Arrogant World

Chapter 341, the wicked have their own evil man's grinding

Chapter 341, the wicked have their own evil grinding

Tongshen Bridge? This is the Tongshin Bridge. Looking at the very dilapidated stone bridge in front of us, everyone standing at the head of the bridge couldn't help but have such a question in their hearts.

"It seems that if you want to move forward, you must pass through this stone bridge." Burning Fan unconsciously clicked with each other's hands. Looking at the mottled stone bridge in front of him, he thought to himself, "But can this stone bridge really hold us through?" Fenfan was very doubtful that if he walked up by himself, the stone bridge would break from the middle.

There is an abyss under the stone bridge!!

Looking under the Tongshen Bridge, the clouds were filled with various appearances; the mountain wind blew freely between the two peaks, whined, and a burst of coolness rose from the soles of Burning Fan's feet.

Although his cultivation has reached Qianyuan, standing on the top of such a peak, Fenfan can't help but feel that his heart is not true, and he can't help taking two steps back.

Luo Yinglong and others looked at each other. Luo Yinglong nodded, stood up, pointed to the Tongshen Bridge and said, "I don't know how many years this Tongshen Bridge has existed. There are spots and cracks on it. However, since this stone bridge can be called Tongshen, it shows that it must be unique. Now I It's not a way for us to be trapped here. I suggest that Cao Zheng and you choose one person to go there first. What do you think?

Obviously, Luo Yinglong was fighting against Cao Zheng on the revenge square. Everyone knew it, but what Luo Yinglong said was also the truth.

Since this stone bridge can be called Tongshen Bridge in ancient times, it is obvious that this stone bridge has something special and has experienced tens of years of wind and frost erosion. Tongshen Bridge is still located here, which can show its extraordinary.

"Good!" To everyone's surprise, Cao Zheng heard Luo Yinglong's words, and his eyes flashed sharply, but he calmed down randomly. His whole face seemed to drip ink, and he answered in a low voice.

Luo Yinglong is not a fool. On this leading peak, the venue is very narrow and can't tolerate such a giant puppet war machine at all. If you rely on the three of them alone, it is obviously not Luo Yinglong's opponent. Instead of making unnecessary hard-earning, it's better to agree directly.

"Ms. Leader!" Jin Yu shouted in a low voice, and Fei Shi beside him also stood beside Cao Zheng and looked at Cao Zheng with a worried face. Obviously, he was very surprised by the regimental commander's pleasant promise.

"Well~" Cao Zhenghuan looked at the two people standing beside him. Fei Shi had always been loyal to himself and said that he was a very good thug. As for Jinbai, he is now a very rare puppet master on the mainland. Moreover, Jinbai still holds a war weapon such as a giant puppet in his hand for a while. Meanwhile, Cao Zheng didn't know who to send up.

"Jinba, you are the lightest of the three of us. Let you be the first to step on the Tongshen Bridge!" Cao Zheng took a look at Jin Yu standing beside him and finally opened his mouth. At the same time, he sighed in his heart that a loyal dog is not so easy to cultivate. As for the puppet masters, they are rare, but they are not there. As long as you look carefully, you will always find one or two.

"Also, in order to lose as much weight as possible, give me all the valuables on your body first," Cao Zheng gave Fei Shi a look. Fei Shi instantly restrained Jin Yu, and Cao Zheng took down the universe ring in Jin Yu's hand.

Looking at Cao Zheng's group who killed each other like a clown, all the monks watched coldly, and even sat cross-legged on the ground and meditated, turning a blind eye to what was around them.

Jin Bai's face suddenly turned pale. His biggest support was those unfounded giant puppets. Now Cao Zheng took the universe ring in his hand, which is to cut off his dependence.

"Don't worry, you just need to walk the Tongshen Bridge wholeheartedly. This Tongshen Bridge seems to be dilapidated, but it is actually very strong." Just when Jin Yu was at a loss, a mellow voice suddenly came to his ear. Jin Yu could hear it. The sound was the burning fan standing beside him.

