Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 49 Force Me

My wife looked at me with a smile. I was a little sure that my wife was not the one who waited for an unreasonable person. She will definitely not care about that this morning, will she?

"Master, madam. My concubine looked at the account book a few days ago and found some problems in it and wanted to discuss it with his wife.

"Oh?" She smiled and said, "This matter has been handed over to you, so I don't care. If you have anything to say, just tell the master.


That said, my wife doesn't care about it, which is my blessing, but I dare not really go beyond her. If there is anything, it doesn't matter if you ask more questions.

At that moment, I turned my head to the master: "Master, do you think?"

"What's the matter? It's up to you." He put down this sentence coldly.

I want to be able to make the decision, didn't I make the decision earlier? But how can I decide what happened to the fifth aunt? When I was about to open my mouth to exaggerate the evil deeds of the fifth aunt, the fifth aunt couldn't stand up too early and cried to the old immortality, "Master!"

She rushed up and passed by me. The strong fragrance... In fact, there was powder... Why did it fall on me, like flour?

I was so stunned that she knelt down and pulled a corner of the old man's robe and pleaded bitterly: "Sir, you have to be the master of my concubine!"

The fifth aunt was indeed quite at a level. The tears fell like a torrent of rain, but she kept her makeup intact. If I had shed tears, I would have cried this face like Cao in the theater...

This change was so sudden that I didn't react, but the old man reacted, moved his feet and shouted, "What are you doing?"

"Master, the second sister slandered me."

This sentence successfully put the old man down in the air: "Why did she slander you?" When I said this, he looked at me, and his eyes were full of warnings. I'm angry, but I just don't want to argue with this guy.

"Sir, the second sister said that the concubine embezzled the silver in the public, but in fact, it was not like that at all. It's completely that the second sister found a concubine, didn't she?

"I haven't said you are corrupt yet?" I said angrily.

She shook her head and put a poisonous light in her eyes: "The second sister dared to pat her chest and say that she was not going to talk about her sister's corruption?"

"What if I'm going to say it?"

"The second sister relies on herself to be deeply loved by the master and wife, doesn't pay attention to our sisters, and rubs us flat and round them according to her mood. Don't you really treat our sisters as human beings?"

I look even worse: "What do you mean by 'we'?"

She sneered, "Which one in our backyard is not angry with you? Which one is not bullied by you? Sister, isn't it because I offended you that you told me here and sent it to the master?

said? What did you say? I haven't said anything yet." Five sisters, don't spit people with blood. You only said about this corruption. Have you done it?

I took a look at the crowd. The master's face is difficult to distinguish, but the wife still smiles and has the demeanor of a noble woman. The rest of the people, except for the tenth aunt who was about to doze off, opened their eyes wide. I know in my heart that it's all about me having a hard time.

But I don't know that I have offended so many people.

I looked at the third aunt and the fourth aunt. These two are the leading ones in this matter, aren't they? The two of them sat together. The two sisters were intimate. When they came into contact with my eyes, they both smiled and avoided them - if they were not guilty, why did they avoid my eyes? That fifth aunt is so stupid. If it hadn't been for these two people's support, how dare he ask me like this?

I was very angry, but I said to my fifth aunt, "You said I bullied you, let alone for the time being. What we are talking about now is your corruption. Xiao Cui, is Butler Wang here?

Xiao Cui guarded it for a long time and said, "I've arrived a long time ago."

"Let him in!"

When he came in, he held a large account book... It was this book. I turned into two steps in three steps, took the account book, opened the pages, lit those scarlet and said, "Is it possible that I wronged you? Look at it yourself. What's wrong with you here?

I spent a few days calculating this book myself. There is no way to make mistakes! The fifth aunt did not panic at all and smiled, "The second sister might as well show the master if she has wronged me."

Her determination made me feel uneasy... Could it be... "Housekeeper Wang?"

"The old slave is here." He lowered his head. I couldn't see his eyes, but he bent the quilt like a bow. Look at me." I whispered.

He looked up and glanced at me in a panic - "Is this all right?" I asked in a low voice.

His eyes flashed, but he didn't answer me.

"Second aunt, please submit the account book." The old man began to urge.

"Hee hee!" It was the third aunt's voice. She patted her chest, "Oh, what is the second sister staring at me like this?" Take the account book to the master quickly.

I'm getting more and more angry. Why didn't you find out before that this is also a woman without wind and waves!

She smiled and said, "Second sister, why are you still there? Isn't there something wrong with this book? Sisters, don't you think so? The rest of the people didn't talk, only the fourth aunt pulled the corners of her clothes too much.

I gritted my teeth and walked forward and handed the account book to the master.

The atmosphere in this room is gloomy. I suddenly felt a little cold. Although I was indoors, I also felt a little cold.

How did this happen? There is such a problem in my mind. What I'm curious about is not how they faked the accounts, but how they bought the housekeeper Wang. You know, Housekeeper Wang is the most loyal and upright person. How can this happen?

