Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 70 The Final Battle (End)

"Dragon!" Yat was also shocked. "Are you kidding? I haven't heard of a dragon for many years. How can a dragon appear here?"

Cang Yi said, "I don't know why. But this is indeed the voice of the dragon. I have fought with them before and will never hear it wrong. You stay here and don't run around. Yat, you are here to protect the princess. I'll meet him."

With that, he stood up.

Ya Te said, " boss, don't provoke it. That's a dragon. It's by no means what your strength can deal with.

Cang Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry, Yate, the last thing I'm not afraid of is the dragon."

After running for a few kilometers, Cangyi saw a blue-gray dragon roaring on a hill in the distance.

He looked at it and was happy. This little dragon is too small. It's probably more than three months old. You are unlucky to meet me today.

There is a man standing not far in front of the dragon. The man held the sword tightly in his hand and was out of breath. There were no more than a dozen wounds all over his body, and many of his armor on his body were also scorched.

Looking at this, he should have been fighting with this dragon for a long time and can't stand it.

Looking at the dragon, he opened his mouth desperately and was exhaling rhythmically. The sound of exhalation could even be heard clearly by Cang Yi standing a kilometer away. Cang Yi knows very well. It seems that this little dragon is going to breathe fire.

This is amazing. The fire sprayed by the dragon is very powerful. The brave warrior standing in front of him is so weak that he will definitely be burned to death by a large fire.

Time didn't wait for anyone, so he had to use the dragon roaring ability and roared loudly. This is to summon the dragon roar, and the main function is to attract the dragon.

The little dragon was also shocked when he heard the dragon roar. Instead of spitting fire, he turned his head to Cangyi.

The soldier who was confronting the dragon trembled even more when he heard the roar. No way, this dragon is about to kill me. If another bigger one comes out, it will be even more difficult to deal with. Well, it seems that I really deserve to die today.

But when he looked in the direction of the roar, he was deeply surprised. There are no other dragons in the distance. On the contrary, there was a small man standing there in a sense of mind. It doesn't seem that he is facing a very dangerous dragon.

"Dong Dong", the huge earthquake trembled, and Xiaolong began to run towards Cangyi.

The dragon originally thought that as soon as he ran in front of the man, he would immediately attack him the most violently. But strangely, when he really stood beside this person, a sense of fear gushed out in his heart, making him not have the courage to attack at all.

This really puzzles the dragon. Who the hell is this guy and how can he make me feel this way? However, no matter how he suppressed his fear, he still did not dare to attack Cang Yi.

Cang Yi can't control so much. When Xiaolong was still inexplicable, he had raised the sword mixed with the dragon-killing sword and the sword spirit, and stabbed the dragon's throat. Hearing a tragic roar, Xiaolong's huge body fell to the ground with a roar, shaking the smoke and dust.

The soldier standing in the distance and looking at him was shocked for a long time. After Cang Yi walked into him, he patted him before he recovered.

The man looked at the person who had just killed the dragon in front of him. "It's impossible. How could this happen? Even the gold medal darts master of the darts bureau can't have such strength to kill a giant dragon in an instant! Who the hell are you?"

"Wait a minute, don't talk. Why do I think you are so familiar? By the way, your name is Cang Yi, right? I have seen you once, and you are the famous Cangyi. You are the pride of our darts bureau.

Cang Yi was surprised and said, "Wait, the people of our darts bureau. Are you also from the Tianxing Dart Bureau?

The man nodded, "Of course. I'm the silver dart master of Tianxing Dart Bureau. My name is Gu Fan. I didn't expect to be saved by you in such a place. It's incredible.

This is also a good thing, and Cang Yi didn't expect that he would accidentally save a brother from his own dart bureau here.

Cang Yi came back with Gu Fan and introduced each other to Jin Mengyun and Yate. They sit on the ground.

Cang Yi really wants to know what happened, how a gold medal dart master came to such a place, and how the dragon suddenly appeared.

It turned out that as soon as Cang Yi made a dart, there was a large-scale dragon attack across the country. The total number of dragons, large and small, is estimated to be several thousand.

It is said that these are the ghosts of those animal blood sacrifices. If ordinary dragons are easy to deal with, but these dragons are all Warcraft dragons sacrificed by beast blood, and their power is even more terrible.

The whole Ludan country immediately fell into disaster. It seems that the beast blood sacrifice is intended to seize the regime of Ludan and completely rule Ludan this time.

When the crisis comes, both soldiers and the darts of the darts bureau must be dispatched to go to the national disaster.

