Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 35 The Battle of the Bronze Medal Dart

This sentence attracted the attention of everyone present. Everyone looked at Cang Yi, but he was just a child who had not grown up. How could he be so bold? In this situation, he dared to stand up and speak.

"Little boy, I'm ignorant. I don't know what this scene is. It's causing trouble to me. Do you want to die?" It can be seen that the two noisy guys were very disgusted with Cangyi's performance and roared.

Lu Chao said to the two guys, "Can you two reason a little? Since this little brother has the courage to stand up, it shows that he must have some truth. Why don't we listen to it first? Maybe we can avoid this misunderstanding? After all, the two guests didn't come here to make trouble. It's always not good to fight.

The two people thought about it and nodded and said, "Well, stinky boy, for the face of this Lu Daring Master, I just want you to say a few words. If you can't fart, then be careful. I'll smash your head.

Cang Yi took a look and finally gave himself a chance to speak. He immediately opened his mouth and was about to speak, but he suddenly held back his words.

After a while, I saw that everyone was looking at him, and I felt that it had come to this point. If I always said nothing like this, I would definitely not be able to pass. I have to try my best to think about what I should say.

"In fact. Yes, that's it. I think both of them should trust him from the perspective of the Star Gate Dart Bureau and the level of the Land Dart Master. I don't think this incident is necessary at all. If guards are recruited, it must be bad for everyone. Is what everyone said right?

The whole audience immediately booed, which was a bunch of nonsense. Originally, I thought that although this boy was young, he was very intelligent. At this point of view, he was completely an idiot.

The muscular man stared at Cang Yi and said, "That's all?"

Cang Yi nodded, "Yes, I just want to say that harmony makes money, harmony makes money? Everyone said, didn't they? Well, I have nothing to say. If nothing, I'll sit down.

The muscle year looked at Cang Yi and couldn't wait to go up and slap him in a big mouth immediately, but he thought that there was still Lu Chao in front of him, so he swallowed this breath for a while. Chong Cang Yi waved his fist and said, "Kid, I don't have time to pay attention to you now. Let you live a little longer and deal with you later."

What on earth made Cang Yi so embarrassed that he was almost broken by the noisy guy?

Actually, just as he stood up and opened his mouth and was ready to speak, he suddenly saw a man. That's the person he just noticed and believed to be the thief.

Because at this time, the man was slowly taking off the hood over his head. After taking off his hood, the man secretly inserted something into his boots, and his eyes were still staring at Cangyi. It was this pair of eyes that scared Cangyi no longer dared to say what he should have said.

It turned out that the person who took off his hat and looked at Cang Yi was Ye Meng.

At this time, Cang Yi was completely confused. What the hell is going on? Why did Ye Meng suddenly come here? Did she also know the news of the princess's disappearance? And what's more incredible is why she came to steal?

She is after a famous family. Besides, she is not short of money. Does she have to steal things and steal things from such a strong guy?

Cang Yi didn't have time to figure out why. Whether he can figure it out or not, he knows very well that he must not betray Ye Meng. No matter what she does, she will support her and protect her.

Next, the two people turned their attention back to Lu Chao and said, "Well, Master Lu, do you want to continue to fight against us and stand aside obediently without hindering us?"

Lu Chao laughed and said, "Are you kidding? How can we make you two wild in such a big restaurant? With that, he raised his hands, and the iron ball that had just hit the ground slowly rose to the sky.

The iron ball became bigger again, and it kept spinning as it got bigger.

In the end, the iron ball became bigger than a house, and the rotation speed became very fast, making a "wish" sound. At the same time, lightning appeared on its periphery, making a crackling sound.

This scene stunned everyone present in an instant. This kind of scene is usually difficult to see, but some people are very optimistic that it is too straightforward to come to the restaurant for dinner this time, and they can still see such a wonderful performance.

The sound of lightning outside the big iron ball is getting louder and louder, almost like the thunder on a rainy day. At this time, Lu Chao smiled and said, "Don't panic. Now with the protection of this law enforcement thunder, no one dares to make a fus. You'd better go back and have a good rest and wait for us to help you deal with this matter, otherwise I'm really sorry to be struck by this day.

The muscular man still didn't care at all. He raised the big knife in his hand and said, "Do you think this thing can scare us? Look at the knife." With that, he picked up from the third floor and jumped straight down to Lu Chao.

The iron ball that made an electric shock sound in the sky immediately shot a flash of lightning and hit the muscular man who was still in mid-air.

The muscular man's body immediately burst into a huge electric spark, which was extremely dazzling.

After a crackling sound, the muscular man did not reach Lu Chao's front and had fallen on the ground.

