Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 43 Want to bathe with me

Of course, he would not pick up and eat the pickle, but looked at me with a bitter smile: "Why?"

Hmm!" Sir, this is not right. Didn't you tell me to start hoarding food?"

That's right. Since last month, he has asked me, "Is the harvest of those farms in our family okay?" What about the rice shop? You can inform those shopkeepers and sell less rice. He also told: "The news should not be revealed."

I thought about it carefully and understood. Our lord, that's the one who does great things.

Therefore, my aunt decisively did not open source and only cut expenditure. The newly collected grain this year was hoarded in the Situ family's barn.

So, I looked at the person doing great things in front of me and ruthlessly satirized his picky eating problem: "Sir, how can you do this? Do you know what 'Zhumen wine and meat stink, and there are frozen ghosts on the road'? Is this the poem like this? It's strange... It's all because I haven't found a collection of poems for a long time. But in the face of the unlearned old man in front of me, I still have a sense of IQ superiority.

He frowned, "What's the saying? What a freezing ghost." He looked at me again, "You made this?"

Tut, he actually thought that I made such a beautiful poem. My aunt feels that he really has a vision. So he said "hm" vaguely. But when I touched my chin, I felt something was wrong. This one has no spiritual resonance with me! Who is the one in Jintai Temple... By the way, Jiangxia can understand the great sentiment under my melancholy appearance!

However, the pearl, like me, is dusty...

I shook my head and said, "Forget it. After dinner, do you like to do it? Don't bother me."

When he heard this, he was so happy that he even ate the pickles. Seeing that he had no lower limit, I muttered, "You are just a well."

He was finishing his last bite. After listening to my words, he was affectionate with me: "Where, my heart is a sea, infinite tolerance and breadth."

Well... Affectionate... This autumn wave... Those girls in the brothel, you are so pitiful that you have to endure such torture... You have never seen the best in the world like Jiangxia!

I smiled and said, "The well is more suitable for you."

The horizontal is also two, and the vertical is also two. It's simply two!

He was unconscious and happily there.

I sighed, "You are so stupid."

"Why am I stupid?"

Why isn't he stupid? Since I broke up with my fourth aunt, I began to ask him to come to me. A few days ago, people who made endless noise in the study really came stupidly...

Come here, so what...

I don't need a warm bed. Anyway, the chastity is gone! Then what are we afraid of! Sleeping once is sleeping, sleeping twice is also sleeping! As long as I'm in a good mood, I will make money!

So my aunt often looks at him like a fool. Sometimes I also touch my mouth and think: Is it that my aunt's ** kung fu is really so ecstatic? Did he ask for it once and again? Can he climb into my bed regardless of his self-esteem?

Is it that I am the legendary beautiful demon?

My aunt and Xiao Cui revealed my idea a little, and were hit ruthlessly: "Master, you are not as good-looking as your wife. No third aunt is too arrogant, no fourth aunt is too elegant, no sixth aunt is too gentle, no seventh aunt is too weak, no eighth aunt is too cute, and the tenth aunt's figure and promiscuous are even more than your fingers. I can't catch up. What's more, even those five aunts, you can't catch up with one in ten thousand. If you are a stunning demon girl... Tutut..."

My aunt is such a lively beauty that she has been demoted to penniless!

I proudly straightened up my chest and said, "That's not what I said! Or, why does the master often come to me?"

Xiao Cui looked at me from top to bottom: "It's probably because... you know gimmology..."

Do it! Who said that? Look, I won't tear her mouth!

"Everyone is saying that. Everyone is saying that you are not favored at all, but suddenly you are liked by the master because you have made a feat!"

Bastard! Which bitch ruined my reputation!

I looked at Xiao Cui fiercely: "Do you also believe it?"

"Let me believe! Why don't you believe it, master? You said that the master doesn't like you at all. He often comes to Xiangyiyuan. What else is so effective besides gi? By the way, master," she lowered her voice. "Teach me. I also use Xiaochao. I found that he has been very close to the golden lock in the fourth aunt's room recently. I'm really angry!"


Thinking of this, I looked at the man in front of me again. It's really unreasonable! Those women, if you can't get him, arrange me! However, I just won't let them get him! The woman who bullied my aunt has no good end!

