Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 10 First Entry into the Dart Bureau

Seeing Cang Yi's anxiety, Lei Huo immediately smiled and said, "Look at what you are worried about. Alas, I really can't bear to let a promising student like you leave because you can't afford to pay the tuition. Let's do this. I have always had a good relationship with Tianxing Dart Bureau. In recent years, they also lack excellent darts masters and are trying their best to cultivate new people. I think if you go, they will definitely value you very much. In this way, you can also earn some income by yourself to solve your urgent needs. Do you think you would like it?

Hearing this, Cang Yi was excited. His dream is to become a goodbiao master! I didn't expect to take the first step of success immediately, and it is said that this heavenly darts bureau is one of the best in the country, ranking sixth among the top ten darts bureaus, which can be called a great thing. Can he not be happy?

The joy on his face could no longer be controlled, and Cang Yi nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Yes! Can the coach really help me with this? I really don't know how to thank you."

The coach waved his hand and said, "Okay, you're welcome. Get your personal image well when you go back, and I'll take you to see the shopkeeper of the Tianxing Dart Bureau tomorrow.

Finally, Lei Huo said to Cang Yi, "Also, come with me tonight. I'll take a good test for you to see what level your martial arts ability is.

After talking about everything, Cang Yi quickly left Lei Huo's room. As soon as he walked out of the door, Cang Yi jumped up excitedly.

In the evening, Lei Huo took Cang Yi to the side room next to the martial arts hall. There are about 100 square meters here, which is the place where students conduct martial arts level tests.

The room is empty, and there is only a stone pillar with a height of more than one person and a thick plate in the middle. This is the test.

This test is not a standard test column, because it is too small to test martial arts below level 20. Because there is no need to place a better test column in the martial arts school in this town, and it is almost impossible for anyone to exceed such a high level. It's a waste to put it here.

This kind of test column is also very simple to use. It is basically like a huge thermometer. After being attacked, it will produce light red from below. The stone pillar is marked with a scale, and wherever the light red rises, that person is at any level.

After everything was ready, Cang Yi began to use all his strength to attack the pillar.

After the attack is completed. Although Leihuo was prepared for the improvement of Cang Yiwu, when he saw the value presented on the column, he was still surprised and couldn't close his mouth. "How is this possible? I haven't seen a genius since I've been a coach for so many years, but I've never heard of you to break through level 5 so quickly. I don't know how terrible you will reach in two years? Maybe you can really surpass me at that time.

However, Cang Yi still answered modestly, "Coach, you think highly of me. To your level, it can only be my dream. How can it be realized so soon?"

Early the next morning, Lei Huo did not let Cangyi participate in the training, so he took him to the Tianxing Dart Bureau.

After coming to the dart bureau, the shopkeeper warmly received the two people.

The so-called shopkeeper is not the boss in the darts bureau, but just a special position. However, this position is also very popular in the bodyguard bureau. The shopkeeper himself does not take the darts. He is only responsible for contacting the business in the darts bureau. All darts' missions are sent from him.

The tasks are different, and there is also a big difference between the merits and money obtained. Of course, tasks at different levels are also determined by the darts master's own qualifications. The more advanced the task, the more income and merit there will be, but is the same completion also greater?

The level of the darts are divided into handymen, handyman foreman, trainee guards, junior guards, intermediate guards, senior guards, trainee darts masters, junior darts masters, intermediate darts masters, senior darts masters, super bronze darts masters, silver medal darts masters, gold medal darts masters, and platinum darts masters. Of course, the ultimate goal is to be a barts master to reach this level. Ten million merits are needed. And a trainee guard can only get more than ten points of merit after another.

The task of the darts bureau is not only to walk darts, but also has many classifications. In addition to transporting things, there are also bodyguards, suppressing bandits and some more special tasks.

The state's management of the merit value of the dart master is very strict. There is a special agency responsible for annual verification. It is impossible for anyone to add one point to himself, so the score of this merit value is also very credible.

In a small place like Xiangfengqi Town, it is impossible for the General Bodyguard Bureau to set up a subcolon here, which can only be regarded as an outer cabinet. There will be no real darts master here. Basically, it's good to reach the middle guard. Even the senior guard is very few, only two, and they often help in the subcolon in the county. It's not easy to see.

After entering the dart bureau, Cang Yi found that there were not many people here, which was cold and cold. This is most of the time in the darts bureau. The darts either went out to complete the task or did something else. This is the profession of a darts master. He will not work in the darts bureau. He is usually very free. The people who are really busy here are some handymen.

These handymen are not qualified to do darts. They are only responsible for helping the darts master move things, receiving some customers, helping to make tea and pour water or something.

The shopkeeper brought Lei Huo and the other two into the reception room. The two exchanged a few words, and Lei Huo immediately introduced Cang Yilai. Unexpectedly, this person with a serious expression and a very serious job praised Cang Yi for a while today, and also boasted a lot of exaggerated words for Cang Yi. It made Cang Yi feel embarrassed for a while.

Of course, the shopkeeper is very interested in the young man in front of him. He accepted Cang Yi without saying a word. However, there are very strict regulations in the darts bureau. If newcomers don't have experience as darts, they can't directly be darts. They can only do handymen. After a year of investigation, if their performance is outstanding, they can be further advanced.

If you want to become a guard as soon as possible within this year, it is not absolutely impossible to take over the task. However, you must make and make outstanding contributions to the merit of the darts master to reach 100 points. But the daily task of handymen is to do handymen. What opportunities do they have to improve their merits?

Ordinary people have no hope for this breakthrough and can only wait to fool around. But for Cang Yi, he really wants to become a trainee guard as soon as possible and earn more money on the task.

Miscellaneous servants have no task, can only go to work every day to get a dead salary, and their monthly income is only 60 copper coins, which is still not enough to pay tuition fees.

Anyway, Cang Yi has his own income, and he is still extremely happy. He is also indescribably grateful for the thunder and fire.

For the outer cabinets in a small place like Fengqi Town, there is not much business at ordinary times, so Cangyi's daily work is still very leisurely. However, he needs to work during the day and can only return to the martial arts school at night to work overtime for training.

The higher the improvement of martial arts, the more difficult it becomes. Even if Cang Yi has been eating delicious stones, it took him a week to raise it to level 6.

Time flies. Seeing that a month is about to pass, we are about to face the next month's tuition, but Cangyi can't earn so much money with this job. He knows his family and doesn't want to ask his family for money anymore. What should I do? Cang Yi has been worried about this matter these days.

One afternoon, Cang Yi prepared to go back to the martial arts hall after work. After walking out of the door of thebiao bureau, he found an old man in simple clothes sitting on the steps crying.

Cang Yi is very strange. What can make such an old man cry? He suddenly raised his heart of compassion, squatted beside the old man, and asked respectfully, "Old uncle, what's wrong with you?" Why did you sit at the door of our darts bureau and cry?