Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 1 Dongwang Village

I frowned too much, turned around and twisted the mutton in her hand a few times, but I couldn't stand the baby's big blinking eyes. I couldn't help sighing, tore off such a piece of meat and handed it to him, "Dog baby, your mother called you to go home for dinner." The dog grabbed the meat and chewed it loudly. "My mother has said how delicious Master Situ's house is. Let me take some back."

My aunt... My aunt's face suddenly didn't look so good.

I wiped my hands, looked at the dog baby, and then took a second look. This child is so stubborn. Why is he so stubborn? How many times have I told you that our family has no money and is very poor.

"But my mother said..." He swallowed the mutton and looked at the rest of the stove. I was busy protecting him and stared at him fiercely. He curled his lips and said that Master Situ is the richest in our village! There is so much oil and water that it's nothing to give to the people in our village.

Who? Who said that the villagers are simple! Bastard! I pinched the mutton and came with a smile, "But today..."

"Second aunt!" Someone over there called up. My eyelids jumped a few times, "Dog, go quickly, or..."

Where does the dog wait for me to finish? As soon as I heard the sharp voice, I jumped up, "I'll go first, second aunt, I'll come to see you tomorrow..."

Who wants you to come and see me? I was so angry that I looked behind my back, "M Mother Lin! You have become more and more powerful recently!"

Mother Lin pulled a few times on her still clean face and reluctantly made a smile, "Yo, second aunt, you take our dinner as a favor again!"

To be a favor? Humph! I glanced at her and said, "I'm the master. Don't you have this power?"

"People are not enough to swallow elephants. If you give him meat to eat today, you will want something else tomorrow. The second aunt may not know, and our family doesn't have much money. Is it possible that the second aunt is too willing to take out her own body to add food for us?

I was so angry that my body trembled like sieve. Can I know how much money we have? Situ has always been rich. Is it possible to spill all that money when he escapes?

This matter can be started when I arrived in Dongwang Village that day. It was that evening when our motorcade rumbled to arrive in Dongwang Village. The sun in the sky sank to the west, reflecting the whole village in the light of Buddha. The burning clouds were red, and there were a few dog barking not far away. The cooking smoke curled up, and I touched my stomach, "Xiao Cui, I'm so hungry!"

Xiao Cui and I sat in the carriage. She handed over the olives, and I shook my head in disgust. "My mouth is sore. Let's eat something good later."

Xiao Cui shrank her head, "The master doesn't seem to be very happy." He lowered his head and shrank his neck with a sigh. I opened the curtain to see him. He was riding on his horse. Such a man, dressed in white, looked a little depressed.

"He misses his wife."


The two of us didn't talk for long in private, and Situ Xiangzhi's house arrived soon. This is under the big locust tree at the head of the village. The house is also quite large. Although it is not as elegant as the Situ Mansion, it is also quite smelly. However, the fifth aunt was too embarrassed to get out of the carriage and shouted, "Yo, yo, how can you live in such a small place!"

The master doesn't say anything. I don't talk. No one else speaks.

The fifth aunt looked at the old man too much. Maybe she hadn't been close to him for a long time and actually stuck to him, "Master!"

The master ignored her, walked into the room and found a house familiarly...

Leave a bunch of our aunts who are looking at each other.

The fifth aunt "hummed" and raised her waist, "Why hasn't anyone come to serve me yet?"

Don't look at this virtue. If the scar is healed, you will forget the pain! I sneered and said, "Who do you want to serve, fifth aunt? The shelf is bigger than anyone else, and your wife is not as powerful as you..."

It's just that as soon as the word "wife" came out, I felt an unusual atmosphere... The fourth aunt also smiled coldly and walked slowly in--

I was still stunned, and there was a roar from the room: "Xiao Hong, take good care of this house! Look at these women!"

My face is so green... again...

Situ is cruel to you! Didn't I just say a wrong sentence? Why do your ears work so well? Didn't you just mention your beloved wife? Is it possible? Is it true that your true love is Xiaohong?

I turned around to look at Xiaohong, but I saw her standing there timidly, with a little girl next to her. Her face and expression, how... I felt pity!

Xiao Cui "Bah!" I spit on the ground.

The plan that I had planned to rectify all these women was so cruelly miscarried.

I was arranged in the room farthest from the master. Xiaohong said to me, "Master, feng shui is the best here..." Is feng shui good? Your mother's feng shui is good! There is a small stream outside. There is a strong wind in the middle of the night. It is going to overturn the roof. Can feng shui be bad?