I slowly finished eating the last bite of fish and burped with satisfaction. I was very relieved to pat my stomach.

He quickly brought a cup of tea. I glanced at it and smiled and said, "I haven't drunk it." I drank it carelessly.

The guy smiled again and said, "Xiuxiu, do you want to bathe?"

I shook my head and said, "The bath water is also very expensive. You still like to use my essential oil. I can't let you wash it here. Go back to Yun Cangxuan to wash it by yourself.

He gritted his teeth but didn't say anything.


I also had no choice but to get up. What kind of man did I marry?

Why is he so stingy?

I did this just to say, "I'll give you all my monthly silver" or "Double your monthly silver", and I'm satisfied! This bastard just doesn't mention this! Every time I come here, eat mine, drink mine, and even want to take advantage of the bath! My aunt slept with him for a few nights in order to eliminate the loneliness of my boudoir. Is it easy for me?!

My face doesn't look good...

This autumn night, the big north, is really a little cold. My aunt ordered, "I'm going to take a bath. Prepare hot water for me, petals, drops of essential oil, rose-flavored, and finally, add some milk!" In this way, my aunt's skin can be so tender and smooth!

I was about to stand up, but her hand was held - the man pressed me with his magic claws: "Since Xiuxiu wants to save so much, why don't we wash it together!"

His eyes are so bright!

I also blinked and laughed, "Do you think this is a good idea?"

He nodded quickly. I snorted and looked at him: "I think you're dirty."

"I...dirty?" He is a little unbelievabl. It seems to be the first time he has been told that.

I nodded calmly: "I don't know how many women you have slept with during the day. It's so dirty. Maybe there are any marks on your body."

He smiled and said, "So you are jealous?"

I smiled and said, "I'm sorry for the bath water. What vinegar?" Humph, he is also worth it!

He really grabbed me and said, "I'm not dirty at all! Today... actually..."

"Oh, I don't care. Anyway, you can go wherever you come from. Don't bother me. I can't wash it with you!"

My aunt, what I don't like most is this kind of stingy man! It was not like this when we first met. He also looks like a handsome and noble man, who has been blocked at the door of the alley and said proudly, "Miss Xiuxiu, look, these ten brocades are for you, as long as you go to the Qianjin Building with me tomorrow and have dinner together."

Eating? What to eat? Of course, at that time, my aunt had Zhao Xiaosi in her heart. Naturally, she was rich and could not**, and she was mighty and unyielding. But at that time, compared with the current style, it was really...

It's a world of difference!

I took a bath with petals alone and felt deep sadness.

Although I know that men are unreliable, I didn't expect them to be so unreliable.

This sadness is the source of my talent. No, I must find that collection of poems these two days. I feel that the poetry in my heart has been surging!

The immortal disturbed me outside the door: "Xiuxiu, have you washed it?"

Why is he so thievless? As I said, it is impossible to bathe him. Even if the bath water is not expensive at all, how can I be willing to give it to him? Doesn't this bastard know that "a journey of thousands of miles begins with a single step"? That is to say, the road of no return of the prodigal family also starts from such a small thing without thrift!

Xiao Cui said, "Master, why didn't you tell the master that the reason why you didn't wash with him is that you came to Sunflower?"

I stared at her angrily and couldn't wait to splash the bath water on her face - why didn't you know me so much after being with me for so long? May I refuse to bathe with him because of such a small thing?

Besides, I'm coming to Kwai Shui... I take a shower, and he is willing to wash with me. What does it have to do with me?

The real reason why I'm not with him is because of silver! This brainless Xiao Cui will one day be calculated by her man.

I stood up and said, "Okay, I've washed it. You can tell him that either he will go back to his yard to wash it, or use the water I washed. Of course, cold water, cold water without adding anything, can still be washed for him."


I lay too comfortably**. Some autumn nights, the night is four-hued. I don't know what kind of scenery it is outside, but the room is warm and quiet. Of course, the premise is that the man didn't come after taking a cold shower...

It's too much! He actually drilled directly into the quilt!

That's an ice-like person!

I couldn't stand it anymore: "Ah--" cried.