Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 28 Little Pony King

The old pig was already angry enough, but he didn't expect to suffer this again, which really made him intolerable. He got up from the ground and glared at the snow, "B bastard, do you dare to fight against me?" With that, he raised the whip in his hand and abstracted A Xue.

A Xue's snow-white body also had a clear blood mark, which made it hiss in a long voice. Struggling and jumping in place.

Then, the old pig wanted to whip A Xue again, but the black donkey suddenly ran over and stopped him, "Brother Pig, don't. This is my horse. I think I'd better deal with it. It seems that it is definitely not a group of wild horses and should be humane. As long as I communicate with it, I believe it will be fine. I promise not to delay your business again.

Seeing that there is a black donkey saying hello, the old pig is embarrassed to embarras Xue again. "Okay, for your sake, I will forgive it. If it dares to do this again, I will never show mercy again.

The black donkey quickly laughed and said, "Thank you, Brother Pig. Don't worry." With that, he walked gently towards A Xue. He also held a handful of fine forage in his hand, "Little white horse, be obedient. I won't hurt you, good boy."

Slowly, the black donkey was getting closer and closer to A Xue, but A Xue did not show any irritable emotions. The black donkey watched the play and relaxed a lot. He handed the forage in his hand to A Xue's mouth, but he didn't expect that the little white horse really ate it obediently.

The people present looked at it and booed, "Ok, black donkey, it seems that you are quite predestined?"

The black donkey stared at them and ignored them, and all his attention was focused on the white horse.

"Okay, that's right. Honey, I won't hurt you. What's your name? Well, looking at how white you are, I will call you Xiaobai in the future. How about it? Do you have any problem?

A Xue's performance really surprised everyone, and she couldn't help but envy the black donkey. "This guy is really blessed. Such a good horse listened to him obediently.

The black donkey looked at the little white horse and liked it more and more. After feeding the forage, he said, "I'm taking the reins for you now. Can you promise me that you won't run around?"

A Xue seemed to really understand what he meant and nodded meekly.

The black donkey couldn't help but be a little nervous. He slowly untied the reins from the wooden stake, and then came to the white horse and said gently, "Now I'm going to ride you."

The pony is still standing there meekly. Everyone's eyes widened. This is really a miracle. This horse is too humane. It is rare in the world for him to do this to strangers.

The black donkey was so happy that he quickly rode on the horse.

At this moment, no one present would ever think of it.

As soon as the little white horse rode on its back, it immediately ran wildly into the crowd as if frightened.

This action was so sudden that the black donkey shouted for help.

A Xue's eyes were about to rush into the crowd, but at this moment, a burst of loess rose from one side of her body and stopped. Before the black donkey gasped, A Xue ran in the opposite direction again, this time rushing to the horse stake.

A Xue's back hit the horse farm that had just been tied. The black donkey failed to take any precautions. His whole body hit Ma Zhuangzi, and his eyes came out of Ma Zhuangzi.

Falled on the ground and fell into a coma.

Everyone was dumbfounded. This horse is so smart that he can still use tricks. So many human beings here have been deceived by it.

Next, I saw that A Xue's head stretched out to the waist of the black donkey who fell to the ground. Everyone was even more shocked. Will this horse continue to attack the black donkey? They rushed to A Xue.

At this time, Cangyi and Xia Hua hid far away and watched. Although they couldn't see clearly, they could still see the general situation. At least they knew that A Xue was playing tricks on these ringing horses.

Cang Yi was also a little shocked. It was a magical horse. The more I look at it, the more I like it. I really hope to take it with me, but I need to make this horse obey me. He doesn't want to be like the guy who fell to the ground.

After A Xue put her head to the waist of the black donkey, she unexpectedly stretched out her tongue and licked it, and actually pulled out the dagger inserted in the black donkey's waist. Then he bit the handle of the dagger with his teeth.

Seeing the people around him rushing towards him, A Xue also ran quickly. It keeps shuttling between these horse stakes. Those people come and go, but they can't catch it.

As A Xue ran, she kept cutting the reins of other horses. After a while, the other horses also ran out of their reeds.

This time, the scene became more and more chaotic. The horse mixed with people, running and howling.

At this time, A Xue came to the gray wild horse that was still lying on the ground and arched its body with her mouth. The gray horse looked up at A Xue in pain. The two horses are exchanging their eyes, and the gray horses seem to be greatly encouraged by each other.

Soon, the gray horse tried to stand up with the pain in his body.

The two horses ran side by side and rushed to the periphery of the crowd.

