Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 40 My Little Cui

Xiao Cui naturally came back in the end.

I didn't know it until I was in the yard. The little girl shuttled through the room, with clouds like shadows, and the smell of calming fragrance in the room is heart-fing. I hung a handkerchief and didn't know whether it was better to meet him or not see him. If you don't see him, you will miss him; when you see him, you will not be happy.

Why is the sound outside so noisy? I raised my eyelids and shouted at the girl who dusted the antique outside, "Go out and have a look. What's going on?"

She ran out and soon came back. Her little face was pale. "No, among the people the master just picked up, there was a man named Xiao Cui, who fought with Aunt Eleven."

What? Xiao Cui? I stood up with a "rug--" and said, is that Xiao Cui?"

"Master, it hurts..." She frowned, and then I found that I held her hand tightly. "Good girl, tell me, is that Xiao Cui?" My smile lasted for a while, and I couldn't wait for her answer, so I ran outside--

Xiao Cui! She turned out to be alive!

The garden is very big. The more anxious I am, the more I get lost. I just feel that she is far away from me and she is hesitating. There is a noisy sound over there: "You shameless!" That voice is tough and straightforward, isn't it Xiao Cui?

Isn't it the original Xiao Cui? How long has it been since she became weak and cursed so vigor?

"What are you doing?" The weak voice endured with strength, "Xiao Cui, don't do this."

"Don't do this? What don't you want? I'm still hitting you!" Then came a "bang--" which shocked me and shouted, "Xiao Cui!"

Looking there, one red and one green, two entangled figures, not my little Cui girl... and the eleven aunt?

My throat has choked, and I'm about to run over when I lift my skirt. Xiao Cui was rolling up her sleeves and beating people. As soon as she heard my voice, she was stunned. She turned her head and looked at me with tears in her eyes: "Master!"

Is this scene a "moving" word?

I hugged her in my arms, "Xiao Cui, you have lost weight!"

"Master, you have also lost weight."

The two of them cried together. I just want to cry.

The two of us cried, and my aunt thought it was really shocking. Because of the deep feelings, it's really unspeakable. I don't know how long I'll cry, but an ignorant person came from there: "Master, Xiao Cui, can you go there to sit and rest?"

I haven't done anything yet. Xiao Cui has immediately taken her head off my shoulder and "hummed" contemptuously: "I want you to take care of it!"

I looked at Xiaohong and saw that she was a little embarrassed, "Xiao Cui, don't do this."

Her pink face is still red, because she has just been slapped. Her eyes were as weak as a deer - just looked at Xiao Cui like that, and her eyes were full of kindness.

Xiao Cui ignored her: "Master, I have seen shameless people, and I have never seen such shameless people. You used to say that I was stupid and that I was stupid, but I was still anxious with you. Now think about it, isn't it? It's really good to people from the bottom of your heart. How can you know what other people are doing?

The twelfth lunar month is approaching, and the plum blossoms in the yard are full of the fragrance of the garden. A little cold, Xiaohong stretched out her hand to climb the branches on the tree, with a peaceful smile on her face.

"Xiao Cui..." My eyes turned red.

"Master, don't feel bad. With me in the future, I'm well now, and I won't let you be bullied.

"Xiao Cui, don't say that, I..." Xiao Hong's eyes were also red, and she turned to look at us. Today, she wore a scarlet skirt and a red fox fur outside, which was elegant; Xiao Cui's green jacket looked shabby. Xiaohong folded the plum blossom and smiled at us, "My thoughts and people, master and Xiao Cui still don't know? I just hope the master and the master are fine. Xiao Cui, especially you, I treat you like a sister..."

Sister? Bah!" Xiao Cui's fiery nature came up again, "I was blind at that time, so I regarded you as a sister. Do you think I'm still stupid now?" I quickly stopped him, "Xiao Cui, stop talking." The more you say it, the more outrageous it is! She hasn't learned yet. Does the disaster come from her mouth?

"Little Red!" I also smiled and said to her, "Why did you come out? Didn't you serve the master in the room just now?" We brought the master back and called the doctor to watch. Xiaohong was much more active than me. I saw that he clearly didn't need me. I hesitated for a long time and ran back to the room to sulk. At present, why does she have time to come out and pester Xiao Cui?

"Master, the master just woke up and sent someone to pick up the third aunt. He ordered me to bring Xiao Cui to see you to reassure you." She bit her lip slightly, and then smiled, "The master also said that you have had enough rest. Can you go and see him?"

