Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 38 Tower

" hiss--" sound. The carriage bumped. It scared me half to death. I quickly lifted the curtain and looked out, but I happened to hit the immortal who probed inside. "What are you doing? It's so reckless that it's going to kill me!" I covered my face and scolded.

"Xiuxiu." He looked anxious, "Don't panic..."

What's the panic? I scolded, "Which eye did you see me panicked? Go away!" I wanted to pat his head and see for myself clearly, but I heard him begin to say, "Wang Ba, Li Jiu, you two take a team of people to protect your second aunt and go to the top of the watchtower. Be careful, the second aunt is here, and you are here; the second aunt is too gone, so you don't have to come back!"

I only heard the "yes" of the magnificent mountains and rivers. I'm still stupid and confused. I began to talk to Xiaohong: "Xiaohong, you should also protect your second aunt. No matter what method you use, you must protect the safety of your second aunt."

What's going on?

"Aren't we going to save Xiao Cui?" I held his hair. But he brushed my hand away refreshingly, "Xiuxiu, don't be wayward. Naturally, I will save them, but don't follow me.

Why don't I follow him? How can I be relieved if I don't look at him!

"No more gossip, Wang Ba, take your second aunt upstairs quickly!"

"Hey!" I opened my teeth and claws and tried to get rid of the immortal claws, but he pressed me like that, so that I couldn't get out. I was about to do what I was going to do, but suddenly I heard a strange sound...

The footsteps of tens of millions of people, neatly, with a strong beat, made the ground shake slightly... From the edge of the sky, I couldn't help trembling slightly, "What happened...?"

When he saw that I settled down, he also relaxed his imprisonment and just grabbed my hand and comforted him: "Xiuxiu, if you believe me, I will protect you and Xiao Cui. Now, go to the watchtower first, and I'll ask Wang Ba and Li Jiu to take someone to protect you. You must be fine."

"What the hell happened?" After all, I'm not calm, and my voice is a little sharp.

"My people haven't come yet, but the Turks have already called. It seems that I didn't hide the deployment made by Xiao Cui. This tough battle is unavoidable.

My nails were suddenly embedded in his flesh, "What are you talking about? Your people haven't come yet? So what did you plan to do today? Are you going to save Xiao Cui alone? How can you be so stupid?

What kind of man did Li Liangxiu marry?

Dan, romantic, still a big straw bag!

It seems that my contemptuous eyes hurt him a little... He turned around unnaturally: "Anyway, you believe me. Wang Ba, why don't you do it?"

All right! Can't I go by myself? Is it beautiful to be held hostage by several men? Does Situ Xiang remember that I am his little wife? Zhao Xiaosi and I live under the same roof and have to be jealous for a long time. Will it be all right if I have physical contact with these strong men?

I'll do it! His love for me is not true at all!

Maybe three miles away, the Turkic army is approaching... At such a moment, all the children's love ministers look ridiculous. I suddenly remembered the fire in Xiangyiyuan when the Turks forced the city... as well as the fire in Situfu and the death of his wife...

I climbed the watchtower step by step. Suddenly, he turned around and shouted at Situ Xiang, "Be careful! Xiao Cui is still counting on you!" The higher you climb, the more remote the scenery below... Wang Ba answered: "Second aunt, please don't worry. Our general has experienced hundreds of battles and is not ordinary people. Those Turkic soldiers can't do anything about our general."

I sneered: "What kind of general is he?" Still going through a hundred battles?" On a woman's belly.

"The second aunt can't say that. Let's see that the general is too infatuated with his second aunt. That day on the street, he knelt down to be your son. This feeling, not to mention ordinary dignitaries, can't be done by ordinary men. The general is good to you and spoils you. You can't look down on him for this.

Contempt him? The more they say that, the more annoyed I am. Xiaohong was still holding me. I shook off her hand, crossed my waist and shouted, "What despise him? How dare I despise him? It's too late for him not to hate me. How dare I treat him badly? Who is the one who is bullied and full of grievances on weekdays? Isn't it me, the poor and pathetic second aunt?

Li Jiu quickly pulled Wang Ba's hand, shrugged his shoulders, and whistled, "Stop talking, what the second aunt says." I was about to smile and praise this man's look when he whispered, "Woman! Haha..." That whisper was so heavy that I pretended not to hear it. My face couldn't help but turn black again. Like the bottom of the pot.

