Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 7 My Heart

But at least, Xiao Wang's housekeeper has removed... his confidant who accompanied him. The sluts in Lingyun City have lost a Situ Xiang, and naturally have other romantic and affectionate love.

I was accompanied by these two terrible women in the ancestral hall, and I was a little worried. Before coming, I also discussed with Xiao Cui: "Xiao Cui, what if I can't beat the two of them alone?" Deeply despised by the little girl: "Master, they are everyone's maids, different from you."

Isn't my master a lady? ......

"Master, you are born with divine power, so you don't have to be afraid of them."

That being said, my aunt still prepared a number of weapons for self-defense. Such as the tickling mallet, the pounding wooden stick attached to the wooden fish, etc... But after a few days, I found that they didn't pay attention to me at all. The two of them recited the scriptures by themselves, which seemed to be a villain. My aunt looked at the two people and said to her heart: Did my wife's words really calm them up? Otherwise, it would be good for me to seize this experience of being imprisoned and get in touch with each other.

It's just that I look at these two people, and they may not be interested in looking at me. I sighed, "Master--" I finally attracted the attention of these two people and asked coincidentally, "What's wrong with you?"

Situ bully is really suitable for all ages, and he is really a friend of women. The two women were born differently. The only thing that was the same was their love for Situ Xiang and their resentment for my aunt, so they joined hands. If you really want to break, you will not be disturbed by it.

I answered honestly, "I don't know what's wrong with the master."

I can get the tolerant "cut" in their hearts, and then see them turn their heads together.

It is obvious that these two women don't like me. Even if I intend to solve it, it is impossible to really melt the ice.

A month passed quickly. When I came out again, I only felt that the sun and the moon were shining, and the Spring Festival was nearby. There are many empty people in this backyard. As soon as I asked Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui replied, "Madam said, it's time to go home for the Spring Festival." Xiaohong smiled and said, "I won't come back after the Spring Festival."

What happened?

I was a little panicked: "Is Situ's house poor?"

Xiao Cui looked at me with idiotic eyes. Xiaohong shook her head: "It's not like that. The master doesn't know yet that the Turks are going to come in.

Oh. The Turks are coming in... "Ah? Is the Turks coming in?" Auntie's voice suddenly became louder.

"So my wife wants a few masters, and peace is the most important thing." Xiaohong's voice was a little faint, "I don't know where I am now..."

This huge news has shocked me for a long time. What? Turkic? That kind of terrible thing that drinks blood? Those who specialize in eating children's hearts and also like beautiful women like me! Unexpectedly, it's going to come in?

That master...

"How's your master?" I didn't realize that this sentence had come out. I paid attention to Xiao Hong's face, and her face also changed slightly: "My maidservant... I don't know..."

"Actually, it's all rumors. How is that possible? Our general guarding the city will not let those barbarians come in..."

My face turned pale: "It suddenly occurred to me that the tenth aunt was the daughter of the general guarding the city. Maybe we can ask her."

"Master, hurry up tomorrow." Xiaohong came to help me and said, "You don't look well. Let's take a rest first. Come on, you haven't eaten well in the ancestral hall for a month, have you? Is it cold..." Xiaohong is still chattering, but my aunt has fainted...

I'm so tired.

The next day, after a hard rest, I asked Xiaohong to help me wear it. I said I was going to see my tenth aunt. Xiaohong smiled first, and then suddenly asked, "Master, what are you worried about?"

I thought she didn't want to comb my hair, and I was quite unhappy: "Xiaohong, you are becoming more and more subservient!"

"Master, I dare not." She sighed gently, picked up the pear wood comb, and gently helped me pick up my bun. The action was as elegant and smooth as water. I suddenly felt something wrong, and my voice wasgeng said, "Xiaohong, I..."

"Master, what on earth are you worried about?" She whispered again. The question made me speechless.

What am I worried about?


"Xiao Hong, I haven't seen my tenth sister for a long time. I miss her..."



"Even if you admit that you remember the master, so what? The maidservant absolutely dares not have any dissatisfaction. The slave is just a slave in the end..."

"Little Red!" I got up in surprise, "Why do you think that?"

How can I remember the old immortal? That man, who has harmed for thousands of years, must have done nothing.

I really haven't seen my ten sisters for a long time, and I just want to talk to her!