His Majesty issued an imperial edict: "All warriors, no matter who has the ability to defeat the Warcraft Dragon, the soldiers are awarded the title of General of Protectors, Dart Master, and the title of Dart Master."

It seems that something really happened this time. Cang Yi asked for everyone's opinions to see what to do.

Yat thought for a moment and said, " boss, I think there is only one way. Aren't we going to the demon world to send a princess to the demon king? Why don't you tell them when you arrive and let them send reinforcements to destroy these Warcraft dragons. In fact, the beast blood sacrifice, the source of their ability itself comes from the demon world. This time, they have all moved out, and they are afraid of fighting the invincible beast blood sacrifice?

This proposal is not good. But everyone is still hesitant. The relationship between human beings and the demon world has always been tense. Because the princess's incident offended them even more. Will they really lend a helping hand?

Jin Mengyun said, "I think I can try it. After all, the emperor is my brother, and I still care about him. I can try to convince my husband. After all, I also hope that the two generations of human demons can live in peace. On the one hand, it is my family, and on the other hand, it is my lover. How can I not be sad that they are enemies?

Cang Yi nodded, "Well, I think it's feasible. It seems that this is the only way. We must step up and send the princess to the demon world as soon as possible.

Along the way, I seized the time and rushed for three days and nights.

On the way, Cangyi and others also saw many imaginful towns and villages full of corpses. I really don't know how many people have died in the country.

The magic stone that has been sealed for 20 years has finally been opened. Cang Yi and four others entered the demon world.

For the demon world, this is the arrival of the mother of the country, and all people in the demon world dare not neglect it. They soon saw the devil.

Relying on the spells of the demon world, the demon king used a large amount of treasury funds. After 20 years of efforts, he finally created a new body, of course, the body of the demon clan. The skin of demons is darker than that of humans, but their life expectancy is indeed several times longer than that of humans. The general appearance of this body is still meticulously designed according to the devil's memory of the princess, and even a few black moles on the body are accurate.

With so much effort, the devil is waiting for the day when the princess comes. Although it is a demon clan, this love is really touching.

After the princess was resurrected, Mo Xiang was liberated.

Although the process of agreement with the devil was difficult, it was agreed. After all, it is now the new king's regime. Your Majesty should be much more enlightened than Lao Wang in the past. Everyone hopes that through this war, bad things will become good and a beautiful environment for peaceful coexistence will emerge in the future.

If you want to fight against the dragon, Cangyi, the role of the dragon slayer, must be indispensable, and the strength of the dragon slayer should be strengthened again.

The mixed fruit of the demon world is much more powerful than that of human beings. The devil generously provided the essence of the mixed fruits he cultivated over the years to Cangyi, so that he could quickly strengthen his strength.

When human beings are facing extinction, the great passage between the demon world and the human world has been completely opened.

A large number of demonic legions gushed out of the demon world. For a moment, there were shouts of killing.

At present, in the palace where Ludan passed, the emperor was like being imprisoned. Except for himself, the guard of less than 100 people left are all beast blood sacrifices.

The emperor Jin Xiang was desperate. His eyes were straight, his limbs were cold, and he said feebly, "It's over, it's over. Is it possible that the centuries-old foundation of our Jin family will be destroyed in my hands like this?

At this moment, a guard suddenly came to report, "Report to Your Majesty. Now there is a large demon army coming from the West.

Hearing this, the emperor jumped up in shock, "Are you saying again, what army is coming?" Are they helping us, or are they here to take advantage of the fire?

"Report to Your Majesty that they have killed many dragons along the way, which seems to be to help us."

With a "dong" sound, Jin Xiang did it again. Fear and surprise merged at the same time. "It's the princess, my sister. She must be helping us."

Calm down, and the emperor said loudly, "Legendary order. I, Ludan, have passed all the soldiers, all cheered up and showed the greatest courage to fully cooperate with the attack of the demon army.

At this time, on a hill, a messenger of beast blood sacrifice came to their supreme commander and reported, "General, the big deal is not good. Those demon armies are simply mutual rivals, and they happen to be the natural enemies of Warcraft. We really can't resist it."

The general did not show much fear and said in a low voice, "Look at you, what are you panicking about? According to my order, all the troops were mobilized to attack Wangcheng directly. Those demons will not be interested in the ruling power on the earth. As long as they kill the emperor, they will retreat. We will still win.

"It's the general. I'll go down and convey it right away." The messenger withdrew.

