Arrogant World

Chapter 177 Dragon Hunt

Chapter 177 Searching for Dragon

The burning Fan on the tree listened to the words of the four people below and slowly outlined what had happened to them in front of them in his heart.

Their Tianbao mercenary regiment received a task from nowhere, so they led a large army through the vast forest. After completing the task, on the way back, they didn't know what was going on. On the way back, they met a dragon, but the dragon was seriously injured, with a percentage of its strength. But they couldn't play at all, so the people of these mercenary regiments became evil.

However, he did not expect that the dragon was a dragon. Although he was seriously injured, he still killed all the people of this group of mercenary regiment except the escaped scars there with his strong strength, but he was also injured by the mercenary regiment.

So now the dragon can be said to be injured and seriously injured, and it is difficult to walk, but all this is just the speculation of Burning Fan, and I don't know if it is true.

After a whirlwind, Burning Fan floated down from the big tree and fell steadily to the ground. Looking at the continuous warm blood on the ground, Burning Fan smiled at the corners of his mouth.

"Although these people have escaped, everyone has been seriously injured. I think they will definitely recuperate for a period of time after going out this time. Although I heard them say they will come back tomorrow, I guess that even if they have a panacea, they will be cultivated in the mercenary regiment for three days."

"Why don't I take advantage of this time to explore it? Wanmuzhisen can't find anywhere at all. Looking for dragons is also an activity to kill time. Maybe I can kill dragons by myself. I heard that if the barbarian bathes the blood of a giant dragon when it is alive, his own flesh and body cultivation. It will make rapid progress, reach a human limit, and even break through the human limit. Fenfan closed his eyes and thought slightly, and a set of plans had gradually formed in his mind.

"My King Kong glaze formula has not moved at all for such a long time, which means that if you follow the ordinary method, why not try dragon blood? Maybe you can break through the restrictions of the second level and advance to the third level. Since then, my body has been as hard as King Kong, and even after Muqing absorbed the inner elixir of the Xuantie ape, my body is not as good as mine. Since then, no one has been my opponent at the same level.

Just do it. Fenfan's whole brain operated crazily and kept thinking about the feasibility of this action. After coming up with a feasible solution, Fenfan's whole body instantly bounced up and rushed to the place where the scars they came, leaving only a phantom in the air.

This is the first time that Fenfan has exerted all his skills these days. Now for Fenfan, time is life. The majesty of the dragon is not offensive by a small barbarians of Fenfan. Even though Fenfan is a genius who has not been met for thousands of years and can fight beyond the level, it is still a dish in front of the dragon.

Legend has it that a newborn young dragon has the strength of Chongyuanjing, not to mention those adult dragons, who are all masters of Qianyuanjing.

Although this dragon was seriously injured and can only exert a part of its strength, it is enough to kill Fenfan dozens of times, so he can't deal with it carelessly.

became, and his diamond glazed formula was successfully advanced. From then on, he leaped the level and fought more satisfactoryly. From then on, he was free in the world: defeat and died tragically.

Burning Fan is to gamble with his own life, bet on his future, and bet on a bright sunny day in his future. Only when a person's cultivation can he be confirmed to the maximum extent in battle.

If Snow Smokeless is here, he will definitely discourage Fan from going. For the sake of an ethereal and unrealistic dragon blood, Snow Smoke will never allow Fan to take risks. Maybe this is God's will. As soon as Snow Smokeless forefoot left, Fan heard this shocking news and Fenfan decided to go forward.

Burning Fan's figure has turned into a black lightning in this dark forest, constantly rowing towards the distance, and can even leave only a little sound in the air. Burning Fan's brute force control in his body has now reached an incredible level, and every bit of brute force can make them Send the most important place instead of wasting it as before.

At this time, the five-door lock sky array operated crazily in the body of Fenfan. The golden array, earth array and fire array constantly exuded strong attribute bruteive force in the body of Fenfan, filling the five organs of Fenfan. In addition to the kidneys and liver, the heart, spleen and lungs have been filled with each other. The attributes are constantly washed away in the body of Burning Fan.

The unique breath search function of the five-door lock array was now exerted to the limit by Burning Fan, and the brute force in Burning Fan's body turned into filaments and rushed out from Burning Fan's body at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye and spread into this forest.

"Damn, where is this dragon hiding? After such a disturbance from the Tianbao Mercenary Regiment, I think the dragon must have found a place to hide, but the bodies of the Tianbao Mercenary Regiment should be nearby. The dragon was injured by their hands and must not run far, so I think it must hide in Tianbao. Around the bodies of the mercenary regiment, you can't escape far. Fenfan kept withdrawing those brute filaments, but there were no clues about the dragon, so he couldn't help thinking about it.

"I found it. What a strong smell of blood, and it is still emitting a warm smell of blood. It seems that this bloody smell is left by their Tianbao mercenary regiment. No, there is still such a fierce attribute brute force hidden in it, not human. Just now, they said that they hurt the dragon. It seems that these The hot attribute brute force is the dragon's. Following this smell, I think you can almost find them. Fenfan hooked his nose with his right hand and said to himself.

There are wild beasts in this forest. No one knows how many powerful existences will be hidden in such a vast forest. Of course, such a strong smell of blood will not be only by Burning Fan alone.

What's more, this is the blood of the dragon standing at the top of the barbarian beast. The blood means that the owner of this blood is seriously injured, beating the water dog, and everyone is willing to do it.

For a moment, countless powerful beasts in the whole forest moved, constantly following the hot smell of blood, and the originally quiet forest became messy.

"It's not good, I didn't expect so many barbarians to participate, and the breath of some barbarians is so obscure that it can't be found out at all." Burning Fan knew the information of the actions of these barbarians from countless recovered filaments, and his face immediately changed.

"Although the dragon was injured for some reason at this time, and then was injured collectively by the Tianbao Mercenary Regiment, it still has a lot of combat power. At this time, these barbarian beasts came to solve the brute force that consumed the dragon for me."

"The quail and the clam compete with each other, and the fisherman gets a profit. As long as I hit it with one blow and take some dragon blood in the body of the dragon, even if it is a great achievement, there is no need to fight against those barbarians in the forest. It is uncomfortable to find it. Fenfan knew that he could not compete with the dragon and the beasts in the forest with his own strength.

Although these barbarians also want to kill dragons, in the final analysis, dragons are generally barbarians. In front of human beings, even if they have great hatred, they will deal with human beings first.

The speed of burning Fan was very fast, and soon came to the place where the smell of blood came. All the eyes were full of broken bodies. Some people were black, as if they had been tortured, and they were covered with coke.

And there are the bodies of about 70 or 80 people lying horizontally. No wonder the scars will be mad and want revenge. 70 or 80 people are half of the strength of a mercenary regiment, and they will not feel sad if they lose water.

Countless ravines on the ground, traces of giant claws appeared on the trees, as well as broken swords, knives and so on, all of which show that a huge battle broke out in this place.

"This is the place. I think those barbarians are about to arrive. Hurry up and find a place to hide. The dragon should be in this place and be so seriously injured. If I guess correctly, it should be there." Fenfan hid in dozens of feet of big branches and leaves, but his eyes looked at the land under the tree and said to himself with a hooked nose.