Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 12 Getting Ready to Go

The next day, Cangyi received the silver coin. Cang Yi is indeed a kind-hearted person. Although the employer promised to add 30 copper coins, he saw that the old man was not rich and life was not easy, so he rejected the 30 copper coins again.

This is a silver coin. It used to be his living expenses for a year. Cang Yi held this silver coin in his hand and enjoyed it for a long time.

After work, Cang Yi listened to the shopkeeper's opinion and came to the weapons store to buy the first weapon he had in his life.

The weapons store in this small town is very small, and it will not sell any high-end weapons, but even so, it is dazzling for Cangyi, a child from the countryside, and I don't know where to start.

The shopkeeper looked at the guests and immediately greeted them and asked enthusiastically, "Does the little brother want to buy a weapon?"

Cang Yi nodded.

The shopkeeper said, "Let's see if there are any weapons you like first?"

Cang Yi strolled in the store and admired every weapon. He knew that he didn't have much money and didn't dare to choose those seemingly expensive weapons. Finally, his eyes fell on a short knife more than a foot long.

This small knife is exquisitely made, and the handle is finely wrapped in a patterned belt. Cang Yi slowly picked up the knife and pulled it out of its scabbard. It sounds very comfortable to hear a crisp sound. Looking at the knife surface, it was extremely bright, reflecting the cold light.

Cang Yi asked, "Boss, how much is this knife?"

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "The little brother is really discerning. This knife is exquisitely made, but the price is not high. You can take it away with a half silver coin."

Hearing this price, Cang Yi still frowned. He only planned to spend 50 copper coins when he came to the weapons store this time. Because I still have to keep half of the money to pay the tuition fee of the martial arts school. He had to take back the knife and put it down and said regretfully, "Don't worry, I'll take a look at something else."

The shopkeeper is very experienced in this industry. He doesn't have much money for these new bodyguards, but this profession is generally promising. He will not despise these people who can't afford good weapons. Maybe that is his future God of Wealth.

The shopkeeper continued to say kindly, "Well, I think it's your first time to buy weapons, and you're not very good at it. First tell me what level your martial arts ability has reached, and then tell me how much you plan to pay this time. Believe me, I will definitely let you choose a satisfactory weapon.

Cang Yi had to tell the shopkeeper truthfully.

Hearing Cang Yi say that his martial ability had reached level 6, the shopkeeper immediately showed a surprised expression and couldn't help praising him: "Little brother really can't see that he has such a high skill at such a young age. He is definitely a genius, and his future must be immeasurable.

But when he heard that he could only take out 50 copper coins, he was really dumbfounded. He said helplessly, "Little brother, it's not that I want to embarrass you. You know that a level like you should spend at least two silver coins to buy a suitable weapon. Don't worry, I will try my best to help you, but do you think you can consider adding a little more budget? Otherwise, the weapon you bought will be cut into scrap iron in a few strokes.

Cang is easy to be embarrassed, but he is too moved to see these dazzling weapons. Finally, he made up his mind and gritted his teeth and said, "All right. I may only have to add 30 more copper coins. Just help me choose a similar weapon. It's really troublesome for you.

The shopkeeper was not angry. First of all, he saw that Cang Yi reached Wu Neng Level 6 at such a young age, and it was absolutely not a problem to develop in the future. In addition, this boy is also very good at speaking and doing things, which is very pleasant. The shopkeeper really wants to help him this time. However, no matter what, the store will never do a loss-making business.

After thinking for a moment, the embarrassed shopkeeper suddenly lit up and said happily, "Okay, I think of it. Wait for me to get you weapons right away."

With that, the shopkeeper walked back to the counter, lowered his head, rummaged in the counter for a long time, and took out a short knife with a large curvature.

"Okay, that's it." As the shopkeeper spoke, he handed the knife to Cang Yi's hand. "This knife was just made by my son. Although he hasn't made an apprentice yet, you can rest assured that his craftsmanship is basically close to that of a qualified weapons engineer. Although this knife looks a little poor in workmanship, it is absolutely no problem to use. You can try it."

Cang Yi took the knife and looked at it carefully. It's his first time to buy something. To be honest, he can't see why, but he thinks this knife is quite good. He slowly pulled him out of his scabbard. The sound is indeed not as crisp as the one just now, but it is not bad for Cang Yi's standard.

Look at the knife surface again, it is not as bright as the one just now.

At this time, the shopkeeper immediately raised a piece of paper and said, "Don't think it doesn't look good, but it's definitely sharp enough. If you don't believe it, try to cut this paper!"

The warehouse is easy to use that knife to cut off the paper. The paper was instantly seen as two neat flaps, and there was not even a burr at the incision.

Seeing a little satisfaction on Cang Yi's face, the shopkeeper immediately said, "This time it's a big advantage for you. This knife is absolutely second to a medium knife in terms of effectiveness. Selling a silver coin is definitely worth it. Even if I make friends with you today and give you another 20% discount, what do you think?

Cang Yi had no experience in buying things in the first place. When he heard the shopkeeper say so earnestly, he was only satisfied. I happily paid the money and took the knife.

Before leaving, the shopkeeper politely said, "Little brother must not forget the shop. You must come to visit often when you are developed in the future!"

Cang Yile nodded and left.

In fact, to be honest, even if the shopkeeper is very good at management, Cangyi is really a bargain this time. Later, he sold the knife and sold it for a silver coin and 20 copper coins.

The day of departure finally arrived, and the old man explained the specific address of his daughter's mother-in-law's house like Cang Yi. Her husband's name is Lexi, and his daughter's name is Li Zisu. A letter is also attached. In the past two days of preparation, he has eaten a lot and drank a lot of water, and is sure that he can survive the desert with these things. However, he can still imagine the difficulties of this road.

When leaving, the shopkeeper, the old man and Fang Hao all came to see him off. Especially Fang Hao, he cried with a runny nose and tears. He took out a big bag and a big belt kettle and handed it to Cang Yi sadly and said, "Brother Yi, you must come back as soon as possible. I will miss you very much. I can't help you with anything else. You can take all the food and water. Especially this pot of water, which is a crystal solution, is very expensive. Drinking a sip is equivalent to drinking a bowl of ordinary water. Save some drinks. It's absolutely no problem to walk through the desert.

Cang Yi was also a little choked. He didn't know what to say to be grateful for, so he hugged Fang Hao tightly. The two brothers cried like this, which moved others extremely.

Next is the shopkeeper, and he is still worried. He moved a camel pig and said, "That's all the dart bureau can do for you. This thing doesn't walk too fast. It's about 30 kilometers in an hour, but it's better to have a mount than walking.

Cang Yi took over the reins of the camel pig and said, "Thank you, you have taken care of me. Don't worry, I will definitely complete the task.

Finally, it was the old man. He is full of gratitude to the young man in front of him. He handed Cang Yi a big backpack and said, "There are three bags of tea in it. I was going to only bring two bags to my daughter, because there was nothing to thank you anymore, so I prepared an extra bag. You can take this bag to the Western Regions to sell. I heard that this thing is very rare and valuable there.