Arrogant World

Chapter 272 Go to Qishan, they are your soldiers

Chapter 272 Go to the mountain together, they are your soldiers

Since the re- birth of the Demon clan is so important, the elders decided not to wait any longer. After the conference, they led the army to the place where the Demon clan was born under the leadership of three masters of Qianyuanjing.

This time, the three Qianyuanjing masters who led the team alone accounted for two of the Yitian tribe, namely, the fourth elder Bai Jianru and the ninth elder Yu Renyuan, and Huangfu Yuntai, a popular scattered master in the scattered cultivation at that time. Three Qianyuanjing masters, who were usually unknown, were dispatched at this moment, which shows that The threat of the Dimo clan to the mainland.

This time, the participants who participated in the trial meeting, such as Fenfan, joined the team this time. Fenfan and others were in the front row of the team, next to the Huangfu Yuntai. The remaining two Qianyuanjing masters were in the middle of the team and behind the team, watching the whole team to avoid being attacked by the masters of the Demon clan. .

Although the journey of Fenfan and others have not traveled very far, they have suffered three waves of attacks. If it hadn't been for the cooperation of Fenfan and others, it may not have lost their lives, but the strength of the Dimo clan has been deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts, originally because of the team Wuzhong's relaxed mind with the master of Qianyuanjing also suddenly raised his mind and carefully observed the four sides.

While riding a horned horse and observing the surroundings, Burning Fan's eyes darkly looked at the Huangfu Yuntai, which is known as the most popular among the scattered cultivation. Huangfu Yuntai is a big knife, and different from Yu Shixiong's long knife, which is also different from the usual door panel knife. It is an ordinary big knife. How about the spiritual power of Burning Fan? The exploration is just an ordinary knife, but Fenfan clearly knows that there are no less than thousands of demons who died under this big knife. Each demon clan has been cut off by Huangfu Yuntai. At least until now, Fenfan has never seen any demon clan need the second knife of Huangfu Yuntai.

A light-blue gown, casually tied a bun on the head, and the rest of the hair scattered casually. The face is resolute, thick eyebrows and big eyes. Although it is not handsome, it is also full of vitality. There is always a smile on the corners of the mouth. If you only look at the appearance, it is difficult to imagine that this person's hands are stained with so much blood.

The purpose of this burning their team is Pi Mountain, which is located in the north of the Yitian tribe. Pi Mountain is said to be a mountain, but in fact, it should be accurately said to be the Pi Mountain Range. The Pi Mountain Range, composed of thousands of tall peaks, occupies a huge land, even if the best-sighted barbarians stand on the highest peak among the Pi Mountain Range. I can't see the edge at a glance.

Although Fenfan walked through many places on the mainland, it was the first time he saw such a huge and shocking mountain range. He only saw the mountains directly pierce the blue sky. Countless white clouds seemed to be connected by these peaks. When he looked up, he could not see the top of the peaks.

It is such a beautiful place, but it is a place that most barbarians don't want to come. There is no other reason. Somehow, in addition to the stronger brute force of soil attributes in this mountain range, of course, it is only some. As for the rest of the brute force, it is even more deficient. If you stay in this place for a long time, the barbarian will I feel depressed, and I can't supply brute force in my body, let alone fight.

However, everything is not absolute. Although the mountains lack brute force, there are also many treasures. In order to solve the above problems, countless barbarian seniors have tried their best and spent countless years to finally have developed a kind of elixir "Bianwan" by them.

This "bingwan" is also magical. It specializes in the master of Chongyuanjing to take it. It only needs one pill to supplement the brute force of the barbarian division of Chongyuanjing, but it is limited to use once a day. Of course, Bingwan is not easy to get it. It can only be made of their sharp horns after hunting out the demons in the realm of Chongyuanjing realm, which can be said to be rare. It's abnormal.

