Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 100 The Wedding Night

Hu Shanyin smiled and said, "Since I can't beat you, I must also kill this evil woman. We have put up with her for so long. Every time, it's because our wife is soft-hearted, I didn't expect her to get more and more. This evil breath finally came out today. It's really happy!"

Cang Yi was finally forced, "Why can't you give us a chance? She is kind and wants to save your son, but you treat her so ruthlessly.

As he said, he burned the fighting spirit in his body to the limit. Cang Yi, who was red all over, rushed to Hu Shan desperately. Hu Shan has never experienced such a powerful force from a martial artist. Joy, anger, sorrow and joy, all kinds of emotions are unknown intertwined and surged into my heart. These emotions broke his mind. His body trembled and he could hardly walk.

"What kind of power is this?"

As soon as the words fell, the sword spirit had pierced his chest. The mixed mood has made his heart unbearable. His heart urgently needs relief, and the only relief is the explosion. So his body caused a huge explosion from his heart. The whole person was blown to pieces.

Other people were stunned.

Cang Yi waved the sword in his hand, and a faint cyan fighting spirit spread, covering the whole underground palace.

Cyan represents sadness. Although what happened in front of us stimulated Cang's understanding of skills. But after all, the level is too low. He can't exert a strong affection, but even so, it can make these ordinary people feel a little sad, at least to calm them down.

Cang Yi flew out of the sword spirit in his hand, and the sword stabbed into the gap of Tang Ru's coffin lid. With an explosion, the lid was immediately lifted. After a moment of silence, I saw the person in the coffin sitting up slowly.

"Ru'er, is it really you? Are you really not dead? You unfilial child, why do you torture your mother's heart so much?" Mrs. Tang has been silent and rushed to her son.

Tang Ru is still confused. I was surprised to see everything in front of me, "Where the hell is this?"

Seeing the mother in front of him, he cried in great pain, and he was even more puzzled, "Mother, what's wrong with you?" After calming down for a moment, he thought carefully and then understood a little, "Is it that the wine really made me sleep for two or three years?"

Mrs. Tang has held her son in her arms, "I'm sorry, Ru'er, it's not my mother's fault. Mother thought you were dead and buried you. It almost really suffocated you in this coffin.

"Who on earth saved me?" After Tang Ru asked this question, everyone present except Cang Yi showed regret and hesitated not knowing how to answer it.

Only Cang Yi stood up and said, "Thank you, just thank you for your ex-wife. She was imprisoned because of you. Logically, she doesn't need to save you at all. But she still risked her life and came to save you under the pressure of everyone's misunderstanding.

Tang Ru, who gradually regained her strength, pushed away her mother holding her and climbed out of the coffin and said, "Is it Jiu Yan? So where is she now?"

The gun on Jiuyan has been pulled out by Cang Yi. But now she has lost her breath and lay stiffly on the ground.

Tang Ru immediately ran over and held Jiu Yan in her arms and cried extremely sadly: "Jiu Yan, I'm sorry. I shouldn't believe you. I couldn't believe it at that time that your tears really made people sleep for two or three years. I hurt you, I hurt you!"

It seems that the truth has come out, but there are still many doubts in Cangyi's heart. These things are really strange. It can't happen naturally. There must be someone behind the scenes.

So he came over and kicked Tang Ru and said, "Get up. What's the use of crying now? Stand up and answer me a question."

Tang Ru slowly stood up. Cang Yi then asked, "I always feel that this matter is not as simple as we see now. If you don't want your ex-wife and Hu Shan to die, you'd better tell me the situation at that time.

In fact, at that time, both of them had no feelings for each other, and the reason why they got married was also forced by both parents. Two people don't feel happy when they are together. The day before the wedding, a Ling girl who sold beauty cream suddenly came to Tangfu. The effect of the beauty cream is really good. In this way, she got the favor of Mrs. Tang and let Miss Ling live there.

Once, Miss Ling went to see Tang Ru alone. So he told Tang Ru a secret.

Although Tang Ru and Jiuyan have no substantial relationship, since the marriage is certain, there is no possibility of canceling the marriage contract. But it's not without remedies. Winey tears are good wine. Not only that, it is said that as long as a man drinks her tears, he will make them love each other sincerely. But you can't tell Jiu Yan about this. Because she doesn't know what Jiuyan means in her heart, is she really willing to let Tang Ru do this?

Tang Ru was very happy after hearing this. Whether what Miss Ling said is true or not, there are no side effects anyway. Tears turned out to be good wine, and he was also full of interest and wanted to try it.

Finally, Miss Ling also reminded that she must drink more tears. It doesn't work if you drink less. The more, the deeper the relationship between them will be in the future.

On the wedding night. After entering the bridal chamber, Tang Ru raised tears for drinking. But he was rejected by Jiu Yan. Jiu Yan told him that although the tears were very fragrant wine, they were also very dangerous. Once you drink too much, it will make people sleep for two or three years without waking up.

Jiu Yan was full of pain in this marriage, so she cried all night and kept crying even if she fell asleep.

Tang Ru was overwhelmed by curiosity. He believed Miss Ling more than Jiu Yan's advice. Anyway, he wants to give it a try.

When Jiu Yan was sleeping, he secretly took a lot of tears from her.

Since then, he has fallen asleep. Just like this, I have been sleeping. So many things happened around him, and so many people were suffering because of him, but he didn't know anything about it.

Hearing this, Mrs. Tang was surprised, "What? Ruer, you mean that Miss Ling once said such a thing to you. Strangely, she came to inform me of the news of alcohol every time. Why does she want me to kill Jiuyan so much! Is there any hatred between her and Jiuyan?

It was not until then that people focused on the innocent and poor girl, "How is that girl now? She is so pitiful that we have to save her quickly.

Cang Yi sighed and stood beside Jiu Yan and said, "No need. She is dead."

"What?" Everyone turned their heads with incomparably guilty.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly emitted on the drunken corpse, and there were many flashing small light spots flying around.

A soul flew out of Jiuyan's body. After the soul flew out of the body, a body immediately appeared. The body is faint, bright and bright, emitting pure white fluorescence.

"Wine! Is this, is it true that Jiuyan is an elf? God, what the hell have we done? We actually killed an elf."