Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 40 Whip, whip, whip

The bones all over the body are scattered. Really, I want to hurt my body. Who said that picking yin and nourishing yang, and what kind of essence is the most tonic beauty. Those are all bastards!

I lay too softly ** and shouted weakly, "Xiao Cui, go to the mirror."

A delicate bronze mirror came to my aunt. Tut, who is the one with no clear eyes and black hair inside? It's a lot of haggard! I said to Xiao Cui very seriously, "Do you think the master is a fox spirit?"

"What?" She jumped up.

"Otherwise, how could I become like this!" Well, those enlightenment books all tell me that this is a very moist thing. Why is my aunt so bleak? It must be the old immortal who sucked away the vitality of Aunt Ben! That bastard, really bastard!

I said sadly, "Xiao Cui, get me some supplements. I want to eat well. Otherwise, I will die to death! Of course, I'm not good... just an example... For example...

Looking at her simple little eyes, I thought about it and told her, "Xiao Cui, do you want to try it too? It tastes good."

The little girl blushed and immediately stamped her feet: "Master, what are you talking about?"

Ouch, really. I just think that worrying alone is not as good as worrying. I also thought about whether others were so defeated as my aunt - at least there is a psychological comfort.

She stared at me a lot and was about to go out when she suddenly rushed back: "The master is not good. Those aunts are here."

I was holding up a small mirror and looking at the fierce red dots on my neck - I finally understood what the unknown red stasis on my neck was after sleeping with him last time.? He bit it all! Hearing this, the mirror shook: "Which aunts?"

The little girl shrank her neck with an uneasy face: "It's all here."


It's all here.

I held on too hard - my whole body was so weak that I really couldn't get up from bed - "Xiao Cui! Go and tell them that I'm sick!"

What else does Xiao Cui want to say? There is already a sharp voice outside: "Yo, the second sister is so big that we don't even want to see each other."

Immediately, someone answered. That was the third aunt, and the clothes still shook their blind eyes: "That's it. Mrs. tomorrow is no more in her eyes.

To be honest, when I saw this group of women in red and green coming in, I was completely shocked. I would only look at them in a dumbfounded way and couldn't say anything.

On the other side, the fifth aunt raised her red nails and smiled, "Who doesn't know that the second sister is a noble person. In addition to our wife, we are the second sister here.

The third aunt used to have a good relationship with me. At present, she looks jealous: "That's natural. She is the second aunt. The man in the heart of the master.

I smiled bitterly and scolded quickly, "Xiao Cui, why don't you go and prepare food and drink quickly?"

This time, how can it be a "ran's" word!

The women in this room are all beautiful except for the big cake face, but they can't wait to stare at those eyes. Today's daughter was not brought here by the sixth aunt. Even people like her don't have any kindness to look at me.

The tenth aunt had already sat by my bed and was about to lift the quilt and pull off my clothes. My aunt was too bold and felt so shy: "Tenth sister, can't you do this?"

"Why can't it work?" She opened her eyes and said, "I don't know what's going on. I'm still asleep today. Someone came to tell me that you loved the master all day yesterday, and now you are spoiled and proud. He said that if we don't come and have a look, you don't know where your tail has gone. While my aunt was too stunned, she suddenly grabbed my clothes. She looked at it and was also stunned, "Why did you put down such a heavy hand? The master is too..."

I also came to my senses, quickly patted her hand and gathered her clothes, "What's going on? Who is talking nonsense? Who has been in love with him all day?

"Is't that what... said!" She was signaling with her eyes, but she was stopped by the frightened eyes of several other aunts.

Who the hell said that? Destroy my innocence? My aunt said angrily, "What the hell is going on?"

Although I am afraid that everyone will be my enemy, my aunt's fierce nature is not for nothing. What's more, now, I have torn my face with the old immortality - what am I afraid of?

"What's wrong with me? Isn't it worth your running here just to sleep with him?

When she said this, Xiao Cui had already brought someone to tea. I put a few stools in front of the bed and moved the tatami - it was originally my bedroom. How did I know that so many people would break in?

How do I know that these people don't pay attention to me?

I speak bluntly, but those few may not be willing to do so. The eighth aunt still looks naive like a little daughter, but she tilted her head and said, "Second sister, don't be angry. I don't even know. I thought my second sister was sick, so I came to have a look. Look, I also brought a gift." She reached out and called the girl and gave me a ginseng. "I know my sister must not lack this. It's just a little heart."