Where does he need me to see? It's enough for every concub to look at him. It's just that I didn't want to say it. I took Xiao Cui's hand and shook my head, "Go back and take care of the master." I met Xiao Cui today and have a lot to say. If there is anything, you just have to bear it.

With that, he pulled up Xiao Cui to leave. She was still pestering there: "Master..."

I turned around with a smile and motioned her to speak.

She was there, pinching the plum petals with her hand and stattering for a long time without opening her mouth. I still looked at her with a slight smile. Xiao Cui couldn't help it for a long time, "What, say it if you have something to say, fart quickly!"

"Xiao Cui." I pulled her anxiously.

"Master, how can you not take me with you?" A gust of wind came out, and Xiaohong finally said something and was gently floated away.

"What?" I pretended not to hear it. How to compare today with the old days? With a grudge in my heart, how can it be as usual, as if those doubts have never existed?

When people get something, they have to lose something... A lot of things, shouldn't they have known long ago when she began to try to turn their back on me? The wind is coming, and the sky is dark. I sighed and stopped Xiao Cui's scolding all the way. "Stop it, you see, maybe there will be a heavy snowstorm tonight."

"Master, are you not angry?"

I gave her a blank look, "Do you think I'm not angry?" But what about being angry? Did you run up and slap her twice? What should I do?

Xiao Cui rubbed her palms: "Next time I see her, I must beat her well!"

I looked at her expression, with disappointment in anger. That disappointment was an indisputable disappointment... I grabbed her hand tightly, "Don't do this. She is now two people with us. If you see me in the future, just be polite. She is Aunt Eleven. You don't know how to die.

"Master! I don't know what Auntie is. All I know is that she is Xiaohong! Now that she is confused, I won't beat her, and I'm not happy!"

There were stars in her eyes... I sighed slightly and grabbed her hand and walked to the yard.

"This place is not as good as our Xiangyiyuan at all!" Xiao Cui began to pick and stared at the little girl, "Why don't you make hot tea when you see the master coming back? Who gave you the courage to neglect your master like this?

I took her hand and motioned her to stop talking, but she said to me angrily, "The other day, I lived in that prison for so long, and I really understood that people are kind to be bullied. Master, you didn't swallow your anger like this before. Why do you live so cowardly now?

I suddenly blushed a little by her: "How dare you talk to your master like this?"

The little girl was scolded by Xiao Cui and ran out to prepare tea. Xiao Cui took off her shoes and lay down: "Good master, don't mind me. I'm really tired. Think about the good days we have lived in the past, and let's see what kind of life we have had recently. That prison head was really abominable. Seeing that our master sent someone to pick him up, he hurriedly changed our clothes and nodded, saying that this was the best clothes. They were reluctant to wear them and asked us to say a few words in front of the master. What's the good words? If we were still in the house, no one would want such rough clothes for the thickest old lady.

She said a lot, but her body was lying on the floor. Powerless... like a dead dog.

I'm really thin. In the past, it was all meat, but now it's not like that.

"Xiao Cui, I didn't take good care of you." I also feel a little guilty. My father said to Xiao Cui's father at that time with a ticket to treat her, a distant poor relative, well. What's the name of the maid? She is actually a sister. But I'm fine, but Xiao Cui lost a few or two prostitutes.

"What kind of suffering can you suffer in prison? Those Turks didn't take advantage of you, did they?"

Xiao Cui shook her head: "At that time, I was half dead. Who would take advantage of me? Speaking of which, there are so many beautiful aunts in Situ's house, but not many people like me.

"So..." I gritted my teeth, "How are the third aunts?"

I found a stool to sit down, moved to Xiao Cui's side and touched her face - she collapsed, and I patted her side face with my hand. As expected, she was much thinner and even the bones came out.

"They... What's wrong with the fourth aunt?"

Her voice was a little cold, "I just know why my Xiaochao doesn't want me..."

"Xiao Cui, don't be sad, forget him..."

"Master, I'm not sad. I'm just a stinky man! A gold lock can hook him up, and there may be silver and copper locks in the future. He was able to leave me for a bitch, a foxen. Fortunately, I knew him early, otherwise I would suffer in the future.

"Xiao Cui..." I didn't expect you to be so strong.

"What's most annoying is that he likes other women. How can he still want to kill me? Master, do you think I'm particularly useless?"

Isn't Xiaohong the same?

"At that time, the fourth aunt told me about this with a smile and said that Xiaochao had already made a pair of happy mandarin ducks with Jin Suoer. She is really crazy..."