Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 76 The Blood of the Sacred Heart Girl

At that time, after Changtian came to this longevity village, he encountered a headache. The villagers here rely on this Sacred Heart Lotus all year round, so they all prolong their lives. Naturally, they can't live without it. Now I heard that someone is going to take it off, and they will never do it.

Chang Tian bitterly wanted the villagers to say how powerful it was, but he still couldn't convince these people. In desperation, Chang Tian came up with a bad idea. Why don't you steal it yourself?

Thinking of this, he acted immediately. He chose a dark night and sneaked into the waters of this holy lotus.

When he found the only sacred heart lotus among all the lotus flowers, he was very happy and immediately began to dig. But at this time, the village head appeared with a group of villagers. It turned out that he had been worried that Changtian would do such a thing, so he waited here.

Seeing that the villagers were about to rush up, but the Sacred Heart Lotus was really difficult to dig, so I had no choice but to drag down the lotus on it and escape.

Without roots, this holy lotus is not a complete plant, so it will not play its due role. However, it is not useless, but the effect is much worse.

Chang Tian returned to Mr. Hu Guo and discussed this matter with him again.

At present, this holy lotus can no longer be integrated into the sword. It can only be used to make potions and release discouragement when this sword is saturated in the future.

However, there is another problem. If the sword was saturated and discouraged, it would have dried up at least ten years later. At that time, the flower would have dried up.

Another way to preserve the characteristics of this holy lotus is to preserve it in a person's blood. This person must carry the characteristics of the holy lotus from the moment of birth, and adults can't do it.

This holy lotus also has a characteristic, which is that it can treat infertility. There is no medicine in the world that works better than it. The baby born from the mother taking the Sacred Heart Lotus is the Sacred Heart Baby, which is the purest human being in the world.

So Changtian began to look for couples who wanted to have children but could not have children. It is very difficult to choose this couple, because the family conditions must be particularly good, otherwise it will be difficult to protect this pure holy heart baby.

Kungfu pays off, and Chang Tian finally found Qingling's parents. This couple is a very rich family, and their biggest sorrow is that they can't have their own children. For more than ten years, they have been looking for medical treatment, but they can't get pregnant.

After meeting Changtian, Changtian promised the couple to have their own children, but he had a request for them. It is to let them protect the child's purity. When she grows up, she must have an important mission to complete.

The couple was eager to help them. Naturally, they were so happy that they didn't mind agreeing to any request from this person.

In this way, Qingling was born, and the purity of the Sacred Heart Lotus flowed in her blood, so she was called the Sacred Heart Girl.

Hearing this, Qingling was also shocked and didn't expect that she would have such a history. So he had an accident to release the magic in the magic sword. It seems that I have to follow Cang Yi to find Mr. Hu Guo.

After knowing all this, Qingling asked anxiously, "Mr. Chang, since you know so much, do you know how Cang Yi is now? Will he die?"

Chang Tian sighed and said, "It's hard to say this. It depends on how powerful he is. Anyway, you'd better stay by his side all the time. At present, you are his best medicine.

Qingling nodded, "I understand that I won't leave him anyway."

Chang Tian said again, "There is another way, but I can't force you, it depends on whether you are willing or not. Your blood can save him. Well, it seems that whether this matter can succeed depends on God's will. I don't have much magic medicine left on my body now. I have to collect some more, so I can't accompany you anymore. After saying that, he left the village without waiting for dawn.

For Qingling, as long as it can cure Cangyi's disease, what does it count as to shed a little blood? So, she cut her finger with a knife and dripped blood into Cang Yi's mouth.

"Brother Cang Yi, you must wake up quickly. How can I live if you are not by my side?"

Gradually, the blood on Qingling's fingers has run out. Cang Yi's face seemed to be much more ruddy, but his appearance was still very painful and he was confused and did not open his eyes.

Although the effect is not obvious, at least there is hope. This little hope also made Qingling very happy.

"Great, as long as it works, Brother Cang Yi, don't worry. Even if all the blood on my body is drained, I will definitely save you."

Qingling didn't care about the pain of cutting her finger and the weakness after losing blood. She cut another finger, and the blood continued to drip into Cangyi's mouth.

Qingling's blood is very different. Cang Yi, who gradually regained consciousness, began to feel something. Her blood was fresh and flowed into her mouth, feeling very refreshing. The blood kept slipping into Cangyi's throat, and everywhere it passed was very comfortable.

