Arrogant World

Chapter 99 Sea of the Underworld

Chapter 99 The Sea of the Northern Underworld

It has been more than a month since Fenfan came to the Yitian tribe. Every day is very full. From time to time, he has fought against the barbarians in the Yitian army for a while, and his combat skills have been greatly honed in the continuous fighting and thinking.

After the battle with the Bull yesterday, Fenfan did not return to his home as usual, but came to Mr. Yiguang's home. Fenfan felt that it was time to discuss the departure with the teacher, hoping that the teacher could give him some advice.

"Teacher, I feel that I can no longer continue to hone myself in the Yitian Army. Although my experience has grown very rapidly during this period, it is not a battle of life and death, and it is difficult to break through the realm. Only the battle between life and death is the best way to improve my cultivation, so I think I still leave It's good to go out here." Facing his teacher, Fenfan bowed and said.

"You're right. Fighting is the best way to advance. Although fighting here can increase your experience, it can't let you advance. I agree with your suggestion. As for the high-level level, it's up to me. You can rest assured, but remember that there is also an Yitian tribe behind you to silently Stand up with you." With a long sigh, Yiguang didn't say anything, but don't forget that there has always been an Yitian tribe behind him, and a teacher was silently supporting him.

The "En" man had tears, just because he did not go to the sad place. Although he did not spend a long time with Yiguang, he left a deep impression on Fan's heart. Yi Guang took care of her and took care of her like Fan's mother when he was young. At this time, as soon as he left Fen Fan's heart, he suddenly felt empty, and tears did not Don't slip off your eyes.

He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes fiercely and asked, "Teacher, if I leave, according to my own situation, where am I going?" Although Fenfan has been here for a long time, he doesn't know much about the things around him, so he asked.

"Your accumulation is really too strong. The difficulty of promotion is several times more difficult than that of ordinary barbarians. Only enough brute force or adventures can make it possible to advance. However, there is really such a place where dangers and opportunities coexist. As long as you can enter, you may really be able to advance."

"Is there really such a place?" Fenfan was also happy in his heart. He had been trapped in the brute force for too long. Just like not long ago, Yu Shaotian, who was in a difficult situation, had no power to fight back. Although he was strong, he was still weak in front of the realm. Now when I hear that there is such a place that can help me advance, how can Fenfan be unhappy?

"Yes, the only north of the mainland of our Yitian tribe, and in the north of our Yitian tribe, that is, the northernmost part of the mainland, there is a sea area. Barbarians are called the Sea of the Underworld. Among them, the climate is cold, cold to the bone all year round, and the breath is frozen. Among them, powerful beasts are everywhere, and the danger is very great, but It's the same. It's also a treasure. As long as you are strong enough, you can harvest great wealth. Let you enjoy it endlessly." Speaking of the Northern Sea, even Yiguang, who has always been indifferent, is very excited, and his eyes keep shining with inexplicable light.

"Okay, I'll go there." Although there is danger, Fenfan really came out of the danger pit. I have never seen any danger, and there are not many opportunities to improve my cultivation. Suddenly, I heard one, and Fenfan was ready to enter it regardless of everything.

"Well, this is a map of where to go. I also went there when I was young and gained a lot. It can be said that most of the opportunities are obtained in the Sea of the Northern Underworld. I hope you can get what you want." Yiguang took out a piece of kraft paper from the side, which was engraved with countless dense lines. After Yiguang's words, he knew that these lines were the route to the Northern Underworld Sea.

Can't wait, Fenfan took the brown paper from the teacher's hand and got up and punched Yiguang. "Teacher, I'll go first. I will definitely come back to see you."

Yiguang looked at the appearance of Burning Fan's urgent monkey, shook his head with a smile, and looked at the back of Burning Fan's distant back. The more satisfied he was. After knowing shame, he was brave, not afraid of danger, and dared to move forward, which were all the necessary conditions to be able to cultivate to a profound barbarian. If Fenfan can come back alive this time, it will be unexpected.

"Acording to the map given by the teacher, I should be not far from the Sea of the Underworld, but why can't I find the way!" It can't be that the teacher's map is wrong. After so many years, the road signs may have changed, so Fenfan was not in a hurry and looked around for it.

"You bastards will be punished sooner or later." At this moment, an angry shout came into Fenfan's ears not far away, and his voice was desolate and helpless. Fenfan couldn't help walking over.

A group of people in black were besieging a man with a big stick. There was a woman lying beside him. The corners of her mouth were bleeding. Obviously, she was dead, and she held a baby in the woman's arms and cried.

"Bastard, it's you again." Looking at the group of people in black with long guns, Fenfan secretly shouted unlucky in his heart. Anyway, he has been offended, and he is not afraid of offending him again. Watching people being killed is not the style of Burning Fan.

With a long roar, he rushed to the place of battle like an eagle. Without answering, he punched flatly, but he hit the essence of Luohan's fist, and the offensive route of the man in black was instantly covered by one punch.

"Who are you? How dare you obstruct our Luoqi tribe from doing things? Don't you want to live?" Seeing that Haoha's hunting activities were interrupted, the leader of the man in black roared angrily at the burning Fan and shouted the name of his tribe, obviously trying to scare off the burning Fan.

But I don't know how Fenfan had an inexsoluble bond with them for a long time. How could he be scared away by their coaxing and ignore the man in black, Fenfan still rush forward.

"Peng"'s punch, in the stunned eyes of the man in black, punched Fan in the face of the man in black, directly blasted out and smashed into the ground fiercely.

Taking advantage of the stunnedgong fu of the man in black, the young man holding a long stick escaped with the woman and the baby in an instant. After putting down the woman and the baby, he got up and saluted Fenfan. "Thank you for your help. Hua Mingwen is here." In Hua Mingwen's heart, the person who can help himself without offending the Luo Hu tribe must be a good person, so he continued to say, "I know I can't do it." Hua Mingwen pointed to the gun marks on his body, "I only ask my brother to save my poor little daughter, and I will block them for my brother. What do you think?"

Burning Fan Chen Mo for a while, looked up at the alias, nodded heavily, and knew that this might be Hua Mingwen's last wish in this life. There is no need to swear between men, just nod.

Seeing Fenfan nodding, Hua Mingwen grinned. Stand up and face the people in black who have calmed down.