Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 26 Selling Horses for Medical Diseases

The appearance of this scene made the people present immediately sigh.

No wonder this guy is so arrogant? It seems that I really met a master.

Next, I heard Cang Yi shouting, "If you don't want to die, get out of the way." The sword in his hand has become four or five, and it also emits different colors.

These swords are true or false and psychedelic, constantly flying up and down, and those people have no way to resist. In an instant, more than a dozen people were knocked to the ground. The encirclement was broken, and Cang Yi easily killed it.

He only heard the sound of the whip, and then looked at Li Chuang's back, a bloody, one-foot-long whip wound, which made him scream.

"Ah, he dares to slap me. Catch him quickly." Li Chuang shouted, but no one moved. Take a closer look, it's not that the ruffians don't want to save him, but that they can't move anymore. I don't know when a lot of rates grew on the ground and tied everyone up.

With the improvement of his martial arts ability, the thorny hell of Baihuamen has also been trained to a certain level, which is more than enough to deal with these small bastards.

The money bag that Li Chuang threw on the ground just now is still in place and no one dares to move. Cang kicked the bag away, the bag was kicked out, and the silver coins inside were scattered all over the floor.

Cang Yi hit Li Chuang again with a whip, which made him cry in pain, "Give me, brother. I'll give you whatever you want. Let me go."

Cang Yi snorted coldly, "I don't want anything. You have to pay for medical expenses if you play like that."

Li Chuang immediately nodded and said, "Alas, alas, I'm going there." He turned around and was about to run away.

Cang Yi went up with another whip, "Where are you going? Do you think I'm stupid? What should I do if I move back to the rescue? It is enough to pick up these scattered silver coins on the ground. Hurry up." Before the words fell, another whip hit Li Chuang's body.

Li Chuang had no choice but to squat on the ground and pick them up one by one.

Cang Yi also urged from time to time: "You are such a fool. It takes so long to pick up money." As he spoke, he whipped him from time to time.

This scene looks really weird. There were dozens of people under Li Chuang, but he could only watch his boss being beaten there, and he had to squat on the ground to see silver coins. No one could help.

After a long time, those silver coins were finally picked up. At the same time, Li Chuang also had more than a dozen more whip wounds on his body, which made him keep grinning, "Brother, I have picked them up, you see."

Cang Yi nodded and said, "Well, I'll spare you today. If I can't find the horse that the girl lost in the future, I will settle accounts with you. Give me the money."

Li Chuang handed the money bag to Cang Yi's hand, but he didn't expect that as soon as Cang Yi took it, the other hand quickly grabbed his cheek and stuffed a seed into his mouth.

"Bah", Li Chuang wanted to spit it out, but it was stuffed too much, and he still swallowed a lot. "What did you eat for me?"

Cang Yi laughed and said, "Don't worry, they are all good things that are good for your health and can control you from doing less bad things."

After all this, Cang Yi came to the girl and picked him up, "Girl, are you all right? Tell me where your home is? I'll take you home."

At this time, the thims of Li Chuang's thie were also untied.

Of course, Li Chuang couldn't breathe and shouted at his own people, "Hurry up and never let them go."

"Yes" those ruffians. After freedom, they were also full of anger and rushed to Cangyi.

Cang Yi stood still without panic. He looked at these guys with a smile and said, "You really can't change eating shit."

Before these people rushed up, I saw a freshly sprouted straw stick coming out of Li Chuang's mouth. It made people around laugh.

Li Chuang seemed to understand that the seeds that Cang Yi had just eaten must be causing blame. He immediately shouted, "Stop, stop."

Those ruffians dare not go on again when they see this scene.

Cang Yi said, "It's better not to come to me for revenge. This is still light. If you have any evil intentions, these straw sticks will grow more lush and come out of your ears and eyes. Seriously, it's hard to say if it breaks your belly.

Li Chuang was really dumbfounded this time. He didn't expect to suffer from such a poisonous hand. Thinking that his P's eyes might grow grass, it was not only uncomfortable, but also shameful.

The ruffian asked, "Head, what should we do now?"

Li Chuang scolded, "What else should I do? Get out of here."

The dozens of people had to leave so in dismay. After going far, the onlookers were still laughing.

Cang Yi threw two gold coins at a horse buyer next to him and put the girl on the horse and said, "Brother, I bought this horse." With that, he led the horse and left.

The horse buyer dared not say anything more. Besides, these two gold coins are more than enough for the price of his horse.

These people in the horse market haven't seen this kind of scene for many years. Cang Yi has gone far away, and everyone is still applauding, "Good little brother, you are really good."

The girl's name is Xia Hua, and her family is very poor. When he was just a few years old, his parents died, leaving only him and his grandmother to live on a meager source of money.

The horse named A Xue was the only property left to him by his parents before his death, and he grew up with her. She has always taken good care of A Xue, and gradually becomes like her relatives.