What went wrong? He still bows his head and wears a simple blue shirt. No one knows what he is thinking. This honest man actually betrayed me? I think that the wife of the Wu family, the wife of the Liu family, is unreliable, and the housekeeper Wang is always reliable. Now, the facts actually tell me that all this is a joke!

Is today the day when I was knocked down by these people?

What if I am knocked down? Suddenly remembered the time when I had offended the old immortal and was imprisoned in Xiangyi Garden. They want me to be imprisoned again. In this backyard, it is their world...

For the first time, I deeply discovered how serious the public anger I caused was.

Am I wrong? With anger, he called the old man to my room and made a mess. Those women who are alone can do everything - since I have won the favor, get rid of me. This matter is so simple...

Isn't it?

I held my hand tightly and embedded my nails into the meat. Only in this way can I stay awake." Sir, I have something to say!"

As he turned over the account book and looked carelessly, he just nod when he heard my words.

He is so indifferent! My hand is held tighter." This account book is fake and has been replaced at all! The previous account book is not like this!"

He didn't say a word. Sir, if this account book is true, how can I submit it? There is a record of five aunts being too corrupt in the real account book. I came here today to expose the behavior of my fifth aunt. Why did you bring up something that was useless?"

He nodded carelessly. Sir, I thought, maybe my second aunt was too wrong. Butler Wang, who was next to him, suddenly opened his mouth. This opening put me in a position of unfaithfulness.

"Wang Yong, you?" I turned around to look at him, but he still lowered his head and didn't look at me.

"Sister Wang said that you are a bloody person! In your words, you originally prepared an account book that slandered me, and it is impossible to take the real account book? Although I'm ignorant and offended my second sister, you don't have to do such a big black hand!"

The fifth aunt cried, the third aunt sneered silently, the fourth aunt was expressionless, and the wife drank tea softly.

I was the only one standing there, helpless.

How miserable and failed I am!

The man in the blue robe still looked at the account book slowly. Time passed bit by bit. Finally, he turned over the last page. I thought he was going to speak, and his heart hung up, but I saw him smiling and pouring to his wife: "Continue tea."

He is still interested in drinking tea! I stared at him fiercely. Next time we meet on a narrow road, let's see if I don't bully him to death! This old immortal, I really forgot how many pounds I have!

He finally used tea. His jade-like face was not angry at all, like the thawing of spring and showed a smile: "I look at this account book. There is nothing fake." Put down the tea cup, "It's true."

A heart fell to the ground and smashed it.

I clenched my fist tightly. Close your eyes. Even he doesn't believe me. Situ Xiang! OK! This beam is big! No matter how pestering you are, don't lie to me! You, this person, are simply unreasonable!

I can't seem to hear the next words. Until that sentence——

"...In this account book, it is obviously a record that the fifth aunt is too greedy." I suddenly opened my eyes wide. I can clearly see that the records of Liu Yeer's corruption have been changed into the expenditure of Xiangyiyuan. What did he say?

I looked at his mouth and spit out word by word: "It cost a thousand taels to make clothes in Sisifang; I spent 500 taels to reward the girls... and, and..." He didn't seem to be able to read any more. Nonsense! He definitely can't read any more! This content is not at all in the brochure! Is there any female family that costs 1,000 taels to make clothes? It's clear that he, a big man who doesn't know how expensive oil and salt, said nonsense!

"Master!" The fifth aunt was completely dumbfounded, "Master, you are wronged!" She also wanted to explain, "This is not the case in the account book. Sir, my concubine didn't do anything, sir!"

"What?" The bad-tempered old man raised his feet and kicked her aside. "Do you think I can't read? Are you still wronged?"

"Concubine, I dare not!" The fifth aunt was too afraid to hug his feet again. Now, her tears really came out, a mess. Master, my concubine is innocent, sir!"

"Master!" This time, the third aunt made a sound. The voice was also full of unbelievable, "Sir?"

The old and immortal face of the third aunt was quite gentle, "You don't have to talk to your fifth sister. That's what happened. You should listen to your second aunt in the future and don't do those corrupt things. He turned his head and said to the fifth aunt, "How can I treat you badly in a big Situ mansion? It's really insatiable!"

I stood there and was completely stunned.

I want to say something, but everyone looks at me, which is different from just now. For a moment, I couldn't say anything.

"Sir, is it about Xiao Hong... Master, my concubine is wrong!" The fifth aunt is more and more speechless.

I was terrranted. Did she know now that Xiaohong is really the master's person?

Does she think that Xiaohong is fraring her, so she is not afraid at all today and dares to bite back?

But the man in front of me, I can't understand him. He said in disgust, "I'll settle with you about that later. Stay with me now. You don't have to come out before the Spring Festival!"

He is going to lock her up. From mid-September to the end of December... more than three months.

"Madam, if it's okay, I'll take my second aunt too far ahead. I have to discuss with her about the accounting room. He smiled at his wife as if explaining. Naturally, my wife has nothing to say.

I followed the man and was about to leave this place, but one sentence stopped me--

"Master, don't you think it's too much for you to favor your second aunt like this?"