When he didn't open his eyes and couldn't move his body, Cang Yi didn't know that the ** he kept drinking was Qingling's blood. He thought it was. A doctor with good medical skills came and was giving him medicine and enjoying the fresh ** taste beautifully.

** entered the body, and then injected into the heart, so that the stubborn magic in the heart finally could not resist, gradually dissipated, and the good memory came back to my mind. The anger gradually disappeared. Cang Yi feels more and more comfortable and happy.

While enjoying all this, Cang Yi did not know that Qingling was bleeding for him at this time.

After about two hours, Cang Yi felt that his body had returned to normal and relaxed, and then slowly opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that Qingling was sitting in front of him, with a pale face, especially his lips, without any blood color. His eyes were confused, and his body was shaking and almost fell. There have been many knife wounds on her arms and legs, all of which are bleeding.

At this time, Cang Yi realized that Qingling had been feeding herself with her blood for two hours. This made Cang Yi's heart full of gratitude and guilt.

"Qingling, how can you do this? Do you know that you will die like this?" Cang Yi immediately sat up and held her in his arms. Tears couldn't help flowing out.

Qingling opened her eyes weakly and looked at Cang Yi with a relieved expression, "It doesn't matter, Brother Cang Yi, it's really great to see that you have returned to health."

"You stupid girl." Cangyi scolded and immediately tore the sheets into a lot of cloth and bandaged Qingling's body one by one.

After all the wounds were wrapped, Cangyi let Qingling lie down** and covered her with a quilt.

Qingling closed her eyes and had fallen asleep. Although it was painful, there was still a smile on the corners of her mouth. It can be seen how much she cares about Cangyi. As long as Brother Cangyi gets better, she will be satisfied. Even if she dies of too much blood, she doesn't care.

Cang Yi stood up and said to the sleeping Qingling, "Qingling, rest assured. Brother Cang Yi is going to find a doctor for you. Anyway, he will save your life."

He walked out of the room and closed the door gently. At this time, it was already the second half of the night, and a cool breeze blew, which made him shiver.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a scream in the distance, "Wow, help!" Then, I saw several villagers running for their lives in this direction of the village.

Cang Yi knew that something had happened in the direction where the magic sword was placed. He was anxious and ran in that direction.

After coming here, he found that the villagers here had died and fled, leaving only four people. He didn't want to reveal his identity for the time being, so he crawled on the ground to see what the purpose of these four people was.

On the ground, the bodies of several villagers are still burning here. Under the firelight, he can see the four people a little clearly. Among the four people, the leader turned out to be Gao Xi, and the magic sword was held in his hand, next to his three younger brothers.

One of the younger brothers said nervously to Gao Xi, "Brother, do you really dare to take that magic sword? What if you become a demon?"

said with high breath, "You idiots, we are going to change anyway, just day by day. Now that we have got the demon sword and become a human demon, what are we afraid of?

After hearing this, the other three immediately nodded and said, "Yes, the eldest brother is right. We have been looking forward to it for so long that this day is finally coming. Hahaha."

The high interest at this time, because he picked up the sword, has become a demon. The other three people were afraid that their eldest brother would accidentally dig out their hearts, so they also gathered near the magic sword. Soon, several people became demons because of the influence of the sword.

"It's just that the swordsman doesn't seem to be dead yet. What should we do if we meet him again?" One of the younger brothers asked uneasily.

Gao Yi said proudly, "That boy, no matter how awesome he is, I'm afraid he can't stand it. The melee during the day made the evil spirit on the magic sword exceed the limit. Even if he is not dead, I'm afraid he has already become a demon. Everyone will be a grasshopper on a rope in the future. That boy, if you dare to disobey us in the future, wait for bad luck. Haha..."

Everyone laughed as they listened.

Another younger brother flatted and said, "Big brother is so powerful that he can actually think of insting the village head of Changshou Village to deal with them. This move is really high. You have made such a great contribution this time, and I think Lord Hu will definitely promote you well. At that time, don't forget us and your little brothers!"

He smiled happily and didn't say anything.

Hearing this, Cang Yi is really angry. So that's it. It seems that these troubles encountered during the day are all made by these four guys. I don't know what the purpose of these guys is? Anyway, they are not good guys. Now they have to solve these guys no matter what and take back the magic sword.

"Hey, you four bastards, it turns out that you have done so many bad things. Today is the time of your death."