Cang Yi and Xia Hua looked at it from a distance, and the white highlights on the camp were still very eye-catching. This made the two people very happy for the horse.

"Great, my A Xue is really good. Come on, Xue!" Xia Hua lay there excitedly and secretly cheered herself up.

Seeing that the two horses were about to rush out of the camp and escape to the distance, suddenly two thick nosoes, with flashing electric light outside, came to the two horses.

The two horses were trapped, and the more they struggled, the tighter the rope around their necks became. Soon, many horses came up and grabbed the nose together. The strength of the people far exceeds that of the two horses. The two horses were pulled back again helplessly.

The one who caught the two horses again was the leader of the horses, Fang Kuan. After the horse was brought back, he roared at these ringing horses, "You rice buckets, two horses have made you restless. What else can you do?"

The leader was angry, and everyone calmed down. All the horses were captured and tied to the stake.

The leader said angrily, "Who on earth picked up the matter?"

Everyone pointed to A Xue.

Fang Kuan glanced at the snow-white horse without any appearance, then turned around and said, "Then hit me." He walked towards his tent.

It was the old pig who came to A Xue with a fierce face, swung his whip and whipped, "Is it okay to make you to make trouble, even a horse is so bold?"

A Xue couldn't stand it and kept hissing tragically.

Although Xia Hua in the distance couldn't see what exactly happened in the camp, the tragic cry made him heartbroken. "No, they are bullying A Xue. Let's go and save it quickly." With that, he rushed to the camp.

Cang Yi quickly stopped her and said, "What do you want to do? Do you want to die?"

Xia Hua still wanted to rush forward, but Cang Yi was very strong and had hugged her desperately. "Calm down. You can't act recklessly like this. Hide quickly."

Xia Hua's eyes were full of tears, "Brother Yi, don't stop me. I really can't listen to it anymore. I can't let them bully me like this."

Cang Yi had to shout at Xia Hua: "Are you crazy? When they see A Xue's master coming, they will definitely kill you first and then kill A Xue. At that time, I can't save you."

Xia Hua struggled for a long time, but she couldn't escape Cang Yi's embrace, so she had no choice but to calm down. "Brother Yi, what do you want to do? We can't watch A Xue be killed by them.

Seeing that Xia Hua stopped messing around, Cang Yi let go of his hand and exhaled, "I know your mood. But we must not act so recklessly. You must believe me. I promise to save A Xue, okay?"

Xia Hua asked with tears on her face, "Then how can you save it?"

Cang Yi looked at the camp in the distance and thought for a moment, "Well, we have to wait until dark to move. It's too dangerous now. I can make a detour to the back of the camp and light a fire for them. In this way, they will be confused, and you can take this opportunity to sneak in from the other side and take the horse out. I believe that with A Xue's speed, those horses will not be able to catch up with you.

Xia Hua nodded after hearing this, "This is a good way. But Brother Yi, I have another question, so that they will notice you. What if they catch you?

Cang Yi smiled easily and said, "You don't have to worry about this. Don't forget, I'm a dartsman."

Xia Hua was still worried and grabbed Cang Yi's hand tightly and said, "Brother Yi, is there really no problem? You promise me that you will never be caught by those people."

Cang Yi smiled comfortingly and stroked Xia Hua's head and said, "Just let go of your heart. I must be fine. At that time, you will save A Xue and run desperately. Don't worry about me, do you understand?

No matter how comforted Cangyi used, Xia Hua still couldn't help worrying about him and put her beautiful face on his chest. "Brother Yi, I'm really sorry for letting you take such a big risk to save A Xue. You must escape. Otherwise, I will feel sorry for you all my life."

Cang Yi stroked the smooth and soft hair of the summer flower and said, "You really don't have to worry about me. On the contrary, I'm a little worried about you. You have never experienced these horses. You must be careful.

Xia Hua nodded her head and was so moved that she couldn't speak.

It was not until late at night that the two of Cangyi secretly entered the outskirts of the camp.

Cang Yi first quietly killed several guards with golden pupil cross darts, and then ignited several tents on the north side of the hillside.

Together, the camp immediately became a mess. Everyone shouted, "No, it's on fire. Everyone, put out the fire!"

Seeing the complete chaos, Cang Yi ran to the back hillside.

However, someone soon found the arsonist, "The kid who set fire ran up the hillside. Everyone chased!"

However, Cang Yi's feet are second-class Shenxing boots. Who can run over him? No matter how much you catch up, you can't catch up.

Opposite, Xia Hua also began to take action. She first touched an empty tent, found a ringing horse's clothes on her body, and went to find A Xue.