Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 48 Persistence is Victory

Ye Meng was still standing beside Cang Yi. Her body was already full of fighting spirit, and her arms were constantly playing gas.

These are all swamp gas bombs. The cat demon in front of him suddenly stepped on the swamp, and his feet sank.

These swamp gas bombs are still very useful, temporarily preventing the attack of these fierce guys.

Ye Meng went out one after another. Slowly, because of the excessive consumption of physical strength, she couldn't support it. She knelt on the ground with her legs. "Brother Yi, I really don't have the strength."

A large swamp has formed outside the cave, and hundreds of cat demons have fallen into these swamps. But there are too many cat demons. Going forward and following, the cat demon behind stepped on the body of the cat demon in front of him and quickly filled the swamp.

In the end, the swamp was useless, and a large group of cat demons continued to rush up to the cave.

Looking at these countless cat demons, Cang Yi shouted, "The thorn hell." He sprinkled all the thorn seeds on his body in front of him. These thorns grew rapidly, and the cat demons rushing to the front were entangled by these thorns, but they could not go any further.

It's been an hour and a half now. I don't know how Lu Chao's work is doing? Cang Yi and Ye Meng are praying silently, hoping that Lu Chao can go well. I don't know how long it will last here.

After all, Cang Yi is not very proficient in the skills of Baihuamen. In addition, his martial arts level is still limited, and he has almost exhausted all his fighting spirit. Those thorns have not been able to stop these cat demons for a long time. They gradually broke the thorns, cleared the road, and rushed to the cave again.

Cang Yi had to hold Ye Meng into the hole and gave birth to a sleepy lock with the last bit of fighting spirit, which trapped her. Please wait here. Listen, you must trust your brother Yi. Do you remember that time in Taocheng? After so many dangers, I still rescued everyone, so you must believe me.

"Brother Yi." Ye Meng couldn't help hugging Cang Yi's neck and kissing him fiercely, "I believe you, I believe you. You will definitely come back alive."

Cang Yi comforted Ye Meng and rushed to the hole again. Cang Yi, who has exhausted his fighting spirit, can only rely on hand-to-hand combat to fight against these swarming cat demons. Even so, he didn't let a cat demon rush into the hole just by relying on his own.

The screams of the wild cats around are loud and endless, almost piercing Cang Yi's eardrums. His hand gradually became weak, and he could hardly hold the hilt of the sword. He is now not only for Ye Meng, but also for his career.

He is a person with dreams. From the first day he became a dart master, he knew that this was a dangerous profession. No matter how high your martial arts ability is, you can't guarantee that the opponent you meet will be weaker than you. Therefore, martial arts ability is not the biggest rely on. The real reliance must be faith.

Every time he told the people around him that he wanted to dream of becoming a dartsman, the people around him laughed at him. No one has ever believed in his ambition, but he is always willing to stick to it.

He knows that the ultimate success, no matter how incredible, can be achieved. And this kind of success must rely on every persistent accumulation. Never compromise and never admit defeat.

With this belief, he still insisted and fought, "Come on, you hateful beasts. Do you think it's great to have more? You are unlucky to meet me. I just don't like yours. Come on, as long as you are always so obsessed, come and kill me.

Time is still passing minute by minute, but you still can't see Lu Chao's movement. Such a hard wait inevitably made him a little suspicious. Why hasn't Lu Chao done it yet? Isn't it because he was afraid to find an excuse to escape?

No, the grim reality can no longer allow him to think so. If he doubts his comrades-in-arms now, he really can't hold on. He must believe in his teammates wholeheartedly, even at the last moment of death. Even if Lu Chao has really run away, he still wants to believe it. Maybe this should be a professional dartsman, a choice that must be made at the last moment of life and death, right?

At this moment, Cang Yi suddenly heard a voice talking to him inside. He is familiar with this sound, the sound of his sword.

"Ha ha, okay boy, although your martial arts ability is really pitiful compared with my previous masters, I can tell you now that you are the most respectable one of all the masters I have ever experienced. I think I have to apologize to you. In fact, the two of us have never reached the realm of unity of man and sword. I have a reason myself, because I have never really looked up to you. Well, since it's all here, let you really understand what is the unity of human swords.

Slowly, Cang Yi's hand holding the sword became relaxed. It seemed that the sword in his hand was driving his hand to fight against the enemy, but he did feel that it was not very powerful.

The sword spirit continued to say to Cang Yi, "Brother, I said don't really be idle. You have to understand what cooperation is. After all, you are still the main body.

Yes, he realized that at the last moment of his life, when he fought until he was almost desperate, he finally realized what the friendship between a swordsman and a sword was. This is a brotherly friendship.

