Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 157 The Power of Gas Armor

Looking at Cang Yi with a confused face, the portrait had to explain: "Steel gas armor is a precious armor. It is not made of steel, but is completely composed of an energy gas similar to bucket gas. The first advantage of this kind of gas armor is that it has almost no weight, and it can move easily, so it will have a great advantage in battle. In addition, this kind of gas armor is called steel-eating gas armor because it has a strong ability to corrode steel.

Thinking this way, the fast knife zombie, no matter how fast the knife in his hand is, can't stand being constantly corroded by the armor. Besides, that guy only attacks fast and may not be very powerful. With the resistance of that armor, I believe it will not easily cut itself.

"It seems that this thing is just right, so we don't want to look for it." After hearing this, Cang Yi finally found a glimmer of hope. He immediately became excited and jumped up.

As for where the person died, there is no label on this map, so it seems that the machine has to be tried that day.

Cang Yi took it out and explained the meaning. That day, the machine immediately shook for a while, and the arrow rotated several times. It seems that this thing really knows where the target is.

Cang Yi is happy. It seems that he has really got a lot of good things on this trip.

After walking for another half an hour according to the instructions, the front suddenly became clear, an empty area dozens of meters away. With a glowing bottle in his hand and walking a distance, he saw two bodies and two swords on the ground. It can be seen that the two swords were inserted into each other's bodies at the same time, and the battle scene at that time was really tragic.

When you get here, the heavenly machine will no longer play a guiding role. It seems that General Ye Guang's body should be one of these two.

According to the diary, the steel gas armor should be a ring. As long as the owner summons, the ring will emit a unique gas, and the gas will cover the whole body into an armor composed of gas.

"Finally found it!" After a careful search, Cang Yi finally took a ring in his hand and shouted excitedly.

This shout didn't matter. It seemed that something was only attracted. Cang Yi suddenly felt that a monster hit him. Because he was not prepared in advance, he accidentally took off the ring in his hand and didn't know where to fly.

The light is dim, and I can't see what the thing looks like. From the feeling, it can be roughly analyzed that this guy should be a little bigger than his own body. The claws of this thing were very sharp. After jumping on Cang Yi's body, he kept pulling in front of him.

Cang Yi also kept struggling to fight with the monster. After tossing for a long time, he pulled out a short knife from his body. He wanted to stab the monster to death with a knife, but at that moment, the monster found that the situation was not good for him, and his body gently disappeared into the darkness.

The monster's movements are so light that they can't hear any footsteps. In addition, the monster is already gray like a rock, and it is impossible to find it in the dark.

Although Cang Yi was angry, he couldn't find the guy again, so he had to take the glowing bottle and look for the ring with the cat on his waist.

Who knows that the monster had not given up? When Cangyi lost his vigilance, it came out from somewhere again. The sudden attack made Cangyi almost be bitten. Before he could hit him, the thing disappeared again. As soon as it disappeared, it became silent again.

It's really a headache to meet such an enemy. I can't figure out where he will appear, so I can only defend passively.

has been attacked several times, which is really dangerous again and again. Cang Yi also began to hesitate a little. Should he run away? No, Ye Meng and his brothers are waiting for themselves. If they don't find the steel gas armor, they can't defeat the zombie. If they can't defeat the zombie alone, they can't get the rebirth elixir.

What should I do? It's really difficult for Cangyi.

I have to fight again. If I don't kill that guy, it seems impossible for him to find the ring and take it away. Thinking of this, Cang Yi simply stopped looking for the ring, pricked up his ears, raised his vigilance, and paid attention to the movement around him.

Sure enough, in less than half a minute, the thing began to attack again. Some fine footsteps came from behind. Cang Yi's calm judgment immediately turned around and stabbed with a knife.

That thing is indeed very clever. Cang Yi's knife did not succeed, and the guy dodged it gently.

The monster passed by, and Cang Yi's eyes were quick. He grabbed it and really caught the monster. It was a pinch of hair caught on the monster's buttocks.

The monster was caught, immediately frightened and screamed. Finally, he caught this guy. Cang Yi was happy for a moment and immediately stabbed the monster's body with a knife with the other hand. Unexpectedly, the monster moved much faster than himself.

As soon as it turned its head, its body rolled over, and its sharp teeth bit Cang Yi's hand like lightning. Cang Yi was in pain and had to let go of his hand quickly. As soon as he let go, the monster disappeared silently.

Time was nervous, but I didn't expect to encounter such a difficult thing again. Cang Yi hates this. If you catch this guy, you must chop him up and throw him into the mouse hole to feed the mouse.