She hid her mouth, "Master, don't blame me, this is what the master means..."

I sneered, "The master also ordered me to go to the kitchen to help, right?"

"Oh," her eyes were round, "the servants in our Situ's mansion are almost gone. The soldiers who escorted us are also going back now. At present, there are only the servants in the house, only Mother Lin, the housekeeper Lin, and Xiao Cui who serves you, the slaves who serve me. We can't help but do it ourselves. What should we eat?

"Isn't there anyone in this village?" I was furious.

"The master said that we were not here to be uncles. He asked me to dismiss them all..."

Are they all dispersed? He is crazy! I want to go to the house to find him. That bastard lives alone in the best house in the whole village. Can I let him live so comfortably alone? It's just that before taking a step, the eleventh aunt stopped me too early, "Master, don't go. There is a reason for the master to do so."

What's the reason for this?

"At that time, the thirteen princes all spoke. Unless the aunts wanted to rest their books, the master would have to spoil them for the rest of their lives. Isn't it just to let those aunts take the initiative to leave?

"Do you want me to go to the kitchen if you let them leave?"

The little red eyes turned around and said, "Master, I think there are a lot of delicious food in the kitchen. It's much better than the fifth aunt going to sweep the yard.


The eleventh aunt is really clever. She said that the master has been in a bad mood recently and asked me not to disturb him. When he calms down, everything will be fine. She added that the kitchen is the best place. Now the master has asked me to have a girl to serve, which is already a great pity. I should be considerate that he is...

I'll do it!

But who can tell me why it was me who cooked, the fifth aunt who swept the yard, the seventh aunt who washed the clothes, and the sixth aunt took care of the children and reluctantly agreed, but what happened to the third aunt worshipping the Bodhisattva and the fourth aunt copying the scriptures? If you have nothing to do all day, it's Aunt Eleven who says that the food I cooked is not delicious enough!

Who else can tell me what's going on with the wild monkeys who come to eat every day? Every day when I began to cook, I hung a few wild dolls on the locust tree outside, sucking their fingers and looking at me--

Who else can tell me, where's Mother Lin! She is a subordinate, and now she is on my head!

Can you still live this life?

I can't stand it, I can't stand it! I shouted at Xiaocui, who was adding firewood to the stove, "Xiao Cui, look at Mother Lin, this master is really full of style! Sure enough, he is the first person in Murong's mansion, and his style is different!"

Xiao Cui choked a few times. When she jumped out, her face was covered with soot, "Cough... Cough... Master, they all bullied people!"

M Mother Lin smiled coldly and slowly came over, looking at the large amount of mutton, "The second aunt said something wrong. The master respects me because I am my wife's wet nurse. How can others understand the kindness of husband and wife?

Couple and wife? In a strange way, I'm a concubine who can't stand on the table, right?

"The wife is not bad, but I don't know why the servants who came out are so big and small." I smiled contemptuously, "The master is really. He thinks that when we come to the mountain village, our family doesn't have to be polite! There is no big or small, how can even a subordinate shout!

"My wife is the most virtuous person. If she is still alive, she will be angry to death when she sees her wet nurse like this, right?"

M Mother Lin is not a vegetarian and smiled at me, "Madam? The second aunt cooked too quickly. How can you talk nonsense, madam?"

I pushed the mutton and dropped the shovel. "I won't burn it. What's wrong?"

I walked over and pulled Xiao Cui from the stove, "Xiao Cui! Let's go! They have bullied our servants! If you don't be powerful, you really think we are sick cats!"

I pulled off my apron and said, "At least I'm a serious master. It's not your turn to talk about me!"

She smiled negatively, "Then the second aunt went to the master's place to say it!" Let's see what the master says!"

Is it that I dare not go?

"Go and go!" I don't believe it. The immortal can still be blind like this! Let his mother-in-law be bullied all day long!

"Bum bang--" I pounded the door a few times, but there was no sound there. Xiao Cui began to pull me and said, "Master, let's forget it... I'm hungry..."

I looked back and stared at her, "Why are you hungry? They are all bullied to death!"

"Yo, my second aunt is so majestic! Take this door to vent your anger!"

I looked back and saw that it was the fifth aunt, twisting her small slender waist, holding a big broom, and looking at me with a smile.