Before I got to the yard, I had already heard a burst of laughter from inside. Xiaohong said gently, "It seems that the master is not the only one who wants to talk to the tenth aunt." I stopped a maid: "How many masters are here today?" As soon as she saw me, she replied respectfully, "In my second aunt's words, several masters have come. Third aunt, fourth aunt, fifth aunt... Almost all the masters have come.

"Master, do you still want to go in?"

I have never felt as annoyed Xiaohong as at this moment. But I couldn't say anything. I just waved back the little girl and said impatiently, "No. We don't need to catch up with that bustle."

Xiao Hong laughed and said, "Master, in fact, the master sent someone to contact me. If the master has anything to say to the master, he can let the maidservant convey it.

Xiao Hong's words are shabby, and her smile is also shabby. Today's Xiaohong really doesn't look like Xiaohong. I looked at her seriously and asked, "Xiaohong, are you still Xiaohong?"

But suddenly, she found that the girl's eyes were red, like rabbits. I didn't notice it before.

"The master asked me to take good care of my second aunt. Master, don't worry about it. The master will definitely be fine."

Why is it so strange and polite between us? At this moment, I seemed to catch Xiaohong's heart in the haze. Her heart is like a flying bird. No matter how high she flies in the cloudless sky, she is the only one.

She is also unwilling and unwilling. But she refused to say it. Just swallow the pain into your stomach.

"Xiao Hong, can you tell me what happened to you and the master that night?"

That night, I pushed the most romantic and affectionate old man in the legend into the room of Xiaohong, a flower-like girl. I thought that the dream was new warm, the two love was thirsty, and the thunder stirred up the earth fire, and the two must fight for 200 rounds. Unexpectedly, the unhearted man left her early in the morning and didn't give her a name...

"If you are obsessed with a name, I can tell your wife. Why are you unhappy for such a small thing?

"Master..." Xiaohong laughed more and more, "You also said, that's a very small matter. Don't you understand that the master's whole body and mind are on you. As for the maidservant, as for the maidservant... whether it is life or death, happy or sad, what does he care about? He asked me to continue to be a girl, naturally because it can protect you better. How can the maidservant do something that makes him unhappy?

I was shocked: "That's not true..."

"Everyone hates you, master. There is no hatred for no reason, master.

They hated me, naturally thinking that I had occupied Situ Xiang's heart. But Situ Xiang's heart has never been mine... "Xiao Hong, do you also hate me?"

"Me?" The 16-year-old girl smiled slightly, like a newly blooming flower, "It has been a blessing in my life to be able to follow the master's spring breeze once. As for who he read at the time of the spring breeze... it is no longer what I can ask for. Master, it's too late for me to be grateful, how can I resent it?"

I staggered slightly and took a step back. It's like the first day I realized this girl. Such a mind, such a smart, such a beautiful and infatuated woman should be loved.

"You should have been together. I didn't do it well." I'm also incoherent and don't know what I'm talking about. The cold wind in winter is gusty, and the time passes quickly. Unconsciously, it's another year.

They are all jealous of me. Forgive me for really experiencing such a mood at this moment. Is this a misunderstanding?

I have never really known that man.

Rumor has it that the most romantic dren once asked people to carry boxes and block them in the alley, thinking that I could give up on him - at that time, he flirted more than others, right?

After marrying him, he also had a period of time when he did not enter the brothel. At that time, he also had a sense of freshness, right?

In the past three years, I have been capricious, domineering and stupid, and have done many unbearable things. He said sarcastic words, but when did he not help me?

In the study, his innocent body was occupied by him, and the tears in his eyes were crystal clear. At that moment, was it my illusion?

Has there ever been such a moment between us, there is no one else, only ourselves?

I asked myself over and over again, and then looked at the person in front of me in circles. Xiaohong - this silly girl who is deeply infatuated with Situ Xiang.

I asked her, "Is he all okay?"

"A month ago, the master's arm was injured. It's not too heavy to waste your arm. My wife also knew about this, so she got so angry that day.

I am silent. Isn't the arm still useless? Isn't it too serious?

He is a great man. He once earnestly told me to hoard more rice, save more food, and bring less jewelry, which is useless. Now it seems that he knew these things early.

The third aunt, the fourth aunt, the tenth aunt, the wife... and he among them...