Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 23 Probronies for the Fifth Aunt

"I'm going!" She made a look of indifferentness. My teeth are sour, and I still advise, "The new bride wants to be reserved..."

She smiled coldly, "Li Liangxiu, have you ever seen me be reserved?"

To tell the truth. She climbed to today's position as a sweeping girl, if she wanted to be reserved - how could she? Thinking about those years, I didn't hesitate to regret my marriage and broke up with my parents and insisted on climbing into the old bed. If she is reserved, where is today?

Is it just that she wants to get it? Years later, she still married the village head's son?

So, a person's life is doomed and can't be changed.

Thinking this way, my eyes softened when I saw her, "I'm afraid that you will do something bad."

To some extent, the fifth aunt is also a real woman who dares to pursue her freedom. Women have been oppressed by traditional etiquette for thousands of years. The fifth aunt is a pioneer and has the courage to pursue her own happiness. Such a spirit is really amiable and respectable. It deserves to be a model for women!

"Bad things? What's wrong?" Her small waist swings again, against the big cake face, rippled like water. "What could be worse than now? The fourth sister originally said that as long as I listen to her, at least I can stay in the house for the rest of my life. It's just that you, a pair of traitors**-women, don't even leave me such a position. Her fingers were shocking and pointed straight at me, "Li Liangxiu, you have done too much evil. How can I believe that you won't play tricks behind your back this time?"

My face is black. How can she know so thoroughly about my aunt's personality and handling?

"All right, let you go, all right."

To be honest, it's really let the fifth aunt marry Wang Ermazi... It's also a little tricky. Although I am ruthless and three-faced, I can't do such a thing after all. She is a person who doesn't enter, but in the final analysis, she hasn't done anything big and evil. No murder or fire. She just thought that she was living a better life, and there was a man who felt pain... There was no need to push her into the fire.

The next day, I pulled the immortal, took my fifth aunt, and took a vigorous team of family members and grandly stepped into the village head's house. The dog showed us the way and gave him a persimmon with a smile on his face. "Second aunt, it's so delicious."

I turned my eyes. Can it not be delicious? This baby wanders around outside our house all day long. Sometimes we hide on the tree outside the kitchen, and we lose a few taels of meat - do you think I don't know? It's just that my aunt is too compassionate and doesn't care about him.

"Master Situ, do you really want to go to the village head's house? Do you propose marriage to that Wang Er Mazi?

"What is Wang Er Mazi?" The fifth aunt suddenly interrupted. She dressed up carefully today. Although the face is still so big, it is much whiter. It looks like a rich family with new clothes and green earrings.

Come on, this Wang Ermazi is not a good name, is it? I laughed secretly and scared you later. It's better to scare you to death.

A few dead branches, through a small river, a room with cooking smoke. The dog shouted, "Village head! Village head! There are people coming!"

There was no sound there. After a while, a person slowly walked out there. A hairy hat on his head was slightly crooked, but it added a little domineering to him. A 50% new cotton-padded jacket, although it is stained with some wood chips, it does not damage his heroism at all. In particular, a pipe in his mouth showed that his momentum was natural.

He looked more than 50 years old. He slanted his mouth and took a deep breath of dry smoke. His body did not move, but his eyelids looked up from the top to the bottom, looked at our couple, and then said slowly, "Yo?"

Situ arched his hand, "Village chief!"

The village head's temperament is really not covered! Are you the Master Situ?" He stuffed his left hand into the right sleeve and his right hand into the left sleeve. Because he wore a little too much clothes, he did a lot of effort - but we all waited. When he finished keeping his hands warm, he still refused to talk to us. The little dog and child ate our persimmon and spoke very sweetly, "Village head! This is what I told you before, Master Situ! Big landlord! Now I'm going to your house to propose marriage!"

"Affinity?" He exhaled a smoke ring tremblingly. Now, he finally looked at us, "Our daughter is a flower in these ten miles and eight villages."

"No, no, Master Situ fell in love with your second boy!" The dog said urgently.

"Ouch!" No one expected the village head to be so agile! He threw his hands out of the sleeve, picked up the pipe and hit the dog baby, "I'll tell you!" Although the second boy in our family is not talented, did you also call that 'two boy'?

"The village head, I'm wrong. Isn't it wrong?" The dog held the head and mouse to wear it, and I still heard him muttering, which was clearly unconvinced, "Is it possible that I can call him Wang Ermazi?"

The village head's ears are really good. Such a nagging sound was also heard very clearly, "What is Wang Er Mazi? The second boy is famous and surnamed Wang Xiaochun. I'll let you talk nonsense! You son of a bitch, how did your parents teach you!"

The village head has a bad temper. Situ Xiang and I didn't talk much, but the fifth aunt couldn't stand. She took a step forward and shouted, "Stop!" Is it powerful enough?

The angry old man actually put away his pipe slowly, slowly inserted the pipe into his mouth, raised his eyebrows, and motioned the fifth aunt to speak too much. He began to cage his sleeves again. Still leaning against the edge of the wall. I really didn't expect the village head of Dongwang Village to be like this.

"It's me who wants to kiss!" The fifth aunt was too awe-inspiring, "They want to say it to your second boy." She touched her face, "What do you think?"

"Our second boy?" The village head spit out a smoke ring, "Do you want to marry our second boy?" He turned to Situ and said, "Master Situ is also a person. He has lived in the village for many days and just came to see me today."

"That is to say, the village head doesn't want the second son to marry her?"

I also helped, "She is still good-looking and has a good-looking nature. The most important thing is that we will give ten taels of gold to dowry!"

"Li Liangxiu, don't say anything!" The fifth aunt's face turned red, and she stepped forward a few steps, "Village head, they want me to marry your second son. But I see you now and would rather marry you. Will you marry me?"

With a sound, the calm and domineering village head was also stunned. The pipe fell to the ground and burst out the last smoke ring.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand?" He turned around and stamped his foot to Situ, "You come from the city to bully our farmers!"