Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 12 Toad Becomes a Swan

This shabby and simple thatched house is full of its happy atmosphere. In particular, the unique fruity fragrance that permeates the whole room can't be smelled in such a high-end banquet place.

It was another beautiful morning. Cang Yi and Ruhua opened their hazy eyes and saw Gan Li sitting there cleaning the sugar pot that had just been used and had not been cooled.

Both of them were a little embarrassed to see this scene. Two adults are not as good as one child. They really didn't sleep all night for this candy.

"Ganley, are you all right?" When everyone heard the sound, the broken grass curtain at the door was lifted, and a 17 or 18-year-old girl with a beautiful face and full of sunshine came in.

"Sister, you're finally back. I miss you so much."

The two sisters couldn't help hugging together, and they were very moved by Cang Yi and Ruhua.

This scene also made Ruhua very sad. She thought of her sister. If only I could see her again. How she wanted to do something carefully for her sister, but she couldn't have this opportunity.

Ganli took out the lollipop, "Here, sister, this is the lollipop I made for you." Gan Li finally took out the lollipop that could not be estimated, "I'm sorry, sister, what I made for you this time may be a little smaller, because I made three at the same time. I think I may not only have a good sister from you in the future, and I have met a good sister and a good brother in the past two days.

As the little girl said, she took out two identical lollipops and gave them a root to Cangyi and Ruhua.

This is something that the two people didn't expect at all. They were moved, but they couldn't say anything.

At this time, Gan Li's sister Gan Na also came to the two of them. Although she didn't know what happened, she should be able to imagine, "You have given my sister a lot of care these days, otherwise how could she give you such a high treatment? I know how precious this lollipop is to her. No one has ever eaten it before except me. Whatever the reason, I thank you for her.

The little girl blinked her big eyes and looked at the stunned flower and said, "Sister, why don't you eat it? Don't you like candy? I know that many adults don't like candy, but this lollipop is really different. You can taste it.

Ruhua slowly squatted down and looked at the little girl, "Li, it's not that my sister doesn't like to eat it, but that this lollipop is so precious that my sister is a little reluctant to eat it."

The little girl smiled and said, "Relationship, you can eat it, sister. If you like it, I will do it for you in the future. However, don't tell anyone that only the three of you are qualified to eat.

Ruhua stretched out her tongue and gently licked the lollipop. A strong sweet and refreshing taste came to her throat.

This is a magical taste, which can make the human body smell too much.

18 kinds of fruits. Each has a different taste and taste, and in this lollipop, you can experience all these flavors, and each taste is very clear. Licking this bite can't help but make a large table of fruit feast appear in front of people's eyes.

Not only that, but it also contains feelings, which is very strong and strong. This feeling is like a warm current, flowing to the deepest part of the heart. It seems to say something in people's hearts, which is a voice of love that melts everything.

This is simply the most magical medicine in the world, which can cure any desperate soul.

I burst into tears, and I couldn't help crying when I looked at the little girl. She also laughed. Like a flower that has never laughed, this time she really smiled without any pain. She smiled so sweetly and purely, like a child who has never been hurt in infinite love.

What happened next shocked everyone.

The large black mole on half of Liang Ruhua's face is slowly decreasing and disappearing. After a while, the black thing, which accompanied her for more than ten years, disappeared without a trace.

"Wow, sister, you are so beautiful! I've never seen more beautiful than you."

Ruhua shook her head with a smile and said, "Gan Li, I know you are kind and want to comfort me, but don't you have to exaggerate this time? For more than ten years, I have heard all kinds of contempt, and I don't care about my appearance for a long time. Don't lie to your sister to be happy.

Gan Li still stared in surprise, "Sister, I'm not lying to you. You are really beautiful."

At this time, Ganna was also shocked and said, "She is a real girl. You are really beautiful. I really don't know how your mother gave birth to you. I really envy you.

Ruhua also felt strange. It is understandable that Gan Li has feelings to comfort herself so much, but how can Gan Na, who is completely strange, say so about herself?

At this time, her face turned to Cang Yi again, "Cang Yi, tell me the truth, what am I?"

Cang Yi also seemed to be as nervous as seeing the saint, "It's so beautiful! I didn't lie to you. Don't you see that a decent gentleman like me is about to shed nosebleeds?"

Ruhua took a look at it herself. If it's true, there should be something wrong with Cang Yi's body. Why did his nosebleed come out?

Excitedly, Ruhua took out the mirror and looked at her face.

His hands began to tremble. This is true. How can this be true? I have become beautiful.

What happened in the past two days has completely changed Liang Ruhua's mood and made her smile. The black mole on her face was cured. She didn't know how to thank the three people in front of her.

She suddenly remembered something and hurriedly left the two sisters' home with the lollipop.