After many days of continuous travel, the team of Fenfan and others has now arrived at the foot of the mountains. According to ordinary villagers living in the foot of the mountains of the mountains, the demons appeared very early and appeared about a year ago. In the past year, these villagers disappeared inexplicably in fear. He sent a representative to the nearby tribe for help. After the speculation of the barbarian, he found the trace of the demon clan. In order to prevent the expansion of his gaffe, the patriarch of this small tribe immediately told the big tribes about this matter.

After several days of rushing, Fenfan and others have been very scarce. They stationed in this small village and rested all night, waiting for tomorrow morning to enter the mountain and meet the rest of the barbarians.

There have been barbarians stationed there in the mountains for a long time, and the leader is also Sanxiu, and he is very famous for Sanxiu as Huangfu Yuntai.

"Yu civilization extinction" Burning Fan silently said the name in his heart. In the Sanxiu, there were not many barbarians who could come here as soon as they learned of the attack of the devil, instead of fleeing like others. Although they had never met, Burning Fan's heart was the destruction of this Yu civilization. There is a trace of admiration.

"There are two main reasons why I brought you out this time." At this time, Huangfu Yuntai, who was walking at the front of the team, suddenly turned around and said to the 11 people who were burning.

Fang Fan and others silently did not answer, waiting for Huangfu Yuntai's next words. "First, as a member of the barbarians of the mainland, you are naturally responsible for the arrival of the earth demon clan. Other barbarians can escape, but you can't. You carry too much hope." Huangfu Yuntai's eyes are even more special. He swept over the top three barbarians of the trial such as Fenfan.

"As for the second point," Huangfu Yuntai paused, pointed to the direction of the mountains, and then said, "The second point is naturally to take you out to grow your knowledge. The taste of experience is very strong in it, so you have to perform well this time." After saying that, as soon as he kicked the belly of the horse, Huangfu Yuntai walked to the room that had been prepared for him.

After everyone was silent for a while, Huangfu Yuntai, who had already disembed and was about to enter the house, suddenly stopped. His face changed, and he solemnly said to Burning Fan and others in a low voice: "Also, survive"

Although "live" is only three short words, I don't know why Fenfan felt his nose sore and tears almost fell down. He seemed to see those compatriots who died all the way under the sneak attack of the earth demon clan.

Burning Fan looked at the Huangfu Yuntai, which had already entered the room, clenched his fists, and looked back at the other ten people behind him. There was also no fear in their eyes, and he thought fiercely in his heart: "I will definitely come back, not just me. Fan, I still have to bring them back alive.

The ninth elder and the fourth elder have also restrained and sorted out the team at this moment. When they came up, the fourth elder looked at Fenfan very badly, but they had no intention of killing. After all, his son suffered a great loss in Fenfan's hands, and it was strange that he had a good impression on Fenfan.

Yu Renyuan, the ninth elder, patted everyone's shoulder fiercely, and finally came to Fenfan and sighed in his heart, "Why does such a good seedling not belong to Yitian alone?" But the idea only disappeared for a moment.

"Burning Fan, remember, don't show off after you go in tomorrow. Remember that you are not the only one fighting, and there are them," Yu Renyuan pointed to Li Weiyi and ten others, and then said to Fenfan in solemn oral English, "From now on, they are your soldiers. You should not only complete the tasks assigned to you well, but also ensure their safety. Be careful," he said, took a deep look at Fenfan and left first.

There is only the fourth elder Bai Jianru. At this time, the atmosphere at the scene is a little strange. It is well known that Fenfan and Bai Yanhua's conflict. At this time, Bai Jianru did not leave. Did he say that he wanted to find a scene for his son? For a moment, the nerves of burning Fan tightened in an instant.

Bai Jianru snorted coldly and looked at Fenfan coldly and said, "If you survive, don't humiliate us, just can't run away." After saying that, Bai Jianru felt that it was inappropriate and quickly said, "This is what Yiguang asked you to tell you. Don't get me wrong." Then he quickly walked over to his room.

Burning Fan's heart smiled, but his heart was much warmer. After all, he was of the same clan, and Bai Jianru was also good.