At present, the whole royal city is surrounded by an iron barrel. No matter how much the demon army launches a fierce attack, it can't rush in.

In the commander's account, Jin Mengyun kept crying anxiously, "husband, please, please save my brother Wang. He is really too dangerous now."

The devil also had a sad face and couldn't help sighing, "I really can't help it. They are monsters on the ground and dragons in the sky. We can't attack quickly at all. I will try my best, but the result is still hard to say.

In the royal city, the roof of the hall was suddenly overturned, and a huge dragon stood on the roof, staring at the trembling emperor below.

"Protect your majesty, protect your majesty quickly." Only a dozen guards surrounded Jin Xiang in the center and stretched out their weapons to the roof to the dragon.

The dragon finally jumped from the sky, a giant claw gently scratched, and all the guards were overturned to the ground. The other claw grabbed the emperor and flew into the sky.

"No, my country, my people!" The emperor shed tears in pain. He knew that he must be at the end of his life now, worrying about his people and what to do in the future.

At this moment, suddenly there was a dragon roar in the distance, a powerful sound, shaking the super-large Warcraft dragon into a stagnation, almost unable to maintain its balance and falling to the ground.

Both the super-large Warcraft Dragon and Jin Xiang looked back and thought that there was a white light spot in the distance, shuttled between the dragons and were flying here.

A little closer, they saw clearly that this was a white Pegasus with a pair of wings, and a man sitting on the flying horse made the emperor feel familiar.

"Strange, where on earth did I meet this man? Is it... right? I remember, isn't this my four-grade guard Cang Yi? I didn't expect him to save me at the most critical moment.

"It's really great, Xue. I didn't expect that the devil could put a pair of wings on you with such a great ability. Let's go and save His Majesty now. Cang Yi patted A Xue's neck and rushed forward.

The size of the super-large dragon is so huge that it looks very bulky in front of the dexterous and fast A Xue. Turn around, but you can't touch them.

Cang Yi shuttled around the dragon at will and soon approached his claw that grabbed the emperor. He clenched the sword in his hand and dived, piercing the skin of his paws.

The dragon was in pain and loosened the emperor's body.

When the emperor fell, A Xue quickly circled and put the emperor on his back.

This made the dragon very angry, and the other paw waved over and hit A Xue's body fiercely. A Xue rolled and fell from the sky.

"Your Majesty has fallen, please protect it quickly." Seeing this, the guards below immediately tore down the huge curtain in the hall, pulled the edge of the cloth, and waited for Jin Xiang to fall down to catch it.

With a "bang", A Xue and the emperor fell on the curtain, but they didn't see Cang Yi.

"What about Cangyi? What about Cangyi?" The emperor looked anxiously and asked with concern.

"No. We didn't see him."

"Did he die? He sacrificed heroically for me. This is the first time in his life that Jin Xiang has been so sad about a person, "No, he doesn't deserve to die. Such a good soldier, my heroic people. How can you die like this? This is not fair."

The super-large dragon in the sky never thought that it would be defeated in such a small hand. He roared angrily and dived down to catch the emperor again.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his throat, and then he was weak and could no longer maintain the balance of his body, from diving to falling.

At this time, it noticed that the little man was lying under its neck and stabbing it with the sharp sword in his hand.

The weakest part of the dragon is its throat. Cang Yi is a dragon-killer, which is naturally very clear.

When A Xue fell, he jumped from the sky and grabbed the body of the dragon. Because he is too small, his body weight makes the rough-skinned dragon completely unable to feel it. So he secretly climbed to the weak part of the dragon and gave him a fatal attack.

The dragon was unwilling to roar, but no longer had any strength to struggle.

A Xue is indeed a very clever horse. When she saw the fall of the dragon, she immediately knew what was going on. She immediately spread her wings and flew into the sky.

Cang Yi loosened his hand that grabbed the dragon's body and fell quickly until he lay on A Xue's back.

At this moment, the demon army also rushed into the palace.

Jin Mengyun also followed in a hurry, "Brother Wang, I finally saw you. Great, you're not dead. This is really great."

At this point, a disastrous war ended. The demon clan finally waited for the day they had been looking forward to coexist peacefully with human beings.

What the emperor said was a golden word. In addition, Cang Yi's performance in this war was indeed too outstanding. He was not only a great warrior, but also a messenger of peace. He was finally directly awarded the title of Dart Master by the emperor. All the darts in the country are also convinced that they can't compete with him.

Cang Yi became the youngest dart player in the history of the whole continent.

His brilliant chapter will always be recorded in history.