Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 46 Quilt

Just a month ago, on Princess Jinlika's birthday, Cao Guoshi sent the world's most precious Anzhu cat in order to celebrate the princess's birthday.

The princess liked the cat very much and held it every day, but one day she was accidentally bitten by the cat.

At first, the princess didn't care much about this matter, but somehow, from then on, at night, her body began to change, with hair growing on her body and sharp teeth growing in her mouth.

Then, she began to have a crazy desire to bite. That night, she finally couldn't help biting a maid to death.

As a princess, she actually bites people to death like a beast. Although she is afraid, how dare she say this?

Gradually, the situation became more and more serious, and the princess's desire for good blood became stronger and stronger. She was very painful, but she didn't dare to say it.

Finally one day, the princess heard that there was a dragon mountain far away that could cure her strange disease. After learning the news, she did not dare to tell anyone, so she secretly left the palace and went to find Longshan with the last glimmer of hope.

After hearing all this told by the princess, Cang Yi found that this matter had something to do with Cao Guoshi. It seems that Cao Guoshi is really bad. I really don't know what his purpose is? Maybe he planned the whole cat disease incident.

In particular, Ye Meng listened to the princess's complaints and felt the same way as him. "Your Highness, it seems that we are also like-minded. It must be that Cao Guoshi hurt you. Me too. My father was also framed to death by that guy. Don't worry, we will do our best to help you. I hope that Cao Guoshi's sins will be exposed one day.

After listening to Ye Meng's story, the princess knew that Ye Meng was the daughter of General Ye, who was once famous all over the country, so she gave birth to infinite respect for her. "So that's it. My father has often told me about your father's deeds. He said that he has always been very sorry for your Ye family. In order to thank him for his contribution to the country, he wanted to comfort your descendants, but unfortunately, he has never found your family since the defeat of that war. Don't worry, as long as I can go back to the palace again, I must inform my father about this matter and let your father's grievances be revealed to the world.

In this way, the two girls immediately became very close to each other and hated to see each other late. With this good sister, the princess has become much more at ease. Of course, Ye Meng is also happy. With the support of the princess, his father's problem will be solved smoothly.

In this way, Princess Jinlika continued to march towards Longshan under the escort of three people.

Four people walked for another three days. After insting, they knew that it should not be far from Longshan. Along the way, they also found that the closer they got to Longshan, the more and more girls became cat demons. Perhaps it's all because they heard the rumors of Longshan and are gathering at that place. In addition to the princess, Ye Meng is their most important protection object.

On this day, they walked for a whole day. When it was almost dark, they found that there was no village nearby, a boundless forest.

There's nothing they can do. It seems that they have to sleep in this woods tonight.

Cang Yi walked to the princess helplessly with a chain in his hand. "I'm really sorry, Your Highness. We have no choice but to lock you up at night. I hope you don't blame me."

Along the way, the princess was also used to it, but she was very calm, "It doesn't matter, threwarts. Lock me up for my own good. Don't feel guilty. In fact, I also feel very safe to have you here these days.

" boss, I have good news for you." As soon as Cang Yi locked the princess, he saw Lu Chao running from a distance, holding a bundle of long grass that had just been pulled out. Looking at his sweat, his expression was very excited.

Cang Yi said strangely, "I said Lu's follower, what are you doing? Is there anything wrong with you? What's so happy about a big dart master holding such a large bundle of rotten grass?"

Lu Chao gasped and said, " boss, this is not ordinary grass. I just found out that there are quilts here. With this kind of thing, we should have a good sleep tonight.

"What is quilt grass? Don't I think it's an ordinary straw? It's definitely not a precious plant, otherwise how could you find so much in such a short time?

Lu Chao put the large bundle of fresh grass on the ground and still couldn't suppress his excitement and said, " boss, it seems that you still have too little life experience and don't know this kind of quilt. Although they are not precious, they are very precious on such a cold night. One of the characteristics of this grass is that it can desperately absorb the heat from the sun during the day, so their temperature is always much higher than that of other plants. The average is about 40 degrees. At night, if we sleep under the quilt woven by this plant, it will be too comfortable.

In addition to Lu Chao, this kind of new thing, the other three people have really heard of it for the first time, and they all showed an incredible expression, "There is such a thing under the world. Aren't you looking for us happy this night?"

Lu Chao shook his head, "How come? If you don't believe it, you can come and touch it.

Cang Yi and Ye Meng couldn't help but be curious and touched the pile of grass that Lu Chao had just brought over. It's incredible. As soon as the cold hand is placed on this grass, a warmth spreads. It's really warm and comfortable.

