Arrogant World

Chapter 220 I became the suzerain

Chapter 220 I became the suzerain

A turbid breath spit out from the mouth of Burning Fan. After spitting turbid air, Burning Fan suddenly felt that the whole pores of his whole body seemed to have opened, and his whole body was much relaxed. Every muscle cell was filled with the brute force in the space around the greedy mouthful devour, filling Fan's body.

The messy applause came to Burning Fan's ears, but the five sects who had been observing the situation of Burning Fan. After seeing Burning Fan stand up, they immediately applaud for Burning Fan. They were also happy to spread out such a talented patriarch.

There is no conflict between the interests of the suzerain and the interests of their five suzerains. After the anti-authenance master is established, the task of managing the sect usually falls on the five of them. It can also be said that the rights of the five of them not only have not weakened to a certain extent, but also strengthened a lot. This is also one of the important reasons why they did not want to burn Fan and quickly agreed to the merger of the five factions.

"Amazing Fan, under the condition of no guidance, he completed the transformation from the seven heavens to the eight heavens with his own understanding and obtained the barbarian soul. Since then, his strength has changed dramatically, which makes us old guys look at each other with new eyes. Even we used to pass under the supervision of the master. Of." The unstingy praise came out of the mouths of the five people, and only praised the burning Fan with a red face.

"Hey, don't praise me, my predecessors. I'm still self-aknowledgeable, and I can't be a genius in front of several predecessors." Rao Fenfan's thick-skinned face, but when he was praised by the master of Qian Yuanjing, he almost couldn't find the north, but he just touched his nose and smiled.

"Ha ha" When they saw Fenfan's appearance, all of them suddenly laughed. When the three suzerains who had not known Fan well, saw that Fenfan communicated so well at this time, they were much relieved, and the smiles on their faces suddenly increased.

"Well, everyone is serious. Now it's time for us to discuss the establishment of the Five elements of the sect and let our five elements stand on the top of the continent again." After laughing for a while, Tuobawu, the suzerain of the Gengjin sect, said that Tuobawu is the most prestigious and the most serious suzerain among the five suzerains. He is not only strict with himself, but also extremely strict with his disciples. Otherwise, the five schools will not be the first in the Gengjin school. At this time, When everyone saw Tuobawu talking, they consciously closed their mouths.

"Our five-emerged sect was a resounding sect on the mainland in ancient times. Which sect and tribe of our five elements on the mainland did not give a thumbs-up, but in the end, it was plotted by the young people of the night. It's really abominable. After so many years of silence, the five-eed sects finally came to us. After that, what we need to do is to learn the lessons of our predecessors and act as carefully as possible from now on. Don't let those enemies know. Otherwise, we are not full of wings now, and it is inevitable that we will be destroyed after being known by the enemies. Therefore, our top priority is not to inform the establishment of the five elements of the mainland, but to rest. Health, when the suzerain's strength is improved, then it is the time for our five elements to appear on the mainland. After the long talk, Tuoba Wu did not say anything, because everyone agreed with what Tuobawu said. At this time, the five-e elements sect that was about to be established was indeed not the opponent of the enemy.

"So what is the enemy of our five-eed sect?" After a while of silence, Fenfan asked, this is the key. At least it is easy to know who his opponent is. Otherwise, wouldn't it be ridiculous to see his opponents and call them brothers in the future?

"The most powerful tribes on today's continent are nine ancient tribes. They are the Dark Emperor tribe, the Crazy Emperor tribe, the Luohu tribe, the Wind Emperor tribe, the Yan Emperor tribe, the Yellow Emperor tribe, the Ice Emperor tribe, the Golden Emperor tribe and the Wood Emperor tribe. Their nine tribes have been passed down since ancient times and are very powerful. Although some of the tribes of them did not take action directly, they also watched coldly when we asked for help. It is really abominable, so if you want to talk about the enemy, their nine tribes have to mention it and see him later. Be careful if you say something." This time, Tugui explained that when it comes to these nine tribes, they, who are masters of Qianyuanjing, can't help but look gloomy. Obviously, even they can't help but be a little discouraged about revenge.

Behind Tugui, the fireman, who hadn't spoken for a long time, continued, "The Luoyu tribe that came to find fault not long ago is one of them. Fortunately, they didn't know that our Shenhuo religion is a branch of the legendary five-elegged sect, otherwise things would not be so simple."

"So what is the status of Robye in the Luo Hu tribe?" Fenfan asked that Luobai's strength is only high or low compared with that of the fire maniac. If Luobai is only a low-ranking person in the Luozhu tribe, then there is no need to fight, and revenge can't be revenge at all. He can directly admit defeat.

However, the next crazy words made Fenfan breathe a long sigh of relief. If it's really like what he guessed, he really doesn't have the confidence to be the suzerain. This is not because Fenfan doesn't dare, but knows that it's impossible to do it. That's what a fool does. Think about it, a small cadre is better than five elements. The master of Dazongmen is powerful. How can he fight this battle?

"Robai is a high-level in the Luoyu tribe. If I think well, Luobai should at least be the position of the elder of the Luoyu tribe. Although our divine fire religion is not very strong, it is not something that the Luoyu tribe can look at.

Since they dare to blatantly come to find the troubles of our Shenhuo religion and Wutuzong, Robai's status is also very high in the Luohu tribe. Listening to Tuobawu's explanation, Fenfan muttered so much in his heart, but in the final analysis, it was also the same, and his heart was also relaxed a lot.

"Well, it's not the time to worry about this. It seems that the disciples are ready. Let's go and show up now and let Fenfan become the suzerain." Aunt Yun interrupted Fenfan's thinking, and her soft voice made people feel comfortable. The anger that had just been interrupted also disappeared in Aunt Yun's voice.

Hearing Aunt Yun's idea, everyone also closed their mouths and quickly went down Wanzhang Mountain. Of course, Fenfan was still protected by fire. Although it had been upgraded to a higher level, it could not fly in the air.

The sentence whispered by the fireman whispering in Burning Fan's ear at the lower peak made Fenfan excited for a while. What the fireman said was very simple, with only one sentence, "We are not limited to five people in our five elements!" Fenfan thinks so. Which sect has no background? If the five elements of the sect are only furious, then they will really look for death.


The establishment process of the five-emun sect is very boring, which directly made Fenfan's waist and backache, but the good thing is that Fenfan survived.

Sitting in his cave, Fenfan still couldn't believe it. He looked at his hands and touched the tip of his nose.

"Am I the suzerain of the Five elements sect?"

"From a nameless and powerless boy to a suzerain who is about to shock the world?"

Several questions emerged from Burning Fan's heart, but they were pressed down by Burning Fan in an instant, and the brute force in his body ran and restored clarity.

"If I come, I will be safe. Fortunately, I lost my life, and I will no longer force it. Now as long as I concentrate on improving my strength according to the five predecessors, I can do it. However, now that they have strength, it is also necessary to send some people to find clues to their parents while improving their strength. I don't know how they are doing now? Speaking of strength, Fenfan couldn't help thinking of his parents who had never met.

"I just don't know, but how true and false is what Luo Yutang said? However, it is always necessary to send people to explore. It is always much better than me alone.


Ps: The plot about the five elements of the sect has finally been completed. The next step is to improve the strength and fight against the nine ancient tribes, and the strength of Burning Fan will be improved by leaps and bounds. Please pay attention to it.