The roof was soon in front of me, and I frowned and ignored them. This watchtower was originally intended for the command of the guards. It looks strong, but I don't know if it is safe... Fenglai Town is a defense line for Lingyun City, which used to be frequent wars. Therefore, watchtowers can also be seen everywhere. I was very sad. The watchtower I saw in this play really made me climb it. There is no novelty in my heart, only a sense of sadness that I don't know if I can keep it...

In ancient times, there were also some strange women who joined the army on behalf of their father, real heroes, such as... so-and-so, and so-so, and all kinds of people... My aunt once said quite conceitedly that the times made heroes and gave my aunt a chance, and I could also pass on for generations... At this time... ...Come on, I'd better hide.

I withdrew back into the small stool in the watchtower and dared not watch the war below. But if I don't look at it, the sound of those "pound-pound-" cannons still keeps coming to my ears... I don't dare to look, but I still want to have a look, "Master... won't you die?"

"Bah! Bah!" Wang Ba Zhuangshi looked at me with contempt, "How can you curse your husband to die?" wronged." Who cursed him? If he dies, what will Xiao Cui do?

Speaking of which, I was still confused about what happened. We just came out to save Xiao Cui. Why did we encounter such a thing?

He barely counted as an enthusiastic man's bastard to solve my puzzles: "Second aunt, you really don't have to worry. The general expected these things. He was originally going to take people to prison to save people. The victory camp under the general is not vegetarian!" As he spoke, he rubbed his hands and couldn't wait to join the battle.

Victory Camp? That's what I'm going to do! Who gave such an uneducated name?

"What on earth are you generals going to do?" I touched my nails and pretended to ask casually.

Speaking of which, this is the first time I have heard what the business is. In fact, I know he is not a good person, as if he is still a thief. But it doesn't bother me. Why should I care? At present, I suddenly found that I didn't know him at all.

I looked down from the small window of the watchtower and saw the two armies fighting. The Turks were wearing black armor, like a big cockroach, and the few silver-white... The heroes were particularly shocking...

Does he really have any hope for less than more?

"Wang Ba, do you want to take people down? He has brought too few people..." Before the words fell, I heard a terrible sound, as if from the sky... The sound, with the sound of a powerful golden iron horse... When I listened carefully, it turned out to be the sound of horses's hoofs...

"Here, brothers, here, second aunt, please relax!" Li Jiu's eyebrows flew and cut his nose.

It didn't take long to see a large group of people running from the west, all riding tall horses. Although I was far away and I couldn't see those people clearly, I also saw those people's armor shining silver and dazzling.

"Those are our brothers." Wang Ba is obviously honored.

"Whose army is this?"

"Ours." Wang Ba answered as a matter of course.

"What I ask is, who does this military power belong to?" I can't stand it.

"Naturally, it is our general's. We are generals who stand up and swear to be loyal to the death. Naturally, we are also generals.

"Are you kidding?" The man riding a white horse downstairs is the heartless man who is sorry for me, a thief. The number of people behind him gradually increased and surrounded him. I couldn't hear what he was saying to the Turkic leader, but I suddenly felt that I had never seen such an elegant posture.

I suddenly had a little confidence that he would win.

The sound of gunfire has been sounded for a long time, and the two teams fought together. Only his body has never been out of my sight... "Hey, be careful!" I couldn't help patting my chest. Just now, a Turk soldier was going to attack from behind, but fortunately he dodged... Otherwise, he would really be disabled.

It would be better if he was really disabled. At least, I won't hook up with people like this.

I wiped the sour corners of my eyes and continued to look.

Wang Ba began to talk about Situ's feat in those years: "Speaking of which, our general is really a capable man. Let's talk about this time. There are so many women trapped in Lingyun City in the general's mansion. The general's only daughter is in it, but he is not impatient at all. He has to wait for the major events to be deployed before slowly close the line. I still remember that when the general heard the news about his second aunt, his look turned green. But it's still waiting next to each other. If it hadn't been hit in the street, there would have been no guarantee of reunion.

He can tolerate it naturally because he doesn't care. There are so many beauties in the world who can give birth to children for him. How could he care?

"Second aunt, the general really doesn't have a second sentence to say to you. Speaking of which, urging us to deploy the army these days, didn't you still promise to rescue those people? Just 120. Today, you can see your sisters. The general must be fine.

I don't believe it.

"I looked at your face and knew you didn't believe it. Let's put it this way, our victory camp was put up by the general. Everyone and every weapon was chosen by the general himself. It's a group of barbarians, and you can see what it looks like now... Our general, you must not look flat!"