Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 32 Priest's Hall

As soon as he came out of the distance, Cangyi smelled a strong smell of wine. It seems that there is their wine cellar not far from the dungeon. When he came in just now, he was also very nervous and didn't pay much attention to the taste. Now he is greatly attracted by the taste and really wants to drink a big bowl of it.

Cang Yi immediately called the camp pipeline: "Wait a minute, I'll ask you. Do you have a lot of good wine here?

The campman stopped and immediately nodded and said, "The priest's sense of smell is really sensitive. Yes, there is really nothing to say about the wine here. When you leave, be sure to bring you two buckets.

Cang Yi continued to wake up and said, "Well, I really like drinking. And I also like wine making, and there is a big wine cellar at home. I have a strong interest in wine cellars. I don't know if you can take me to your wine cellar to watch?

Of course, the camp management did not dare to push the request made by the priest. He immediately said, "I really don't see that the priest still knows how to make wine? OK, I'll show you right away. By the way, please give us some advice. What a great honor!"

After a while, the two walked into the wine cellar.

Cang Yi was really shocked when he saw it here. He never thought that there would be such a large wine cellar in this shabby place.

There are literally three or four hundred square meters here, and the barrel is very close, and each gap can only be passed by one person. The wine barrel is basically as tall as two people on the shelf. Although the big wooden barrel is sealed tightly, it still can't stop the fragrance of wine.

Cang Yi saw so much wine for the first time in his life that he couldn't help licking it with his tongue and raised his lips.

The camp manager said, "Don't worry, my lord. I will definitely prepare the best wine for you at the dinner later."

After watching the wine cellar, the two immediately came to the altar hall.

Stand in the middle of the altar hall. Cang Yi said to himself that it seems that these animal blood sacrifices are really rich. It's so luxurious everywhere. Even a small team in such a small place took advantage of such a magnificent hall.

This place is much bigger than ordinary cathedrals, and it is well decorated. The whole floor is covered with blood-red carpets. At the foot of Cangyi, there is an altar of more than 20 square meters.

This altar is oval. The Western Zhou is used to illuminate the fire plate and a circle of large cylinders.

In the middle of this altar, there is a big wrench. The camp management moved it, and the table immediately rose. It has risen to more than four people.

Such a large altar standing in the middle of the hall is indeed magnificent. Moreover, there is no place to climb around the altar. That is to say, as long as the altar rises, no one can go down from here, and the people below can't come up.

In front of it is a stone bed, which is also surrounded by shackles.

The camp manager immediately came over and said, "Priest, this is the table used to kill girls. Below this table is the place where beasts are tied up. When the girl's blood comes out, it can always flow down and sprinkle it all on the beast. Do you see any other problems here?

Cang Yi looked at the stone bed and felt more cruel. He really couldn't bear to think about it anymore. He sighed in his heart, who would have thought that such a luxurious and high-end place would be used to do such a cruel thing?

Seeing that Cang Yi didn't say anything, the camp manager showed an embarrassed expression and said, "Your Majesty, there is one thing I really want to ask you." With that, he walked to the big cylinders, touched them with his hand and asked, "I haven't joined the gang for a long time, and I haven't figured out what these big cylinders are for?"

I didn't expect that someone would ask me such a professional question. Cang Yi was a little dumbfounded. He had to say, "Brother, no way. Why don't you even know such a simple thing?

The camp manager can only say shyly, "I really don't know. I'm really sorry. I haven't been in the club for a long time. I have never seen sacrifices. This is the first time. We only built it according to the drawings required above, and many details are really unclear.

Cang Yi asked, "Is it possible that all of you have seen this kind of sacrifice for the first time?"

The management nodded, "Although it's hard for you to imagine, it's true. There is nothing we can do in a small place like this. Don't laugh."

Hearing this, Cang Yi was so happy that he was about to jump up. Since that's the case, it's too easy to do. These idiots don't know anything. Isn't that what they say?

Cang Yi immediately had an idea and said, "Well, there's nothing I can do, then I have to tell you. These large jars are actually used to hold wine. Be sure to fill all the big cylinders here before the ceremony starts tomorrow.

Hearing this, the camp manager immediately wondered, "How, how can it be? Why do you need so much wine for sacrifice?

Cang Yi had to explain, "Don't you understand this? King of Warcraft likes drinking the most. You put more wine when you sacrifice, it must be very happy. The more it is, the happier it will be, and the higher the chance of success. So you have to put as much as possible, okay?"

The camp management immediately laughed and said, "It turns out that there is such a particularity. We really don't know if you don't say it. It's really thanks to you."

Next, the camp manager took Cang Yi to look at the so-called beast again. In fact, it was a very disgusting wolf, locked in a cage, and kept roaring when he saw Cang Yi.

After watching Cang Yi, I really don't understand. It's not such a big deal for such a disgusting guy. What on earth is it for?

In the evening, accompanied by the beast blood sacrifice, Cang Yi had a big meal. It was very late that he was helped into the priest's special room to rest.

This night, it is difficult for Cang Yi to sleep. Although I have some ideas, I'm not completely sure.

The ceremony was held very early, and it was impossible for the people of the darts bureau to arrive so soon. If his plan is not smooth enough, he can't deal with these 40 people anyway. He must further improve his plan as much as possible.

At this moment, Cang Yi suddenly smelled a strange smell in the room.

Cang Yi will know right away, it's not good. This is a kind of ecstasy. This medicine is also introduced in his book.

Cang Yi immediately thought that someone here must want to kill the priest. Does he have any colleagues? He never thought of this.

Cang Yi still has some experience with this drug. He immediately found a wet towel, covered his nose, and then put his mask on the pillow. The quilt was scattered and he hid under the bed.

Really, without much effort, a man sneaked through the door and came in.

Cang Yi can see clearly under the bed. At this time, he did not dare to be idle and make a purring sound to reduce the vigilance of the assassin as much as possible.

The assassin saw the mask on the pillow and heard the snoring sound, and there was a burst of joy in his heart. Xin said, this bastard slept so soundly. You wouldn't have thought of it. Today is the time of your death.

The assassin slowly closed the door and pulled out the bright knife. Silently, he came to the bed, raised the knife in his hand, and pierced ** crazily.