Unfortunately, a year ago, his grandmother suddenly fell seriously ill and went everywhere for medical treatment, but she couldn't cure it. Seeing that the family's already limited savings had been spent, his grandmother's condition was getting worse and worse. If it goes on like this, it won't be long before she will die.

There is nothing she can do. Xia Hua can only bear the pain and lead her favorite horse to the market to sell.

But I didn't expect to meet Li Chuang, a group of villains.

Xiahua's home is a very low grass house. After Cang Yi walked in with Xia Hua in his arms, he saw that there were only a few shabby furniture inside, which were a little moldy.

On one side of the window is a kang. There is no mattress on the kang, only straw on the bottom. An old lady lay on it, coughing from time to time. The old lady's quilt was covered with patches.

This scene is very sad. He slowly put the summer flowers on the earthen on the kang.

At this time, the old man turned his head when he heard someone coming in. Seeing a stranger coming in, he asked strangely, "Who are you? What's wrong with my granddaughter?"

Xia Hua said weakly, "Grandma, don't worry, this big brother is not a bad guy, he saved me."

Seeing that his granddaughter was so weak, the old man immediately asked worriedly, "Huaer, what's wrong with you? Did anyone bully you?"

Xia Hua immediately replied, "No, no, I accidentally threw it down from the mountain. It was this kind brother who saved me."

The old man shed tears sadly and said, "Oh, don't lie to me. You must have gone out to raise money for my illness and suffered from grievances, right? Don't do such a stupid thing in the future. Grandma's old bone will die. It doesn't matter. Let my little grandson always be bullied outside, but it hurts my grandmother to death.

After just a few words, this old man couldn't help crying.

Cang Yi couldn't help but feel sad when he saw this scene nearby, "I don't know how much it will cost to cure your grandmother's illness?"

Xia Hua said, "Two gold coins are enough."

Cang Yi said strangely, "There are not many gold coins. Your horse looks like a BMW. Normally, it's easy to take action, and there are more than ten gold coins.

Xia Hua sighed, "There are many people who are willing to pay a lot of money, but I don't believe those people. They can take good care of A Xue in the future, so they have never made a deal."

Cang Yi thought so. After all, the relationship between Ma and her is so deep that how can she have the heart to give it to others easily? Thinking of this, he immediately took out five gold coins from his body and put them on the edge of the kang and said, "Let's leave the money for you. Get rid of your grandma's illness quickly. In the future, don't run around in a place like Ma City.

Xia Hua's eyes stared straight at Cang Yi, full of emotion, "Brother, don't give me this money. My Xue doesn't know where he has gone. I can't sell you the horse."

Hearing this, Cang Yi's heart was even more moved. What an upright and simple girl. He simply stuffed the five gold coins into Xia Hua's hand and said, "Take it, I don't want to buy your horse. If you really want to buy it, your horse is more than that price.

But Xia Hua still forced the money back into Cangyi's hands. "No, brother, you saved my life. You have been good enough for me. I will never take your money again. Unless I can find A Xue and hand it over to you personally. You'd better take it back."

I didn't expect the girl to be so persistent. No matter how repeatedly persuaded Cang Yi, Xia Hua still refused to accept the money. In the end, Cang Yi had no choice but to make up his mind to help her find A Xue and give her the money.

Hearing that this brother was willing to help him find a horse, Xia Hua was even happier, "Brother, you are really a good person. I didn't expect that A Xue's life is still good. If I give him to you in the future, I will be really relieved.

In fact, Cang Yi really couldn't bear to lead Xia Hua's A Xue, but when he saw that the girl was so persistent, he had to settle down like this first. It seems that we can only bring the horses back and let them get together in the future.

After all, it is Xia Hua's horse, or does she know this horse better? The two agreed to find the horse together early tomorrow morning.

Finally, the healing that Cang Yiba just bought was to help Xia Hua apply to her body, and then left.

Before leaving, the old man was still thanking Cang Yi.

The next day, the two waded through the forest until noon and had not seen the shadow of the horse.

At noon, rest on the roadside at the foot of a mountain. Xia Hua wiped the sweat on her head and said, "Brother Yi, is your heavenly machine really reliable? How can my A Xue run so far at once?

Cang Yi said confidently, "Don't worry about this. My machine is a magic weapon. As long as it finds the target, it is not inaccurate. Since you have gone so far, have you probably been arrested by someone?"

Hearing this, Xia Hua was a little nervous, "Brother Yi, you won't scare me, will you?" My A Xue is very clever. How can she be easily caught?

"It's hard to say. No matter how smart the horse is, how can he compare with people?" As Cang Yi said, he glanced around here, hoping to find any traces. In the process of scanning, he really found something. He quickly pointed not far ahead and said, "Do you think something seems to be wrong in front of you?"