Arrogant World

Chapter 281 Wood Spirit Stone Appears

Chapter 281 The Appearance of Wood Spirit Stone

It has been a week since they returned to the camp. This time, the most injured Fenfan and Luo Li, who entered the mountains, have also recovered under the careful care of everyone.

What made Fenfan happiest during this period was the day he woke up and saw Huoyan beside him. That is to say, the five elements of the sect had come to Gaoshan at this moment. After introducing Li Weiyi to Huoyan, Fan began to ask in detail about the current situation of the five elements of the sect.

Fire makes Fenfan feel at ease. Since Fenfan left, the five elements of the sect have been following the style of doing things in a low-key way. Unconsciously, the power has expanded a lot, more than one or twice as big as before. After knowing that Huo Yan was the son of the owner of Huotang, Li Weiyi deliberately taught him well. Soon the two were able to get together and talk together, which made Fenfan very happy and sighed that he had not seen the wrong person.

However, what pleased Fan most during the camp was that he finally found the whereabouts of the wooden spirit stone. It turned out that not long ago, Fan inadvertently said from a barbarians who had just emerged from the mountains that a wooden spirit stone was found in the hands of a captain-level demon, which caused a great uproar at that time. Bo, even the three barbarians of Qianyuanjing went in by themselves, but they didn't find the wooden spirit stone.

Like fire spirit stone, earth spirit stone and gold spirit stone, wood spirit stone gathers the essence of heaven and earth trees and is nurtured for thousands of years. Wearing ornaments made of wood spirit stone for a long time can ensure that ordinary people are healthy and do not get sick. For barbarians, it is equivalent to one more life and can be able to seriously injured. Quickly repair the body, as long as it is not a must-kill attack, then it will be a matter of recovery sooner or later.

It's just that the demon holding the wooden spirit stone is well hidden and relies on his high cultivation. Even if the barbarians of Chongyuanjing met him, he had no way to escape. The demon seemed to have escaped from the ground, so the people in the camp were not worried that he would return to the ground again.

"It seems that this wooden spirit stone was also stolen by this captain from someone on the ground. However, after it was found, he had no choice but to rush out of the ground. Otherwise, with the strength of the captain level, he is also a person with a high status in the ground and will not be chased so embarrassed by the barbarians." After the continuous filtering of this demon's message in his heart, Burning Fan secretly guessed.

"I must get this wooden spirit stone. Although my cultivation is far ahead of my peers, it is the bottom of these mountains. If you don't pay attention to it, you may die." Since experiencing the incident of the nine eclipses, the belief that Burning Fan has become stronger has become stronger, as long as there is one Silk can improve the possibility of cultivation, and Fenfan will make great efforts to fight for it.

In fact, Fenfan unconsciously stood on the same line with the barbarians of the same generation. At this time, the barbarians of the same age as Fenfan were seven or eight heavens, but Fenfan has reached the height of four heavens.

"I must get this wooden spirit stone." Burning Fan gritted his teeth secretly and said fiercely. He got up and was ready to go to the mountains. This action is suitable for his own action and is not suitable for team action. It is not that Fenfan is nothing more than his teammates, but that it is indispensable to prevent others, and it is more convenient for his own action.


At this time, Burning Fan did not know that something had happened in the mountains. At this moment, a team of demons was surrounding a tall demon, and the two sides were facing each other.

"Captain, as long as you change the wooden spirit stone in your hand, the adult has already spoke and will treat it as if it didn't happen. You are still the captain of our legion." At this time, in front of that group of people, a local demon opened his mouth and persuaded bitterly.

"Hum, don't think I don't know the character of that old boy. What he said is easy. If I hand over the wooden spirit stone in my hand, I will be killed by him the next moment. I won't be so stupid." The demon called the captain snorted coldly, "Besides, if I have a wooden spirit in my hand If Shi finds a place to live in seclusion, my cultivation will definitely advance rapidly in ten years. How can I look at the old boy's face again?"

After a pause, the captain suddenly sighed, "If you still recognize me as the captain, get out of the way. I don't want to see a former brother die under me."

The scene suddenly fell into silence, and both sides stopped talking. Finally, the demon who looked like the vice captain opened his mouth again, but his voice was full of bitterness, and a trace of firmness "Captain, our family was held in the hands of the adult, and we had no way out at all. If If you go like this, our family will definitely die, so captain, I'm sorry."

"Big array, swing" The vice captain suddenly shouted, and the barbarians behind him suddenly took action and kept changing their steps, constantly changing the formation around the captain, trapping the captain in it.

"Alas" the captain sighed, shook his head, and sighed when he took action and said, "Your arrays are all taught by me, but I didn't expect that one day this array would be brought by you to me as a captain. It's really reasonable, and I can't say it clearly."

While talking, the captain's purple-black right arm suddenly cut forward, and at the same time stepped forward. His hands moved with his feet and his hands entered with his feet. The captain's right arm was raised. In an instant, countless purple-black one-arm knife shadows appeared in place and covered the whole audience. The cold air entered their bones through their skin. Inside, they shuddered all over.

The deputy captain of "Big Array Change--Infinite Hanging" remained unchanged, standing outside the array, constantly making various commands, and finally shouted again.

In general, infinite strangulation is to let the earth demons surrounding the enemy continue to travel along the diagonal line, use the sharp bone spurs as the most powerful weapon to break the defense against people, smash the enemy's internal organs, and move countless demons at the same time, so this gives the name of strangulation.

As soon as the vice captain's words fell, the demons who were constantly changing their footsteps around the captain changed again. One by one, the demons turned into a black light and rushed towards the captain in the middle. The bone spurs on his body emitted a strong chill, like a cold knife, ready to fight and tear the captain's body.

Looking at the action of the demon in front of him, the captain just smiled slightly, his one foot was slightly on the ground, and his body then rose to the sky. In mid-air, the captain's speed was so fast, and his toes were gently on the shoulders of the earth demon rushing over, and his body rushed towards the team like a roc. At this moment, every place The demon's body seemed to be a bridge to the deputy team under the captain's feet.