Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 19 The Four Evil Wolves

The three people who just fell into the martial arts school are called Qingtian, Hanhai and Rift Valley. All three people showed fierce faces. If Liang hadn't ignored such an identity, I'm afraid it would be difficult to know the origin of these three people.

Not only that, in addition to the three awesome people, 11 or 12 people broke in through the gate almost at the same time. These people are also basically special coaches of major martial arts museums, and some are even curators of senior martial arts museums.

Qingtian first took the lead in ignoring Liang and shouting: "Director Liang, you have used the name of this school to do all kinds of bad things, which has seriously tarnished the reputation of this sect, and also misled your disciples to go astray, practiced evil ways, and even suspected of separate sects. Our three guardians came to implement the law by the order of the master. If you know what's interesting, don't resist meaninglessly and quickly stop it.

Liang ignored or was so panicked for the first time. He could hardly believe that what he saw in front of him was true. He couldn't help shouting, "How can this be? Why didn't I get any news with such a big move?"

Hanhai also sneered and said, "Liang ignored it. Are you still thinking about your followers who are wandering in other martial arts museums? Don't dream. We have a list of all your evil sects, and now we have caught them all. Don't expect them to come to support you.

When Liang ignored this and heard this, his heart suddenly cooled down. Why did such a thing happen? He immediately thought that the only possibility of being stolen from his list in the past few days was Cang Yi's. He seems to understand everything now.

Why did Cang Yi do so many bastards a few days ago? It's completely unreasonable. Unexpectedly, this guy is really not an asshole, but an undercover agent of Changxiaomen. Thinking of this, it really brought unspeakable fear to Liang's ignorance.

Where did this warehouse suddenly emerge? He had never heard of it before, but he was so scheming that he didn't notice the whole thing at all. What's more hateful is that he almost married his daughter to him.

Now his hatred for Cangyi has really reached the extreme. He has made up his mind that even if he will really die this time, he must kill this boy first.

While thinking, suddenly another student behind him ran over and shouted, "It's not good, curator. The door of the backyard was lost, and several laughing coaches broke in."

What, even the backyard is on fire! I didn't expect Changxiaomen's action to be so fast. Now it's like thundering for Liang's disregard. The more dangerous the situation is, the deeper his hatred for Cangyi.

He immediately said to his students, "Don't panic. Now is the time for us to verify our ultimate strength. Everyone must play well." Then he said to the student who had just run over, "Have my four hungry wolves come out?"

The student nodded and said, "It's all here. Two people are resisting in the backyard, and two others are coming here."

After Liang was unaware of hearing, he had some confidence in his heart and said with a smile, "Everyone must resist me. As long as we withstand this round of attacks, we will have time to escape."

Although the situation is so urgent, he still has a way out. In a mysterious place, he has chosen a place for the address of his sect, but for a period of time, he didn't seem to trust his subordinates, so he didn't make it public. As long as you can resist these people temporarily, there will not be much danger, but this martial arts hall will definitely be thrown away.

Liang ignored and waved his hands three times and flew out three small air bombs. Because these three air bombs were not big, they did not arouse the vigilance of the three guardians, and these three air bombs hit the bodies of these three people.

The three air bombs didn't seem to have done any harm to the three people, but strangely, after the air bomb, the three people stood still and did not move for a long time. Then, the bodies of the three guardians began to crack, as if these three bodies were no longer bodies, but porcelain.

With the increase of cracks and the degree of rupture, these three bodies could no longer stand it and quickly exploded, crackling, and hard body fragments fell to the ground.

I didn't expect that as soon as it arrived, these three guardians were so easily turned into magnets by Liang ignored and blown up. This scene scared the other Changxiaomen coaches present. No wonder this Liang ignored such a big ambition and wanted to work with Changxiaomen, which was very real. How can other people fight like this?

Liang ignored and really laughed: "Brothers who laugh, we are all from the same family and have the feelings of brothers. Please don't make it difficult for me to ignore Liang and let us live, otherwise even if you want to be against it, you may not be our opponents. I also have four hungry wolves. I have never made public the ability of these four people. I hope you don't do it recklessly.

The scene really calmed down for a moment, and everyone stood still. The four hungry wolves he claimed to be absolutely not simple, otherwise Liang would not be so confident when he ignored his expression. This Liang ignored it. As soon as he saw his performance, he had already made everyone's hands and feet cold, plus four others. It seems that the situation is not necessarily favorable.

"Curator, what the hell happened?" While everyone was thinking, they saw two people and suddenly flashed beside Liang's ignored side.

These two people are taller than Liang ignored, wearing a cloak and hiding their heads. However, you can still faintly see the faces of two people. One of these two people is black and the other is white.