Yes, even the best comrades-in-arms can never fight side by side with themselves all the time, but only their own sword can do it, especially a soulful sword. He is connected with you. You can entrust your life to him, so that he can also entrust his life to you.

This is a kind of trust that transcends everything.

Cang Yi and the sword spirit in his hand became strong again. This sword flew up and down at the mouth of the cave, blocking all enemies trying to break into the cave.

A cat demon corpse kept flying out of the hole with screams.

This really shocked the cat demons in front of them. They actually stopped attacking, guarded the door, and quietly stared at the warehouse.

Cang Yi smiled. I don't know whether this smile is bitter or gratifying. He doesn't know if he can really survive until dawn, but he seems to feel satisfied in his life. A young man from a small poor mountain village has now become such a fearless hero. In order to protect the emperor's daughter and his loved ones, he bravely persisted to the end. He found the best comrade-in-arms in his life and completed the last battle side by side with this comrade. He is really satisfied.

Thinking about this, Cang Yi suddenly couldn't help spitting blood out of his mouth. Then, he could no longer support his body and knelt down.

The cat demon, who was already afraid, finally couldn't stand it when he saw that the guy in front of him, he summoned up his courage and rushed to the hole crazily again.

Cang Yi knew that he was no longer able to fight. He used the last trace of strength on his body, ran into the hole, lay on Ye Meng's body, and pressed Ye Meng's whole body underneath.

Ye Meng was anxious, "Brother Yi, what do you want to do? Let go of me." She struggled to push Cang Yi's body aside.

Cang Yi said in a very weak voice, "I want to protect you. They will never touch a hair of you unless they eat me.

Ye Meng was really moved and angry, "You crazy, fool. Get out of here. I don't need you to do this."

She struggled hard to push away Cang Yi, but Cang Yi's mouth suddenly bit Ye Meng's neck. "Ye Meng, you can't push me away, or I will bite off your big artery. If you die, I will die with you. It depends on whether you want to kill me or both of us.

Ye Meng kept crying, "Please, Brother Yi, don't do this. Watching you on my body, but being bitten to death by those cat demons will torture my heart to death.

At this moment, there was a sudden cat call and I saw Princess Jinlika breaking free from the chains that locked her and rushed to the cat demons who were rushing into the cave.

It's strange that those cat demons who just rushed in are also strange. How can one of their own kind betray us and want to stop us?

Cat demons do not talk about friendship. As long as anyone blocks them, they will become the target of their attack. How can a princess fight against the flock of cat demons? Immediately, her body was pressed down by other peers, scratching and biting it.

This scene shocked Ye Meng even more. How can it be that even Princess Jinlika? She shouted, "No, princess, don't worry about us. You can't deal with them alone.

While dealing with the cat demon that rushed at her, the princess shouted to Ye Meng, "Promise me that you must live and complete this mission. You must not let Cao Guoshi go unpunished again. I can't guarantee that my illness will really be good, but you will live well.

What happened in front of him made Ye Meng almost on the verge of collapse. "Cang Yi, please stand up. Please, haven't you always been the best? I don't believe that you will fall, and I will never believe it. Save the princess, and save yourself.

Cang Yi finally said, "Ye Meng, don't worry, I feel the light. You must cheer up. If there is light, there will be hope.

As soon as his words fell, he really fell into a coma.

At this time, the horrible cat barking around seems to have stopped. Ye Meng pushed Cang Yi's body aside. She looked up and found that a ray of sunlight had shone into the hole.

There are several girls in the hole, some are wandering inexplicably, and some are already lying on the ground.

Princess Jinlika has also been injured in many places and fell to the ground. There should be no danger to her life.

Lu Chao hurried back to the cave. As soon as he entered the cave, he shouted, "Big boss, are you all right?" Sorry, I've been trying my best, but the sun is too difficult to do. I hope you are not dead."

He heard the cry anxiously, which gave him a trace of warmth in his heart. Fortunately, if someone cries, it proves that everyone is not dead.

He first came to Princess Jinlika and asked with concern, "What's going on, princess? What happened? Why have you been bitten?"

Although the princess is in pain, it is ridiculously beautiful. "It's okay, I'm fine. I think I really learned a lot today. You still have to go to see Cangyi. I hope nothing happens to him."

Lu Chao quickly came to Cangyi and Ye Meng's side. Seeing that Ye Meng's body was still tied, he immediately untied it for her. "Miss Ye, I'm much more relieved to see that you're okay."

Ye Meng said, "I'm fine. You'd better look at Brother Yi. He suffered too much last night.