Ghen? That's a good thing. My aunt is not too much! My aunt has never had a bad face for valuable things. "Then thank you, eighth sister." It's not in vain for me to love her every day.

The fifth aunt laughed out loud.

This woman! I laughed and said, "What's wrong with the fifth sister?"

She didn't expect me to be so shameless and smiled stiffly; "Where? Why does the second sister care about this thing? That's the master's eyes and heart! In the past, we were so naive that we were all hidden. Our master has an order that our aunt is not allowed to enter the study. However, in recent years, hasn't the second sister often gone in? I really had something to do with the master last night. I couldn't think about my own money, so I just wanted to try it. Can I ask for a look? But I was told that my second aunt was in there. Only then did I find that this study was actually..."

The third aunt also took a sip of tea slowly and said, "Speaking of which, it's right for the second sister to be favored by the master. Who makes you beautiful and talented? It's just that it's not appropriate to hide it from us like this. Let the sisters know, it's strange to be disappointed." Who hid it?

The fourth aunt and other noble people also said, "Now that I think about it, the master cherishes the most is the second sister. Otherwise, why did the second sister come to be the housekeeper? These words are heart-reateling! I know that the third aunt and fourth aunt have been dissatisfied with the favor of my mother's family and have been dissatisfied with being crushed by me - but they are humble and unfavored by my family, so they bring a little pity and are not against me. She is saying this now, but she wants to put me on the cusp of the storm!

I'm too anxious: "He really doesn't love me!"

This time, everyone gave me an eye knife.

What should I do? Do you want to offend so many people at once? How can I live in the future? They are all immortal. Obviously, he did something wrong, but he asked me to take the blame. I have been hiding my time in the past three years, and I was really right. This competition for favor is a university question!

I have no talent.

Looking at the scene in front of me, I couldn't stop and howled: "You are all wrong!"

regardless: "How do you think he spoils me, he, he, he..." "he" for a long time felt that the word "rape-tyranny" was still not elegant enough, so he used a more elegant "compulsion" -

"He forced me! I didn't. He took a candle and beat me with a small whip! Oh, bang! Oh, bang! "Oh, my Oh!"

How to express my aunt's sadness and indignation! But I just slept with my own man! Unexpectedly, I have to make up the scandal of my boudoir like this - fortunately, my aunt has read the spring palace too much, and there is stock in my stomach!

Despite their stunned eyes: "Master, he is extremely cruel. He took the whip and said to me: I am a poor man of fame and fortune in my life, and I love a kind of flower called **. As the saying goes, people are as light as chrysanthemums. However, how can people have something to do with **... ..."

I cried bitterly, but the fifth aunt asked, "What does it matter?"

I wiped my tears with the corner and looked at her: "Oh, he said that if I don't have ** elegance and ** integrity, he will do cruel things to me!"

The seventh aunt asked timidly, "Master, why did I kill you last night?"

The eighth aunt also said sweetly, "What's wrong? Did the second sister make the master angry?

"Yes, ah, ah, ah!" My tears immediately came out again. "He has an unclear relationship with one of my maids." This is true. Xiaohong likes him. But he didn't admit it, so I asked twice, and he was annoyed. This matter is also a little real.

"Oh, whoever you like is. How can it be your turn? It's too virtuous." Who is speaking? It's the tall and thin fourth aunt.

I secretly slandered: So today you all came to ask me what's going on?

The fifth aunt wants to listen heavily: "So last night, did the master's whip last night? How do you feel?"


You can't wait for me to die, can you? I smiled sadly: "No skin on my body is complete. I have learned my lesson."

The tenth aunt nodded: "Her body is really miserable. But it's not much like a whip wound.

I hate why she didn't speak for me... I laughed and said, "That's a special whip, deliberately bullying people at special times." It is recorded in the Secret Art of the Room that in ancient times, there was a prince in the Western Regions. His facial features were beautiful and his utensils were magnificent, and the women in the city were incomparable. There was a servant in the palace who was drunk and confided, "Are you blind? This person only loves handsome master and only loves to be whipped to get the fun of that **-thing. It is said that the prince wanted to carry forward this fun and wrote the book Whip, Whip. My aunt has always been looking forward to it...