At present, both opponents are starting to be a little more afraid of each other and dare not act rashly.

However, after all, the monster is in the dark and Cang Yi is in the open place. Relatively speaking, the other party is more dominant. If that guy really acts more carefully, maybe Cang Yi is really dangerous.

In this kind of urgency, Cang Yi's mind flashed, and finally had a way. He held the glowing bottle tightly in my hand, and whether he could succeed or not depends on this blow.

In a moment, the unwilling monster rushed at him with a more mysterious walk. Cangyi was quick-sighted and looked at the monster, so he threw out the glowing bottle in his hand.

This blow was so powerful that it accurately hit the monster's nose. With a crack, the bottle was broken, and the ** in the bottle splashed out, temporarily blinding the monster's eyes. The monster that was suddenly attacked was nervous and took a deep breath. Those ** were also sucked into their noses at the same time, which was choked.

Most of those glowing** were sucked into the body and into the blood by the monster. Now the monster has become beautiful. Every blood vessel in the epidermis is shining, and the whole body is bright.

Nothing in this cave is brighter than this guy, clearly appearing in front of Cang Yi.

Great, where are you still hiding now?

The monster suddenly found that his body was shining, and it was difficult to understand what was going on. He immediately panicked and wandered around in the cave.

Although the target is clear, this guy moves too fast to attack easily. He needs to observe calmly and seize the opportunity to make another move.

In this short time, the monster's vision recovered.

Looking for a good opportunity, Cang Yi did not hesitate to throw a golden pupil cross dart, which flew quickly to the monster's body with fighting spirit.

The monster was not stupid. He found that the other party attacked his body and immediately changed his direction and wanted to avoid it. But to his surprise, the dart was about to be empty, and the moment it pierced the rock suspended in the air and stopped.

The surprised monster looked back and didn't know what it was flying in. It was so strange. He was really stunned. He couldn't move and stared at the dart curiously.

When the monster was stupid, the dart suddenly flew to the monster's body again. Now it hit straight and inserted it directly into the monster's throat.

The monster screamed. Before he could figure out what was going on, his four claws loosened the rock wall, fell to the ground and lost his life.

Cang Yi finally took a long breath, which was really dangerous!

Time is getting more and more limited, and he must speed up his action. Now his whole mind is full of Ye Meng's expression of expectation that he will come soon.

After taking out another glowing bottle, I finally found the ring smoothly.

Don't think too much about it. It also needs its own blood to be useful, so another drop is added.

Under the simple guidance of that diary, Cang Yi learned how to use this steel gas armor. Next, he can only rely on this gas armor. I don't know how powerful he is. Can he successfully defeat the fast knife zombie?

Through the guidance of the diary, Cang Yi put the ring of steel gas armor on his finger and gently licked it with his tongue.

The ring immediately emitted several air lines, which instantly filled his whole body and began to grow something from his body.

Shoulders, head, chest, legs... began to be born with armor. This piece of armor is like metal and gas, which protects Cangyi's body tightly.

The golden armor is covered with beautiful silver stripes. The outside of the armor is surrounded by cyan gas. It seems to be a heavy armor, but you can't feel any weight when you wear it. This is really a beautiful armor, which makes Cang Yi like it very much. It seems that I really got a good baby.

I didn't have time to appreciate the beautiful armor I just got. Cangyi pedaled on my shoes and rushed to the direction of the storage room.

After coming back, I saw that the zombie was still there. It seems that the eyes and brain of this thing don't work well. As soon as he saw the enemy running away, he stopped looking for it and returned to his original place. If no one disturbs him, he will stand there motionless.

Hey, you stinky zombie, I didn't expect me to come back? I'm not afraid of you this time. I must cut you to pieces. Thinking of this, Cangyi shouted to the zombie, "Hey, idiot, I'm still here. Come and cut me down."

The zombie turned his head and saw Cang Yi again. He was still rude and raised his knife and slashed him. Although wearing gas armor, Cangyi didn't know what the effect would be, but he was still a little nervous and picked up a weapon to prepare for resistance.

After a burst of wild slashing, I don't know how many knives have been hit on Cangyi's gas armor, but it really didn't cause any damage. Later, he fully believed in the resistance of this armor, so he simply stood there with his arms and slowly watched the guy busy.

The zombie is really fierce and stupid. No matter how the other party reacts, he still does not spare his strength and flips the knife up and down. If there was no protection for this method, I believe it would have become a pile of meat mud.