Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 109 Horrible Piranhas

Continue to swim desperately to the depths of the lake, and the light is getting darker and dim. The deeper it is, the stronger the sense of crisis Cang Yi feels. He also gradually increased his vigilance.

There are many milky cylindrical objects floating in the water. These columnar things are very hard, one head thick and the other thin. Cang Yi chose a slender one of the right size from these floating objects and held it in his hand. At present, there is no other weapon, so I have to take this first to defend myself.

If you go deeper, you can't see far. You can only see the surrounding range of two or three meters. Just then, a huge fish mouth suddenly flashed from the darkness. This fish mouth is big enough to fit half of Cang Yi's body. The upper and lower rows of sharp teeth are even more creepy.

Cang Yi was caught off guard and entered the fish's mouth. He had to put the white columnar stick in his hand into the fish's mouth. The big fish was about to bite the boy in his mouth, but the big mouth that was about to close was tingling, but it couldn't be closed. It had to shake its body in pain.

Taking this opportunity, Cang Yi quickly escaped.

This is basically the time to get close to the bottom. Many strangely shaped rock bodies have begun to appear. There are many large and small holes. There are many holes, and Cangyi's body can easily pass through.

Occasionally, you can also see some strange fish, which look horrible and are not small. The smallest one is half as long as Cang Yi's body. These fish are definitely not gentle animals, but it may be that their eyesight is not very good, so they have not found the careful Cangyi.

Cang Yi did not dare to be careless. He picked up a very sharp column-shaped object from the water.

It will be darker if it goes down. This gives Cang Yi a headache. Such a big lake bottom, without light, how can he find his sword!

At this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up. A series of small curved light spots appeared not far away. It is composed of beautiful small light balls.

There was a surprise in Cang Yixin. That's great. This may be some kind of glowing plant. I can take one off as a torch. Thinking of this, he immediately swam towards the little light.

Under this small photosphere is a very thin plant stem. Through this stem, the small photosphere is linked to the slippery rock on the ground.

Without saying a word, Cang Yi immediately grabbed the stem under a small photosphere and pulled it up hard. However, what he didn't expect was that the link between the stem and the ground was so strong that he couldn't pull it out no matter how hard he tried.

However, Cang Yi's determination is very firm. I don't believe it. Why is he a 20-level warrior who can't even pull out such a weak plant?

He used all his strength to breastfeed. But without fighting spirit, he had suffoed his face red, and the little ball of light still grew firmly there.

Then, Cang Yi suddenly felt that the ground under his feet began to squirm, and then immediately lifted it up. Cang Yi was overturned by this powerful force and thrown far away.

The raised ground suddenly revealed two huge blood-red eyes, which was very horrible. The distance between these two eyes alone is more than two meters. You can see how big the monster in front of you is.

At this time, Cang Yi understood. Those small photospheres are not plants at all, but the dorsal fins of a huge sleeping fish.

It is completely understandable how angry this big fish is now. It opened its mouth, roared in a low voice, and rushed towards Cang Yi.

Cang Yi knew that it was not good and immediately fled to the distance.

Fortunately, there are many rock holes here. He found a hole that was just the right size for him to drill through.

The huge fish was also attracted and drilled into the hole. Cang Yi originally wanted to jam the big fish in the hole. But to his surprise, the big fish was really too strong. With a huge impulse, the rock was immediately smashed. The angry big fish behind him still did not stop chasing himself.

The big fish behind it is chasing, and its speed is obviously faster than that of the warehouse. Cang Yi can only use his small and flexible life to hide among the rocks. But after all, it is very dangerous. As long as you don't pay attention, it will become a delicious meal in the mouth of big fish.

Cang Yi tried to keep calm and escape while trying to figure it out. He finally found a larger column in the water. This one is three meters long and has a very sharp end. He took the columnar object and looked for the right hole again.

Cang Yi, who was so anxious and sweaty, finally found the hole he wanted. This hole is slightly smaller than the size of the big fish. Most importantly, there is also a gap next to it, which can just insert the cylindrical object in its hand.

Cang Yi pinned the cylindrical object in his hand to the crack with the fastest movement, with a sharp end in the direction chased by the big fish. After completing this action, he stayed in the hole and waited for the big fish to rush over.

When the big fish was about to come forward, Cang Yi just kicked his feet and rushed out.

The reckless big fish rushed up without hesitation. Such an extremely huge impact, no matter how hard the skin of the big fish is, it still can't resist the sharp object.

I only heard a thump. The columnar object is deeply inserted into its body. The big guy immediately let out a scream like a mine explosion. It can be seen that this is the key point of this big guy. It lost its strength and spread softly at the bottom of the lake. The blood fog gradually spread around it.

After destroying such a big guy, Cang Yi's heart was also uncontrollable joy. He immediately went back and still wanted to pull out a small light ball on his back.

After the fish died, the dorsal fin was not so tough, and it was pulled out with more strength.

While being happy for this small success, Cang Yi suddenly noticed the differences around him. He looked up and found that many fierce fish were surrounding him.

He immediately understood that these fish must have smelled blood.

They are not as big as the dead fish, but the degree of ferocity of those fish is not inferior. The sharp teeth of these fish are also constantly pounding up and down. It can be seen that they haven't seen such delicious food as Cangyi for a long time.

Cang Yi has no other way now, so he has to pull out the three-meter-long columnar spike and hold it in his hand. At the same time, he also took off his coat. Wrap the clothes and a photosphere together. Then he threw the dress out hard.

These fish have poor eyesight. They saw a light ball moving and a very humanoid object floating. The fish immediately jumped on it. In an instant, his dress was torn to pieces.

Seeing this scene, there was a cool breeze on Cang Yi's back.

Taking this opportunity, he quickly fled in the opposite direction. However, these fish are not so stupid that they are not all easy to be fooled. At present, there is one in front of him, which is standing in front of Cang Yi and staring at him.

The size of this fish is similar to that of Cangyi. The strangest thing is that there is a pair of claws under its body. He crawled on the ground and remained motionless. Just wait for the prey in front of him to move, and it will attack immediately.