After the electric light disappeared, the muscular man was black all over, his eyes looked straight at the ceiling, and all the hair on his body exploded like a wire.

Everyone immediately booed, saying that this guy was really overpowerful, and the superbiao master dared to fight against him. This is terrible.

Looking at the muscular man who had been blackened, Lu Chao shook his head helplessly, "Oh, really, what's wrong with you? Hurry up and come over a few people and carry the guest officer to the room. After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.

The big iron ball is still making a "stinging" sound in the sky. It seems that the protection of this iron ball here should be foolproof.

But there is also a thin man standing on the third floor of the stairs. When the thin man saw that his companion had been knocked down, he immediately shouted, " Stop. The contest is not over yet. Are you trying to escape?

With that, he pulled his bow and arrow, raised his head, aimed at the iron ball above and shot an arrow. Immediately, tens of millions of lightning flashed from the iron ball, shooting at the sword that was flying towards him.

But the more the arrow is electrocuted, the more powerful it becomes, and there is a dazzling white flame all over it.

In the end, the big iron ball was hit by this arrow. The whole sword body was submerged in the big iron ball. It seems that there is not much damage, but the lightning around the big iron ball is gradually decreasing and disappearing. And the volume of the iron ball itself is also shrinking.

It was not until the iron ball contracted to a slightly larger than a person's head that it exploded.

Several pieces of iron "cracked" on the ground, but I saw the arrow that had just been shot out, still extremely flaming, as if it contained this powerful energy.

The thin man raised his hand, and the arrow returned to his hand. He laughed with his sword and said, "Well, Master Lu, this big iron ball must have absorbed a lot of fighting spirit in you, right? If you are accumulating enough fighting spirit in your body now, I'm afraid it will take at least seven or eight minutes, right? But I can wait for ease. With the fighting spirit that belongs to you on this arrow, I can completely deal with you.

With that, he put the arrow on the bow again and aimed at Lu Chao.

Lu Chao is really dumbfounded. He knows best how powerful this sword is. If you dodge by yourself, the power of this arrow is enough to destroy the whole hotel. I don't know how many people will die as a result.

He must not ignore this loss. Although he didn't do it himself, a superbiao master can't even protect a restaurant, causing such a huge loss, which is really a huge loss to the reputation of the Stargate Dart Bureau. Similarly, it is also an extremely shameful thing for himself, and there is no way to survive in the darts industry in the future.

Thinking of this, Lu Chao knew that he could not avoid this arrow in any case, and he had to release all the power of the sword on his body.

The thin man seemed to have got Lu Chao's idea and didn't allow Lu Chao to speak, so the sword shot out.

Lu Chao was immediately hit by an arrow. The arrow pierced his chest deeply. When he was just shot, everyone saw that Lu Chao's face did not show any painful expression and still stood there.

However, as the energy on the arrow gradually disappeared, Lu Chao's face gradually changed. His body became more and more stiff, and his white skin began to turn red.

It became more and more red, and the whole body turned into a soft red sausage.

The people sitting here are dumbfounded. It has become terrible this time. It seems that even this special level is really not their opponent. Many people began to tremble and their feet were cold.

At this time, Cang Yi was the most uneasy. Xin said, Ye Meng, what on earth do you stinky girl want to do? There is no right or wrong to steal things. Now look, it has caused such a big trouble. Do you think I will report you or not? You don't have the heart to report it, but if you don't report it, you can't watch the landbiao master die so tragically.

Looking at Lu Chao, although he has suffered a great attack, he is still calm and is bowing his head and closing his eyes.

After a moment, I only heard him shout, and a pillar of fire rose to the sky on his whole body.

This pillar of fire broke through the ceiling of the hotel, broke through the roof, and finally went straight to the sky. After a full minute, the pillar of fire gradually disappeared.

Looking at Lu Chao again, he is now standing intact. "Ha ha, this guest officer, I still want to persuade you to wake up as soon as possible. You can't fight against me." With that, he took out a dart from his body and held it in his hand.

Then he quickly entered all his fighting spirit into the dart.

Immediately, the dart emitted powerful energy. This energy forms a wave and spreads around.

Then, all the guests within five meters around Lu Chao bounced out because of the impact of the wave, including tables, chairs and benches, all of which failed to stay where they were.

No one can imagine how powerful this little dart is now.

But even if the thin man saw this scene, he still did not panic and continued to laugh, "What is this? Darts have always been used as hidden weapons. What are you so blatantly showing off? How are you sure that I can't avoid this dart?

Lu Chao said with a grim expression, "Then you can try it." With that, he shook his arm around before hitting the dart out.