Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 17 Cracking Organ

Cang Yi has never been so excited to see Ruhua before. It's too boring to stay in such a dark place.

"Ruhua, it seems that you haven't forgotten the relationship between our husband and wife. Tell me about what's going outside? But it suffocated me to death."

Ruhua said, "Wuve it. You're lucky. If I hadn't been the curator's daughter, would you have expected someone to come to see you?"

Cang Yi was moved to tears, "Ruhua, you are so kind."

Ruhua said angrily, "Forget it, I don't care if you praise me. I just want you to know where you want to hide it. Don't you treat my father like this? Do you know what you made my uncle? Up to now, I'm still lying **. Besides, you didn't even let go of my father's privacy. You made him lose face. Didn't you think about how my daughter would face the people in the martial arts school in the future?

Cang Yi scratched his head shyly and said, "I'm sorry, can't I really help it?"

Ruhua handed a basket of delicious food to Cang Yi and said, "Yes, if you hadn't helped me so much, I wouldn't have come to see you. If I hadn't delivered you food, you would have waited to drink pork saf.

Cang Yi smelled it and said thank you with a giggle.

Then he immediately asked, "Ruhua, it seems that you are still a good person to do it. Can you help me ask for more detailed information? This confinement room is strict everywhere, and there are no flaws at all. Is the roster really here?

Ruhua said to Cang Yixu again, "Be quiet, there are still people watching outside. I came here for this purpose. That thing is indeed in this confinement room, don't worry. I can't know what the specific mechanism is, but I can still tell you a clue. That organ seems to be related to the ground.

Cang Yi thought for a moment and asked, "Is it really related to the ground? I have checked the ground, and it is strict everywhere. I really can't see any signs of hiding anything.

Ruhua shook her head and said, "I don't know anything else. You can only figure it out by yourself." After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Ruhua, wait, can you do me one more favor?"

Ruhua turned her head and said, "What else do you have?"

Cang Yi said, "I really want to see my Lanling. He didn't know that I was locked up in a confinement room. Could you please inform her? It's better to bring her to see me.

Ruhua smiled and said, "So that's it. Do you miss someone so soon? OK, I promise you. But it's hard to say if you can bring her in once. Please bless yourself." After saying that, he turned around and went out, and the door closed tightly.

In fact, the main reason why Cang Yi wants to see it so much is that once he finds the roster, someone has to take it out. It seems impossible for me to go out by myself. Ruhua? After all, he is the curator's daughter, and it must be uneasy to give it to her.

I had to wait here until the reinforcements of Changxiaomen came to save me.

Cang Yi was really hungry. He couldn't help smelling the delicious food, and his stomach immediately cooed.

I didn't think about anything else, sat down and started eating immediately.

Thinking of caring about yourself so much like a flower, there is really an infinite sense of warmth in my heart.

While eating, a little mouse came out. The mouse was quite bold and jumped directly on the table and lay down next to the meal.

The little mouse stared at its two round eyes, looked at the food on the table for a while, and looked at Cang Yi for a while, and his eyes were full of desire.

It seems that this mouse is also hungry. Maybe it is so strong that it can't steal a hole out. There is nothing to eat in it, and it is also hungry.

Cang Yi currently doesn't like this mouse. He only has this meal a day, and he is not enough. Where is this mouse?

He stared at the little mouse unkindly, "Get out of here. This meal is not for you."

I didn't expect the little mouse to say, "Get out of here. This meal is not for you."

Hey, after saying this, Cang Yi became even more angry and shouted, "You are really bold. How dare you talk to me like this?"

The little mouse also said, "You are so bold that you dare to talk to me like this?"

Then Cang Yi said something to the little mouse and found that as long as he said something, the mouse would learn what he said.

Only then did he understand that the mouse was like a parrot. It was a mouse that could only imitate people's speech. It did not understand the meaning of human language.

After a while, Cang Yi had a good impression on the mouse. After all, in such a place, it's too lonely to find anyone to relieve your boredom. With this little mouse, you can still live a happier life.

Thinking of this, Cang Yi planned to feed the little mouse so that he could talk with him if he had nothing to do.

He said to the mouse, "Listen, you learn to talk to me. As long as you say what I want to hear, I will give you something to eat. Do you understand?"