The black-faced man holds a pair of big axes. Each axe has a big eye on its face, with steel eyelids and two black gems emitting a strange cold light. What's more frightening is that these two big eyes are still alive and keep blinking. This is the magic-eyed wolf.

Changxiaomen is naturally an experienced master. He knows that this weapon is a magic weapon and an advanced weapon refined in the demon world. The two eyes are called dementors. If you are an ordinary warrior, if you are stared at by that eye, you will have a feeling of soul and immediately lose your combat effectiveness.

Another white-skinned guy can be seen, and the answer can only be that this guy is really bloody.

This guy called the blood wolf and didn't have a weapon in his hand, but he didn't have many weapons. Dozens of daggers, large and small, were directly inserted into his body, arms and legs, each inserted in two rows, all of which were skulls, penetrating limbs, and the tip of the knife was pierced from the other end. There are eight bigger ones on the chest, which pass directly through the body and are also exposed from the back.

These daggers pierce through the muscles, causing his body to keep dripping bright red blood.

These coaches can also know one or two when they see it. This method of practicing skills has been lost for decades, because it is too cruel to martial artists themselves. For those who practice this evil skill, the growth of martial arts is very amazing. In three years, their strength may surpass the level of giant heroes, which is more than 200 martial arts, and the general leaders of small sects are just like this.

But the side effects of this skill are also very large. Generally, people who practice this kind of skill will be extremely abnormal. I have suffered extremely in the process of practicing martial arts, so for general pain, it is as easy as eating every day. Similarly, they have no humanity at all, and their only hobby is killing.

It can be seen from these two people that this Liang ignored the establishment of a powerful sect for himself and had applied evil to the extreme. These two should also be his disciples, so what about his real strength? It is even more difficult to estimate.

Before they started, the coaches standing in the yard had some panic when they saw these three people, and even had the heart to retreat. In addition, these people dare to come by relying on these three guardians. Now the guardians are gone, and I really don't know what to do next.

"Brothers, don't flinch. The little brother named Cang Yi is still in their hands. We must not ignore him." A bold coach was afraid that everyone would lose their fighting spirit and immediately encouraged him.

Other coaches immediately cheered up at this moment and showed their blades one after another. "Yes, we must not let Brother Cangyi disappoint us. Anyway, we have to fight."

At this moment, the black-faced hungry wolf just sneered and said, "You mob, if you want to go against us, don't fantasize about it here." With that, he immediately showed a pair of axe eyes.

These two eyes immediately stared wide, with sharp eyes, full of chill and deterrence, and their poisonous eyes pierced every coach present.

As soon as these coaches saw this pair of eyes, they retreated in fear before they started, and their limbs also felt that they had lost most of their strength.

In this uneasy mood, I saw the white-faced man unpreparedly pull out a bloody white dagger from his body and fly out.

This action skill is superb and flawless, and it goes straight to one of the coaches. The coach was still in panic and lost his vigilance and defense ability, so he was directly stabbed in the chest by the dagger. He only heard a scream and fell on his back.

As soon as the coach fell down, his face was pale and his eyes were blank. The wound he was stabbed by a dagger just now is not like the wound of an ordinary weapon. It is not bleeding, but spraying blood, which is more than one meter high.

After the other coaches next to him saw it, they rushed over to help him stop the bleeding. Normally, if you are stabbed by a weapon, you can never pull the weapon out of your body, but this time, on the contrary, you must pull it out decisively, otherwise you will lose more serious blood.

The dagger was pulled out, and the two immediately tore off two pieces of cloth from their clothes to help him stop the bleeding. The gushing blood was suppressed, but the black from the wound kept spreading on the skin. This is a kind of poison gas produced by people under long-term pain and depression, which is a very horrible poison. Once this poison spreads to half of the human body, the person will definitely die.

The diffusion speed is expected to reach that standard in three minutes. In this way, the coach who was recruited is bound to die today.

The white-faced hungry wolf had no expression, but said coldly, "Don't be busy, think about your own afterlife first. Do you still have time to take care of others?"

This time, the coaches are even more frustrated. The form has been reversed so significantly. It seems that before the action, Changxiaomen still underestimated the strength that Liang ignored.

At present, Liang's hatred for Cangyi is still rising. Now he is determined. Next is Cangyi. He will never let this guy who betrays himself like this.

At the same time, the opposite of him is Ruhua. After knowing the current situation, she began to worry about Cang Yi. He wanted to save Cang Yi before Liang ignored and arrived in the confinement room, but there was already a hungry wolf guarding at the door of the confinement room.

She knew that she was by no means the opponent of the wolf, so she had to find the night, but can the night really deal with one of the four evil wolves?

The hungry wolf is called the corpse. As long as it is dead, it is a puppet controlled by his men.