Cang Yi was very happy and praised Lu Chao: "Well, Lu's follower, it seems that you did a good job today. It's a great achievement for you to serve everyone and provide such a good thing.

A few people have been on the road for a day, and now they are very tired. They have woven four simple quilts and are ready to lie down and rest.

Just as everyone was about to fall asleep, the princess sniffed and said nervously, "No, it seems that there are my peers around."

Hearing this, the other three immediately became nervous. A few days ago, they all rested in the inn, so they didn't encounter any danger, but they ignored it. Today, they are sleeping in the wild.

"Princess, do you guarantee that your judgment is correct? This kind of thing is not a joke."

The princess shook her head, "My nose will never smell wrong. You must be careful."

As soon as he finished his words, he heard a sharp and horrible cat call. Immediately, a dark figure rushed out of the bushes and rushed to Ye Meng.

Ye Meng screamed and had been pressed under the shadow.

Ye Meng struggled desperately and fought with the cat demon, "Brother Yi, come and save me."

Cang Yi quickly hit a golden pupil cross dart. The cat demon was blown away by a cross dart, screamed, fell to the ground, and stopped making a sound.

Cang Yi quickly ran to Ye Meng and picked her up and said, "Are you okay? Have you been bitten?"

Ye Meng was cold all over and kept shaking, "No, it's okay. Fortunately, you did it in time. I didn't get bitten.

In this way, Cangyi is a little relieved. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It was my mistake. Why didn't I expect that there would be a cat demon attack in the wild. I think we have to take turns on duty tonight. Never let such a dangerous thing happen again.

However, Lu Chao, who was not far away, raised his objection and said, " boss, I don't agree with this. Your idea of taking turns on duty doesn't work.

Hearing this made Cang Yi very angry, "Hey, you Lu's follower, how dare you oppose me. I wonder if you are lazy. You just want to sleep and don't want to be on duty? No way. From now on, you will be on duty. If I don't sleep enough, you won't want to rest.

Lu Chao didn't care what Cang Yi said. He shook his head and said coldly, "I didn't mean that, boss. It seems that we don't need to be on duty. If you don't believe it, look around.

The other three people looked into the darkness around them.

I saw that there were countless pairs of bright little eyes around the dark, and they were blinking constantly. These little eyes are still gradually surrounding the four people.

"No, are these cat demons?" The four immediately understood what was going on around them.

Gradually, as these small eyes kept approaching, the footsteps could be clearly heard, and the sound of cats gradually increased.

The cry is full of hunger and greed.

Four people have gathered together, and at the same time, Cang Yi and Lu Chao have to separate Ye Meng from the princess.

Soon, these cats' calls resounded all over the wild. It was really a sea of cats and bobcats, countless.

Why did so many cat demons suddenly appear? Looking at this situation, there are at least ten thousand. These cat demons have surrounded four people and have not even had a way out.

Ye Meng's arms hugged Cang Yi's waist tightly.

Lu Chao shouted, " boss, I'll open the way for you. You protect these two girls and me to rush out."

"No, there are too many cat demons. Where do you want us to run?"

At this time, Cangyi was not as experienced as Lu Chao, and he was inevitably a little nervous, so he asked with fear.

Lu Chao held a chain hammer in his hand and glanced around warily and said, "Oh, boss, I don't know. Anyway, let's rush out first. Run to that."

Lu Chao's two hands kept making electric shocks. The cat demon in front of him is constantly being electrocuted, killing a bloody road.

Cang Yi protected the two girls and ran closely behind Lu Chao.

It's not easy for Cangyi to keep killing the cat demons rushing on both sides, and have to protect Ye Meng and the princess at the same time. Never let the princess bite Ye Meng nearby.

The four people didn't know how long they had been killed, and countless cat demons were killed. Everyone's body is covered with blood. Cangyi has been fighting for so long, and he has never been so big, which made him physically and mentally sad.

The cat demons everywhere are still gathering. I really don't know how many fell to the ground around here. The four of them are almost desperate.

Cang Yi shouted to Lu Chao, "Lu follower, do you have a better way? At least you are also a bronze medalist. Don't tell me that you can't even cope with this kind of scene.

Lu Chao was also helpless: "I have tried my best, boss. These cats climb trees better than us, and there are so many of them. What do you want me to do? It only depends on our luck.

It's over. Even Lu Chao can't do anything about it. Cang Yi is really desperate.