Listening to the sound of Burning Fan's voice in his ear, Jin Qi's heart fell heavily and comforted himself, "Yes, there is no saying that I will die if I walk the Tongshen Bridge on the stone tablet. Maybe I can be the first to reach the opposite side and find the treasure!" Thinking of this, Jin Yu looked gratefully at Fenfan and walked past Cao Zheng without even looking at him.

Cao Zheng also knew that he was sorry for Jin Yu in his heart. He regarded Jin Yu's movements as if he didn't see them and turned sideways.

Tongshen Bridge connects the dragon head peak with the peak on the other side, forming a unique scenery between the two naturally formed peaks.

The mountain wind roared continuously, cold and piercing, blowing on people's bodies like knives. As soon as Jinbai stepped on the Tongshen Bridge, a brute force shield rose around his body and guarded him tightly.

The sound of the mountain turning into a blade hitting the brute force shield constantly sounded on the Tongshen Bridge. At the top of the peak, it was particularly clear, and the sound of the empty valley was even quieter, mostly like this.

All the barbarians standing at the head of the Tongshen Bridge were staring at Jinqi's body at this time. Seeing that Jinqi had reached the middle of Tongshen Bridge, they couldn't help but be relieved.

The Tongshen Bridge is about 100 meters long. Except for a few parts that are firmly carved on the peaks, most of the bridges extend to the outside and are built on the cliffs out of thin air.

At such a high height, the water vapor below continues to evaporate and quickly condenses into ice when encountering the cold wind on the top, forming a thin layer of ice on the surface of the Tongshen Bridge.

In addition, there is no guardrail on the outside of Tongshen Bridge, and the people standing on the bridge need great courage and determination to take every step.

After the middle section of the Tongshen Bridge in the past, the latter paragraph was hidden in a thick fog, and the action of the barbarians standing at the head of the bridge could not be seen clearly.

Jinqi has passed through his whole body, and the fog around him suddenly seems to become stronger.

At the moment when they saw that Jin Bang was fine, everyone was often relieved.

The sudden change!

The thick fog on the Tongshen Bridge suddenly changed and kept rolling, and then a scream came from the Tongshen Bridge and penetrated directly into everyone's hearts.

The unknown is always the most terrible.

Everyone didn't know what happened behind the fog. What made Jinqi make such a miserable cry? Is Jin Ying dead or alive now?

"Jin Bang is dead!" Suddenly, a gloomy voice came, and everyone followed the sound, but it was Cao Zheng, but at this time, Cao Zheng's face was gloomy, and the ink on his dark face was about to drip to the ground, and his eyes stared at the universe ring in his hand.

Everyone knows that this ring was forcibly peeled off by Cao Zheng when he walked on the Tongshen Bridge. Now the universe ring is getting bigger and bigger under Cao Zheng's brute force, and everyone can see through it clearly.

This universe ring is not big, only about ten square meters. At first glance, everyone didn't feel anything, but then thinking of Cao Zheng's face, everyone understood it.

How can more than ten square meters of space accommodate 49 giant puppets?

That is to say, Cao Zheng was fooled by his subordinates, and 49 giant puppets were not in this universe ring at all, but fell into the abyss with the golden oak.

Thinking that the horrible giant puppet was gone, a smile appeared on Luo Yinglong and others' faces, setting off Cao Zheng's gloomy ink-like face, making Fenfan beside him only nausea.

In fact, only Fenfan himself knew that the puppet had not been in his hands from the beginning. It was just that Jinbai helped him divert everyone's attention. Thinking of this, Fenfan's heart had a trace of guilt for Jin Ba, lowered his head obscurely, and a trace of guilt flashed in Fenfan's eyes.

"What the hell is it? After the clouds!" However, when he raised his head, Burning Fan's eyes became firm, and the throbbing in his heart became stronger.