Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 58 Beautiful Female Prisoner

This girl is young, with a beautiful face, a red-colored suspender skirt, long black hair, and a few streps of curly hair on her cheeks. The lips are dark red and charming. The cheeks are flushed, and even the eye shadow is pale red on the eyelashes. The girl's whole body is full of ** power, which makes people look at it, and their hearts are rippling and can't help thinking about it.

Cang Yi can guess that the strong and intoxicating smell of wine came from the girl. But he doesn't understand why such a girl is locked in such a cage?

In addition, there are five people standing next to the prison car. One is the shopkeeper, next to the intermediate guard of this bodyguard bureau, Huang Ben. On the other side of the shopkeeper, there is a heroic girl. The girl is also young, dressed in a uniform and with a whip around her waist. The biggest feature is that he has many flowers with different varieties.

Although she is young, she can see from her eyes that her experience is not simple. She should have faced many strong enemies. However, her tall and well-proportioned figure, coupled with her beautiful face, are still very charming.

In addition, there are two fierce-looking guys. These two people are very thin and one is very fat. The two people stood there crooked and lazy, in sharp contrast to the girl.

Seeing Cang Yi coming, the shopkeeper immediately greeted him and said, "Cang Yi, you are finally here. Come on, let me introduce it to you first.

He first pointed to the thin and fat man and said, "This is the prison in our town prison, Zhang and Liu prison."

The two people looked at Cang Yi with very contemptuous eyes and snorted, "Did this little guy also participate in this escort?"

The shopkeeper nodded and said with a smile, "Exactly, exactly. Although he is young, he is a rare talent in our darts bureau. I believe that his performance will not disappoint the two prison guards.

Cang Yi also looked down on these two guys and didn't want to talk to them. He just nodded gently and saluted them.

Then, the shopkeeper pointed to the girl in military uniform, who was powerful but not touching.

"Come on, I have to introduce this to you. She is Mo Xiang, a trainee Dartist sent by the Linghe County Dart Bureau for this operation. She believes that this dart will arrive at the destination smoothly.

One is that this girl is also from this bodyguard bureau, and the other is that she is still such a beautiful girl after all. Cangyi immediately had a good impression on this dart. He immediately stretched out his hand and wanted to shake hands with the other party. "My sister is still a senior. It's an honor to be with this sister. In the future, I hope my sister can teach my little brother more!"

Unexpectedly, Mo Xiang looked at Cang Yi with a good but cold expression. He just hummed and did not respond to his outstret hand and said, "Well, Cang Yi, I know you are also a little famous in the darts bureau now. But I advise you that you'd better not think about playing darts with me. Don't think you can escape my eyes in everything.

Cang Yi was suddenly puzzled by Mo Xiang's attitude. I patted myself on the head and couldn't figure it out. I have never seen this girl. When did you offend her?

The shopkeeper didn't understand what was going on and was a little embarrassed, but now is not the time to struggle with this matter.

Naturally, the next person does not need to be introduced by the shopkeeper.

Huang Pan, with a happy face, ran over and enthusiastically grabbed Cang Yi's two hands and said, "That's great. I didn't expect to be able to play darts with Brother Yi again this time. Although I came to the darts bureau a few days earlier than you, there are still many places to rely on you along the way!"

Cang Yi finally felt an enthusiastic person, which warmed his heart a lot. He also said modestly, "Where? I'm just lucky and made a great contribution. Brother Huang is still experienced. In the future, he still needs to teach me more experience, so that he won't suffer losses!"

The two exchanged two warmly, but the matter was not finished. The shopkeeper took Cang Yi to the vicinity of the prison car again.

said, "Cangyi, this mission is very difficult. You are responsible for escorting a prisoner."

Cang Yi finally couldn't help asking curiously, "Shopkeeper, what the hell is going on? Are we just going to escort such a weak woman this time? Why do you need such a strong cage to fight so much?"

The shopkeeper shook his head and said, "Well, it seems that you haven't heard of his power!"

Cang Yi couldn't believe it. He looked at the girl carefully again. The girl also looked at Cang Yi with a charming smile and took the initiative to talk to him.

"This little brother looks really nice! Little brother, I believe you, and you will take good care of me along the way. Right?"

"This..." Cang Yi was asked and didn't know what to say. The more he thought about it, the more difficult it was to understand why he locked such a beautiful and elegant girl in the cage of such a beast?

Cang Yi pointed to the cage and looked at the shopkeeper puzzledly, "Well, why is this?"

The shopkeeper shook his head helplessly and said, "Well, there is nothing we can do. You see that she is delicate and weak on the surface, but you don't know that she is a real murderer. I have to remind you not to get too close to him. Did you ask about the fragrance on her body? If he is too close to him, a man will be confused by the smell of her and obey him. We escorted her once last year. He ran away three times on the way. Fortunately, nothing serious has happened.

Cang Yi is still hard to believe. He wants to ask the shopkeeper something more, but the shopkeeper has no time to answer his questions.

"Okay, you'd better leave early. Time is still tight. If there is anything you don't understand, Huangbo will slowly explain it to you along the way. You must behave well this time. Do you know how much you will get after this dart is gone? Two hundred points of merit and 20 silver coins.

Such a reward is really not small for Cang Yi.

Early in the morning, five people escorted the beautiful girl on the road.

This is a two-horse prison car. Two prison guards sat in front of the carriage and drove the carriage. Cangyi, Huangbo and Mo Xiang all rode on their own mounts.

On the way, everyone was silent and the atmosphere was very dull. Only Cang Yi and Huang Pan talked in a low voice from time to time.

After a long journey, Cangyi knew some general situation.

It turned out that this girl's name is Jiuyan, and she is the daughter of a wine manor near Wufang County. This manor is called Yi Tianxiang, and it is the most famous wine estate in the country. It is said that most of the good wine produced here is used to pay tribute to the emperor every year.

Two years ago, Jiuyan married. It is said that she married Tang Ru, the youngest county magistrate of Wufang County. But what is difficult to understand is that on the night of the wedding, Tang Ru was killed by Jiu Yan.