Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 21 Sinan's martial arts

"Si Nan's family, is there nothing wrong with your brain? You just offended others." Lanling was surprised.

Cang Yi laughed and said, "Yes, I just made amends for him this time. There is still a small business that hasn't been done!"

Lanling laughed and said, "No way. Do you still have the goods?"

Cang Yi nodded.

Lanling said, "I didn't expect you to be really smart. It's really a loss for you not to be a businessman and just a dart master.

Originally, each bag was 15 catties. Cang Yi has long split his bag into two bags, one bag is ten catties and the other bag is five catties.

The two simply had some lunch and went straight to Si Nan's house.

When he arrived at the front of Sinan's house and looked at the door alone, Cang Yi obviously felt that this family was not ordinary rich.

After the clerk in Sinan's family opened the door, he saw that Cang Yi looked like an Easterner and asked doubtfully, "This gentleman, who are you looking for?"

Cang Yi said politely, "Please inform your young master Si Nansheng that I'm from the Eastern Regions and come to talk to him about a deal."

After listening to this, I will go back and report it immediately.

When the time was not long, I heard a kind voice shouting far away: "It turned out that Brother Cang came. Oh, it's really an honor. Welcome!"

Cang Yi and Lanling were welcomed to a very luxurious living room. The tea and fruit plate has been set for a long time.

Cang Yi is not very polite. After sitting down, he immediately took out a smaller package and put it on the table and said, "I still have the last five catties of Fengqi tea here. I don't know if you are going to take it?"

Seeing the small bag of tea, Si Nansheng, who had already sat down, immediately stood up, with great joy on his face and bowed to Cang Yi and said, "Oh, I didn't expect Brother Cang to be such a smart and careful person. I thought... Oh, forget it. I'm sorry to say it, how can I treat Brother Cang as an unrighteous friend?

Cang Yi smiled and said, "Well, since we are brothers. I won't bargain with you. You can estimate it. I will never bargain as much as you say.

Si Nansheng praised: "Brother Cang is really a refreshing person!"

After saying that, he picked up the bag of tea and looked at it carefully. He nodded, "Well, this bag is at least five catties. Let's do this. I definitely can't let Brother Cang suffer. What price does the big restaurant give you? I will give you the same price. Do you think it's appropriate to calculate five silver coins?

Cang Yi took a sip of tea: "Okay, that's it, it's a deal."

Then, Si Nansheng pulled out his sword and said, "Brother Cang, I keep my word, even if it's a new friend's meeting gift. This jade sword will belong to you in the future.

Cang Yi just politely pushed it twice, and finally took the sword.

The two exchanged warmly for a while. Si Nansheng is also a good martial arts learner. They chatted and asked each other's martial arts level.

After hearing Cang Yi say that his level can reach level 7 at most, Si Nansheng immediately proposed: "Since Brother Cang has not reached the stage of martial arts, he should not be able to practice martial arts. But I have a trick to teach you.

Hearing this, Cangyi naturally became interested. He asked strangely, "How can this be? I don't have any fighting spirit now. How can I learn any moves?"

Si Nansheng smiled and said, "Brother Cang just doesn't know anything. Of course, the world is so big. Do you think all moves depend on fighting spirit? But I don't use this trick."

Cang Yi became more and more interested. He also stood up and said, "There is such a good thing. Then Master Lao Sinan must teach me!"

Si Nansheng said, "This is natural. Who makes us friends?"

The two simply stopped delaying and immediately came to the backyard. It turned out that there was an intermediate martial arts hall in Si Nansheng's home, which surprised and excited Cang Yi. This was the first time he had seen such a high-level martial arts hall. He doesn't recognize many refining instruments at all. It opened his eyes.

Standing in the middle of the martial arts hall, Si Nansheng began to say, "This move doesn't sound very good, but it is indeed a very effective and easy-to-use move. If you use it well, he can deal with opponents above level 3 above you.

Cang Yi was surprised again, "Master Si Nan, aren't you exaggerating? Level 3, I've never heard of such a powerful move before.

Si Nansheng smiled confidently, "Brother Cang, this is that you are not knowledgeable enough. This unique learning is not easy to spread in our family. Brother, promise me not to teach others easily after learning! But you can't feel sorry for our Sinan family.

Cang Yi nodded desperately and said, "That's natural. Don't worry, you can't trust a friend like me? Tell me quickly, what's the name of this trick?"

Si Nansheng finally replied with great pride: "This move is the unique one in the legend. It has once made many heroes and embocated, and it is the most exquisite and profound skill in the world."

Cang Yi was so anxious that he sweated, "Young Master Si Nan, say it quickly. What the hell is the move?"

Si Nansheng finally said that strange name,

"It's just pounding JJ, the law."

Cang Yi immediately covered his head with black lines after listening.

Seeing Cang Yi's expression, Si Nansheng was a little unhappy. "It seems that Brother Cang still doesn't understand this skill very well. Well, I don't care about you. When you use this move in the future, you will definitely think of me. And I will be greatly grateful."

No more nonsense, the two immediately began to practice.

There are four parts where people can attack the enemy's fatalities. Hands, elbows, feet and knees. The enemy is not dead. He will defend and counterattack. Therefore, these four parts must be used flexibly to achieve the effect of surprise and victory.

People are born with a strong sense of protection for their key parts. Therefore, if the attack is to be successful, it is necessary to distract the enemy's attention as much as possible and make his key parts unprotected. One fatal blow makes the enemy completely lose the ability to fight back, so that he can have an absolute chance of winning.

This set of skills of the Si Nan family can really be called amazing and haunted, making it difficult for the enemy to defend.

The more he learns, the more he feels the wonder of this skill, and he has been completely immersed in it. The two of them kept practicing late at night.

When the two people walked out of the martial arts hall, the key parts of the body were traumatized to a certain extent, and the expression on their faces also looked very ugly.

When Lanling saw them, he looked at his sad expression and asked puzzledly, "What on earth are you two practicing? Why did you become like this?"

Two people explained one after another: "Only men can experience this pain. Don't worry about it."