Arrogant World

Chapter 291 Indian Bistro Incident

Chapter 291 Indian Bistro Incident

Since the end of the trial, Yinfei, as the captain, has given an order to rest to the demons who stood out from it, such as Fenfan. As long as the food collection work is over, they must leave unconditionally immediately, so Fenfan and others took advantage of this rare time before the war.

In the nest of the Demons - the Demon City, it is similar to human society. As long as you can think of the way of pleasure, you can naturally find it here, and it also let Fenfan have a good time. Seeing that all people did not see through their transfigurement, the big stone in his heart was finally put down.

"Come on, Yin Fan, how beautiful these girls are. Come on, pick one." At this time, Fenfan was drinking with his future teammates in a third-level tavern, and suddenly shouted and pulled Fen Fan back from his thinking. Fenfan looked back, but he was a civilian demon like him.

This civilian demon competed in a competition with Fenfan that day, but in the end, he was so scared that he didn't dare to move forward when he saw Fenfan's fierceness, but later became a good friend with Fenfan.

This demon is called Yin Jun. Although he has nothing to do with handsome in Fenfan's eyes, who can be accurate in the eyes of Di Mo? Since the audition, Yin Jun has been familiar with Fenfan and fought together. One wants to make friends with each other, and the other wants to inquire about it. Xi, the two have their own thoughts and are together all day long. In the eyes of others, they have a very good relationship.

At this moment, there is a group of hell "beauty" around the beautiful body, and both hands don't know where to put them in the bodies of those beautiful women. They keep groping there, causing those devil beauties to be coquettish.

Fenfan pulled the corners of his mouth, forced himself to suppress the things that were constantly churning in his stomach, and tried to turn his head to get better. In Fenfan's view, each of these beautiful women was more than two meters high, black all over, and there were many ** bone spurs outside. No matter how you look at it, there was no sign of the beauty.

"Compaign with my cigarettes... Oh, no... It's not comparable to my cigarettes at all. One of my cigarettes is more beautiful than them... Humph" Burning Fan turned his head, looked up and dried all the wine in his hand, and licked his lips endlessly. With a sigh, the most satisfying cup of wine in his hand may be in his hand.

"Yinquan, this is the fifth time you have refused my invitation. They are all the number one in this pub. If we are not about to go to the battlefield and don't know life or death, the boss's wife will not let them come out to accompany us. Think about it again. After this village, there will be no shop." At this time, Yin Jun was already drunk and confused. If he didn't listen carefully, he really couldn't hear what he was saying.

Fung Fan still shook his head and muttered in a voice that he could only hear: "I have a wife, and she is very beautiful." A trace of tenderness flashed in my eyes. I don't know what Yaner is doing at this moment. Is she also thinking about me? Looking at the bright moon emitting purple-black light in mid-air, Fan thought.

"What's going on? Is it that you are old? Why do you miss Yaner so much these days?" Fenfan shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't know what's wrong with him recently.

But I didn't know that the muttering in Fenfan's mouth had just ended. A trace of fine light suddenly flashed in his originally drunken and hazy eyes, but then disappeared again. The whole person arched into the arms of the "beauty" beside him, which once again made the beautiful women's voice high. Call.

"It seems that the identity of this 'companion' around me is not so simple." Just now, the yin's handsome movements and eyes were seen by Fenfan. Although Fenfan did not look back, there is a more accurate and real way than turning back - spiritual power, in the spirit of the demon clan, Fan Fenfan's spiritual power is not idle at all. It is the habit of burning Fan in a strange environment, but he didn't expect to find such a secret.

"Indian Tavern" is a small tavern in Dimor City. At best, it is a third-rate pub. Neither wine nor dishes are comparable to those large pubs, but it is still full of people every day. Both wine and dishes are in short supply, because Indian pubs have other pubs that do not have. Advantages - cheap. For poor demons who work hard for a year and don't pay much, cheap Indian pubs are the best place for them to relax, so every evening when they leave work, countless demons will pour into the pub from the outside, making the otherwise spacious pub more crowded.

The day passed unconsciously. Fenfan was always used to knowing the changes of the hours of the day from the rise of the purple moon in the sky. The tavern fell into the excitement again. The originally very quiet pub boiled up. Fortunately, Fenfan and Yin Jun chose the corner, so they were not beaten. Disturbing, burning Fan is also very happy.

A crisp sound suddenly covered the noise in the pub at this time, making the sound in the original noisy pub tremble, and then calmed down. All the demons looked at the demon who threw the cup. Naturally, Burning Fan was no exception. It's more lively than drinking alone. Strong.

At this time, there stood a tall demon standing on a table in the middle of the Indian pub, with black skin, and his clothes were only clothes that could be bought cheaply on the street. At a glance, it was plain, and if you look at it again, it could be said that it was still ordinary.

Burning Fan knew that although the Indian pub is a third-rate pub, there is a black boss on this street behind him, which is also a hard idea. Usually, I rarely see anyone dares to make trouble here.

Since he dared to make trouble here, it seems that the identity behind this black boy is unusual. Fenfan's heart turned around and made such a conclusion in an instant. Fenfan, who was originally standing, found a chair against the wall in the corner and sat down, asked for a glass of wine again and began to look at it with relish.

After hearing the sound of throwing a cup, a low earth demon immediately ran out of the backyard of the pub. The lowness here is calculated according to the height of the burning demon. Although the burning demon is powerful, it is the shortest among the earth demons. According to human society, it is a third-level disabled.

This low demon may be the owner of the pub. The owner ran to the devil on the middle table with a smile on his face, and secretly gestured to his clerk with his hands. The clerk saw it and left through the back door of the pub without everyone knowing.

"Ha ha, is this hero, the shop's hospitality? Did he make you angry? Who do you think it is? If the villain goes down, he will definitely teach him a hard lesson?" The so-called reaching out and not to hit the smiling man, the curator smiled like this, and the big black man was embarrassed to make trouble again, so he came down from the table. He grabbed the collar of the curator and said viciously.

"Old boy, do you look down on me? Is an old man without money? Huh?"

"How come? Where did the hero start? The owner said with a sad face. Obviously, he didn't know what this meant.

"Huh, look," the big black man snorted coldly after pushing the owner to the ground, stretched out his hand and pointed to the burning Fan, and said angrily, "Why do they have beautiful concubines around them, and we can only sit here and drink muffled wine? Do you think this is not looking down on us?" It turned out that he saw the female demon beside Yin Jun, and Fenfan said secretly in his heart, but he really didn't dare to compliment the word "beautiful concubine" in this big black man's mouth. Burning Fan, who drank wine and watched the bustle, really didn't expect that this big black man would get angry for this reason. He couldn't help laughing in his heart and didn't move, trying to see how Yin Jun would deal with it.

"Heroes, they are not ordinary people. They are strong men who are about to go to the front line, and their treatment is naturally different," the curator explained to the big black man with a wry face.

"What a son of a strong man, looking at their small body, I can knock them down with my fists. I don't care, call that beautiful concubine for me, or I will tear down your tavern." The black bull saw Fenfan looking at him and couldn't help lighting up his muscles at Fenfan.

Fangfan smiled, but felt that this big cow was cute. He dared to directly express what he thought in his heart and did not want those sanctimonious hypocrites. This personality was appreciated by Fenfan. He made up his mind to help him later if there was any trouble.

At this moment, a loud shout came from outside the door of the pub.

"Who said he was going to demolish this pub? Didn't he pay attention to my boss?" A demon in this black coat pushed the door and came in, followed by the clerk who walked out of here.