Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 47 Silver

Nang's eyes rumbled, opened her hands and touched my face. I walked outside angrily and accidentally fell down!

Where's the trick!

I think I'm a headless fly... I stumbled in this backyard...

Exhausted, I asked my servants to take the sister back to the sixth aunt, and I slowly went back by myself--

The snow is white, covering how many pickles. Several dynasties of gold powder and prosperity have been buried under it - this Fenglai Town, the turtle is huddled in a corner of Lingyun City, which is the gateway to entry and exit, but the world is generally independent -

The whole town is so deserted that there is no one. Standing by the wall in the house, I can hear the noise of moving boxes and cages in the house, but I can't hear any popularity outside...

Mrs... Murong Xue died and died, and a fire burned the Situ Mansion clean.

The third aunt, the daughter of a rich businessman, has been tossing and turning, tortured, and her face is a little haggard.

The fourth aunt, the daughter of an official family, is cold and comfortable, but she has done everything, and now everyone is betrayed.

The fifth aunt, the sweeping girl, went up step by step and became an unfavored ridiculous aunt...

The sixth aunt gave birth to Situ Xiang's only daughter, but she was not valued and aged sadly...

Seven aunt, little jasper, weak and shy, not to say that she suffers in troubled times, and her family doesn't know where to find it...

The eighth aunt, the princess of the previous dynasty, couldn't bear to escape the day before the city was broken...

The tenth aunt, the daughter of the general guarding the city, is notorious, but she is a good woman, hooking up with her aunt...

Eleventh Aunt, my little red...

My mind is buzzing, and I only feel that something is missing... Yes, and Aunt Jiu. The ninth aunt who had an affair with the prince of Jiangfu was not immersed in a pig cage in the end, but became a singer of Jiangfu. Deep in his eyes, he had a deep affection for the master. I suddenly had a bold idea - isn't it... Isn't it that the master meant all this?

Situ Xiang... easy to calculate!

There are also people and things in the house. Ge Xiaochao, Jin Suoer... How many of the servants who died and fled most of Situ's mansion died at the hands of their wives? What kind of obsession do I have to think she is a good person?

The past was drawing silk and peeling cocoon little by little, and I only felt a turbid breath on my heart-

I'll do it! I'm worried about who says he is a good person!

Why should I care about them?

I kicked the snow... I kicked it to death! The face is full of resentment. It's really too much!

I don't care! I don't care about anything! I wish I could live well! At least, now Xiao Cui is also doing well. Let's stay away from here. I don't care about these troubles!

I finally made a big circle and went back to my yard. He shouted, "Xiao Cui, why don't you come out to pick me up?" Just now, I held my nanny alone to find the immortal. Didn't Xiao Cui come back a long time ago?

Thinking about it, a sneaky girl came out there. As soon as she saw me, she stopped me, "Second Aunt, it's not right! Little Cui girl is sulking in it!"

If you are sulking, you will be sulking. What are you sneaking about?

As soon as I entered, I shouted at Xiao Cui lying in **: "Quick! Let's pack up! I'm leaving tomorrow! Why are you still lying down?"

I don't care about the identity of a master or something, but silver is a good thing! In the past, Xiangyiyuan was burned clean by a fire, and my body was gone! This time, I just cut down the antiques on the wall! Anyway, we can't be poor anymore!

But Xiao Cui huddled there and did not move. I said angrily, "Xiao Cui, are you dead? Get up!"

"Master!" This girl is really outrageous. The master stood, and she was still lying down. "Just now... Mother Lin came!"

Come as soon as you come, who is afraid of whom, but... "What did you say? Mother Lin?" What is she doing here?

"Master, she said, she will also follow us. She said that the second aunt was just a person who couldn't hold the wall. If she had a little conscience, she shouldn't have seen Brother Xia's death..." I listened to Xiao Cui's voice with so many grievances. "Master, I argued with her for a few words. It really pissed me..."

