four of them might have died under the claws of the barbarians in the floating mountains! I am currently thanking you here." After saying that, the shepherd's sky worshipped Fan.

"Don't do this, patriarch. It's really killing a boy, but I have understood that the patriarch came here to let me explore the cause of the truth in the floating mountains, right?" Although it is a question, the tone of Burning Sanskrit is indeed very certain.

Makino Cangqiong touched his head with great embarrassment, but thinking of the current situation of the tribe, the only person in front of him who can have the opportunity to help his tribe, so he once again said, "Please ask the little brother about the tribe. Muye Cangqiong, this old bone, is here on behalf of the whole village to ask for the little brother."

Fangfan and Zhang San, who had been following him silently, quickly came forward to help the shepherd's sky. This is about to live a long life. "Don't do this, patriarch. I agree with Fan." He held the sky of Muye in his hand and stared at the tall statue.

"Do you know who that statue is?" Fenfan suddenly asked such a sentence.

Muye Cangqiong was stunned at first, and then said, "Is it burning?"

But Fenfan shook his head, "It's not Fenyan, he's my father, my Fenfan's father"

Looking at Fenfan and then at the statue, Muye Cangqiong narrowed his eyes and nodded thoughtfully.