"Ruhua, what are you going to do? Why are you walking so fast? Wait for me." As Cang Yi said, he quickly chased him out.

Ruhua came to her sister's grave, knelt in front of her, put the lollipop in front of her sister's grave and cried bitterly.

In those years, my sister's body had been taken away by the wolves, leaving only some pieces of clothes. After the wolves left, she collected the pieces of clothes. I set up this grave for her when I came back.

Ruhua told what happened in the past two days in front of her sister's grave, "Sister, do you know? I changed, and the mole on my face disappeared. There is really nothing left. If only you were alive. You would be as beautiful as me. No, you should be much more beautiful than me.

"I want to tell you that I have forgiven my father. It was this lollipop that made me forgive him. Do you agree? I hope you can taste this lollipop in the Spirit of Heaven. It's really sweet and has a lot of money from my sister. Just like Ganley sent a lollipop to her sister, I also wanted to do that, so I gave it to you.

Cang Yi stood behind Ruhua and was moved by what she saw in front of her. "Ruhua, you can change. I'm happy for you. I sincerely hope you can make up with your father."

Ruhua slowly stood up and thanked Cang Yi, "Cang Yi, I really don't know how to thank you this time. Tell me, what can I do for you? If I don't do something for you, I always feel that I owe you something.

Cang Yi said, "It doesn't matter if you don't do anything for me. It's just that I think, do you really want your father to set up a laughing door? Establish the sect that makes hatred and vicious spread.

Ruhua nodded and said, "I know what you mean. I want to persuade my father to change his mind this time."

Cang Yi said happily, "That's good. This kind of sect will only make more tragedies happen, that is, hurting others and hurting the people in their own sect.

The two also felt that it took too long to leave the martial arts school and went back to the martial arts school without stopping.

As soon as the two entered the gate of the martial arts hall, those students who practiced in the usual way of fighting immediately stopped and looked at the two people who had just come in shocked.

"Wow, what a beautiful beauty! Strange, who is this girl?

Some people with good eyesight saw it clearly and immediately said, "You don't know this person yet. Isn't she our curator's daughter, Liang Ruhua?"

"What, don't joke, are you talking about that ghostly woman? It's so funny."

"Hey, hey, don't laugh, I think it's really similar. After all, hasn't her half face changed? Don't you believe that you are looking at it yourself?

Everyone looked carefully. Everyone can't help sighing. It's really like a flower. Oh, my God, what the hell is going on?

At this time, all people should drool, nosebleed, and their eyes are red. This is a regret in my heart. If you had known today, why did you have to do that at the beginning? It's so unfair that another person died. Unexpectedly, it was cheaper for Cangyi, the rotten boy who just came here.

Everyone gathered around like a fly that hasn't eaten shit for half a month.

"I said like a flower, do you still remember how good my brother was to you? If you get up late, your brother will keep breakfast for you.

The other one took others aside and approached Ruhua and said, "Senior sister, don't listen to them. My brother is the best for me. Every time you are sick, isn't it the doctor I go to see behind my brother's back?

"Sister, you can't forget me. I'm not like those who are forgetful. But I have always been really good to you. Did I say before that you don't lose confidence, you will become beautiful one day? Look, the senior brother is right.

Everyone surrounded Ruhua in the middle. You and I scrambled to get back the heart of the beautiful woman who had been seen and avoided at the beginning. But this is even more annoying, "You guys, do you hate it? Why are you around me now? Get out of here."

With that, he squeezed out the crowd and walked to his father's room.

She really wants to change her previous life and change her relationship with her father.

No one understands what she thinks after changing her beauty, let alone what is the first thing she wants to see her father after she becomes beautiful, except for Cang Yi, who has been accompanying her and helping her these two days.

At this moment, Cang Yi is very anxious, and even Hua is nervous. An hour later, Ruhua finally came out of her father's room with a depressed expression. Cang Yi immediately understood that it did not succeed.

But he still went up and asked, "How's it going? What's your father's attitude?"

Ruhua shook her head and said, "It seems impossible for him to let go of all this. After all, this has been his hard work for half his life."

At this time, Liang ignored and walked through the yard in front of everyone. The students had never seen him so happy and couldn't close their mouths. No need to ask, everyone knows what's going on. The ugly daughter is definitely a problem for him. Can he be unhappy now that such a magical thing has happened?

After he came out, he gathered everyone. Everyone lined up and stood up in the middle of the yard.

Liang ignored and pinched his waist and said confidently to everyone, "Apprentices, you must have guessed why I am so happy today? Yes, the mole on my daughter's face that has been accompanied for more than ten years has finally been removed. But I didn't just tell you about it today. Another thing is that I told you two days ago about the establishment of the Hengxiao Sect. Because there is something wrong halfway, it will be postponed for a year or two, so I will continue to be the curator for the time being.