"All right, all right. Xiao Cui is good." I went up and hugged her. "Don't be angry with that group of people. Let's just pack our own things. Look at the good things in this yard. Let's tidy up and take them away. Is it possible that she wants me to care about Zhao Xiaosi, so I will really go? What is Zhao Xiaosi? What is she! What should I care about?

Xiao Cui stared, "Master, the things here are so bad that you also like them?"

I was extremely embarrassed by her eyes with a few tears.

Yes, my aunt is also a person who has seen the scene... At the beginning, there were also a lot of good things in Xiangyi Garden. But now... cough, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. I looked at Xiao Cui's body, and I didn't get entangled. I told you the truth, "Xiao Cui, you don't know that. After burning Xiangyiyuan before, my life has been stretched. If it hadn't been for the money, I would have taken you away when I was in the inn. What do you want to do to tie up with that group of people? I'm always angry with them!

"Master, why didn't you say it earlier!" Xiao Cui almost jumped up when she heard my words. You said, why was I burned earlier? I went to the yard to get your money!"

My heart raised my throat: "In my wardrobe, in the pink pillow, those silver tickets? And those bracelets, gold rings, gold collars and so on?

I thought she had failed!

Little Cui rolled over and opened her clothes. After two layers, she exposed her ecstatic little belly pocket...

I blushed, "Xiao Cui, you..." Although I have a good relationship with you, but... How many secular rumors do I have to resist the love between women and women? Xiao Cui... There is no end of suffering... You don't have Xiaochao, but I haven't completely died to Situ Xiang, Xiao Cui...

She took it out of her chest - I quickly turned my head - don't look at it if it's rude!

"Xiao Cui, don't mess around!"

"Master! What are you talking about! Look at it!" In front of my face, I was smoked by a pile of hot paper. I boldly turned my head and saw this large stack. I couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Is this a silver ticket?"

Xiao Cui nodded like pounding garlic!

Xiao Cui, you are so heroic! Although you haven't taken a shower for a long time, so the silver ticket stinks a little, but Xiao Cui did a good job!" I grabbed the silver ticket, ordered one after another, and happily turned out a few from under the pillow and folded them together: "This is what I cheated from my third aunt. In total, there are exactly one hundred thousand two hundred and 100 taels of silver!"

I'm so... rich!

However, I turned my head and looked at Xiao Cui with a sullen face seriously, "Where are those gold bracelets, gold collars and gold rings?" Didn't you embezzle it?

She rolled her eyes and said, "I didn't bring it out!" Master, you have saved so many things, how can I move it!" That's a good thing. I'm full!

"Master, isn't this money enough for you to spend?"

I shook my head, "You don't understand, there will never be too much money! Besides, I'm not profligate! I want to save it and count it every night!" The feeling of having silver around is different. But why didn't you tell me before?"

Is it possible that you really want to swallow it? I stared at her.

Xiao Cui rolled her eyes again and yawned, "Master, are you there? For some silver, all your natures have been revealed! If I want to swallow it, will I give it back to you now?"

"That's hard to say!" I hummed.

"You haven't mentioned this before, and I forgot it." Xiao Cui pulled me up and said, "Now that you have this silver, you don't have to clean it up. Let's go straight tomorrow. What's the matter? Let's talk about it in Dongwang Village. I said, in fact, the master must have done it. Can you do it?

For a while, I was in a good mood. At present, it's okay for my aunt to escape. Now, what is a man?

I patted Xiao Cui on the shoulder proudly, "Don't worry, when you arrive at Dongwang Village, my aunt will make the decision for you! Let me find you the most handsome young man! When I got there, I sent Mother Lin to the ground every day. Look, I won't torture her to death! At that time, there will be injustice and revenge. I will not tolerate those who have offended you and offended me!"

By the way, I also need to find the worst nunnery for my fourth aunt. Let's see if the teacher there doesn't torture her to death!

Thinking of a better future, my aunt was so comfortable and smiled gracefully.

Little Cuilala's corner of my clothes: "Master, do you really think so? What's your certainty?"

I took Xiaocui to the dining room, "I just rely on my aunt's king, hegemony, anger!" ......Haha"