The little mouse didn't know whether it really understood or for some other reason. He didn't imitate his words and made a gesture that seemed to nod.

Cang Yi immediately said, "Your grandfather, I am Cang Yi."

The little mouse learned from it: "Your grandfather, I'm Cangyi."

Cang Yi gave it a peanut bean.

The next step is this process. No matter what the little mouse says, Cang Yi will not give him anything to eat, as long as he says, "Your grandfather, I am Cangyi." You can get something to eat.

With this little thing, Cangyi is much happier and has been playing for a long time.

After all, it's not easy to enter such a confinement room. You don't come to play, and you still have something to do. Feeling almost done, he stopped playing with the little mouse and began to look for organs.

Ruhua's reminder narrowed Cangyi's scope. He kept lying on the ground with a glowing bottle and looking carefully at every inch of the ground.

After looking at it for a long time, the ground is still very hard, there is no empty space, and there is nothing to move or move. The only strange feeling is that there seem to be some shallow thin groove lines on the ground.

These are some curved lines. You can see that they are carefully depicting something. The lines are very beautiful.

Maybe this is the clue. This kind of place is always dark. If it hadn't been for Cang Yi's careful observation, it would never have been found. Besides, this place will always be so black. Even if the people who lock in find that there are lines on the ground and no lights, they can't see what these lines are painted.

So it seems that this mechanism is indeed well designed. Anyway, you must first see what is depicted.

If this is someone else, there is really no way to see these lines clearly in this black hole. However, it is not difficult for Cang Yi. He has a suitable tool in his hand, which is the glowing bottle in his hand.

Now he still has two such bottles, one is used, and one can be kept for lighting.

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the lid of the bottle and poured the ** into those grooves.

These lines are basically connected. ** First-class, they immediately extend around and are full of all the lines.

With little effort, the lines of those grooves are full of glow**.

It looks really beautiful now. The dark room has a beautiful pattern of light blue and glowing lines on the ground.

Cang Yi looked at the pattern carefully and immediately understood what was painted. These are the basic basic knowledge that you need to master when learning martial arts as a martial artist.

The whole square ground is a large pattern with four specific graphics. The four figures are connected to each other, but a line extends from the four corners, which extends to the four corners of the room.

In the middle of the whole figure, there is a plate-sized circle.

These four figures represent the four elements that a martial artist must master if he wants to improve his martial arts ability: earth, wind, water and fire.

Seeing these, Cang Yi was immediately overjoyed. Haha, Liang ignored it. I didn't expect that the mechanism you tried so hard to do was so easily cracked by me, right?

Cang Yi immediately came to the four corners of the four lines extending to see what else was at the end.

The result was carefully observed, but nothing special was found. The end point was still a circle.

Cang Yi thought carefully for a long time. Does this mean that you have to find these four elements to open this mechanism?

Anyway, we can only find these four elements first. But there is almost nothing in this locked room, and it is impossible to go out. Now it's really a little difficult.

Cangyi is not popular. Anyway, there is still a lot of time. Think about it slowly. There is always a way to find it. Start with the best one.

The best way to find it is the wind. As long as you breathe, it won't be. However, the wind can't be kept. Everything else must be put ready before it can be done in the end.

The next thing you can consider is fire. At present, he is also a master of Baihuamen. It is not a problem to make some thorns, but the kind of thorns that are easy to burn. However, there is no fire source, and you have to drill wood to make fire. This is more troublesome. We will do it later.

There is also water and soil. There is no water now. Ruhua sent some food just now, but he was thirsty and hungry, and he had already finished drinking it. What should I do? After thinking about it, I have to pee. But I'm not very urinating now, and I have to think about it later.

Finally, it is soil. Not to mention, it's really clean here. Except for bricks made of stone, it's just iron bars, and there is no Saturn. This is so difficult that it is easy to warehouse.

I was thinking that Cang Yi seemed to smell something bad, which came from himself. Yes, I've been busy messing around these days. I haven't taken a shower for a long time. I believe there is a lot of mud on my body.

Thinking about this, he suddenly had an idea. Yes, he should have taken a shower and rubbed the mud. Isn't this mud an earth element?

Cang Yi is really satisfied with his intelligence. Immediately laughed happily. Liang ignored you and let him go to see if there was anything difficult to get Cangyi.