
045 Yan Ruyu's decision


Pei San didn't expect that Ji Rulong would say these three words before he died. In an instant, Pei San was furious. Invisibly, Pei San's body seemed to have a fierce fire and burst into the sky!

"You are all going to die!" Pei San roared, and the small forest where he was located fell in all directions because of Pei San's pounding murderous leaves. The sudden explosion suddenly shocked the other four people in the air and had some thoughts of fleeing for their lives.

Huo Xin frowned and looked too ferocious, "Such a magnificent murderous intention, hum! It's just a dying struggle! The five of us can kill him together!" After saying that, Huo Xin glanced at Yan Ruyu, who was motionless.

Yan Ruyu's body trembled a little, "Why? Why did you kill it so quickly? Ji Rulong is our younger brother!"

Yu Zhen covered his injured left shoulder and said disdainfully, "Brother? Humph! Even if he is on our side, it's his fault to defect! Damn it! If it hadn't been for his serious injury to Guo Baochuan, Pei San would have died without burial!"

"hehe." Yan Ruyu suddenly smiled. The beauty could make the world obsessed with her smile, but the smile was so desolate. She had a feeling of beauty and lifelessness, and even better. A drop of tears appeared on Yan Ruyu's beautiful face. She was just a woman. She just wanted to prove that she did not have the ambition as a man, but Because of her teacher's life, she had no choice. From the moment she saw Pei San's lonely figure, her heart had softened.

Thinking of all kinds of things with Pei San in the past, Yan Ruyu's heart completely melted. She didn't have that kind of ambition. She just wanted to find a Taoist couple to accompany her all the time. Her idea was very simple, and she was willing to hide.

Huo Xin flew to Yan Ruyu's side, put his arms around Yan Ruyu's shoulder and smiled, "When we kill Pei San, I will marry you when we return to Qingyi Gate."

Yan Ruyu was stunned and said the words of marrying you as a wife in Huo Xin's mouth. She was still a little moved. She had always loved Huo Xin, but Huo Xin had hurt her. Yan Ruyu felt helpless, as if she could not grasp the straw for survival at all. She could only be at the mercy of others.

Although she knew that Huo Xin loved herself, Yan Ruyu could no longer accept Huo Xin at this time. Huo Xin was willing to give up her for her rights, and she didn't want to pest Huo Xin shamelessly.

Looking back on the way she left, Pei San, a gangster she didn't like, ran to comfort her. At that moment, she was moved. She wanted to say to Pei San that it was good to have you, but she didn't say anything. Thinking of Pei San's calm voice, she clenched her fists and her shoulders no longer trembled.

Looking up, Yan Ruyu looked at Huo Xin, who was close at hand, and smiled.

Huo Xin's mood also improved when he saw this. It can be said that no one can match Yan Ruyu's smile, but the next moment, Huo Xin's forehead sweated and looked at his lower abdomen in disbelief. A flying sword had penetrated his lower abdomen, and he didn't even notice it.

Suddenly looking up, Huo Xin looked at Yan Ruyu incomprehensiblely, "Why? Don't you love me?"

Yan Ruyu withdrew a few steps towards the rear and smiled, "I have always loved you, but you don't love me. Brother Pei San has replaced your place in my heart. I have always thought that my feelings for Brother Pei San are just a brother and sister, but I was wrong. For more than half a year, Brother Pei San and I I am very happy every day. Without you, I am still so happy. Only Brother Pei San will treat me so well, but you won't!"

As soon as Yan Ruyu's voice fell, his originally desolate smile suddenly became cheerful. Although Pei San was a little hooligan, Pei San would not treat her well. She also liked to be with Pei San very much. At that time, Huo Xin was just closed to his residence, and even Huo Xin was After the inner door fight, she didn't find Yan Ruyu at all. Yan Ruyu figured out a lot in an instant.

"You just like my appearance." Yan Ruyu looked at Huo Xin plainly.

Huo Xin looked at Yan Ruyu ferociously, "Isn't Pei San looking at your appearance? You love me, don't you? Why do you want to fool around with Pei San!"

"Once upon a time." After Yan Ruyu finished speaking plainly, his own flying sword swept away, and blood gushed out of Huo Xin's throat!

Yan Ruyu actually killed Huo Xin without much hesitation. Once the knot that had been in Yan Ruyu's heart was untied, Yan Ruyu looked down on everything a lot. Only Pei San was left in her eyes. This exit was a dirty word, a big brother who did nothing all day!

"Kill Yan Ruyu first!" Yu Zhen suddenly said that they couldn't wait any longer. The situation became more and more unfavorable. Originally, they had the upper hand, but at this time they were already a little weak because of Ji Rulong and Yan Ruyu's successive rebellion!

When Yu Zhen, Xiaotian and Qing Lingzi were preparing to kill Yan Ruyu, someone suddenly rushed up below. Pei San's white elder brother's shirt was stained with blood, which was Ji Rulong's, while Pei San turned his head to the edgeless sword in his right hand, with a smile on his face, blocking Yan Ruyu's body.

"Yes...I'm sorry." Yan Ruyu is a little timid.

Pei San turned his head and grinned: "It doesn't matter."

suddenly! Pei San rushed to Yu Zhen and shouted, "The three of you are destined to die under the bladeless sword!"

Yan Ruyu, who originally wanted to rush up together, was stunned when he heard Pei San's words, and then stood in mid-air and looked at Pei San's back happily. Huo Xin's body quickly fell into the woods below, but Yan Ruyu did not pay any attention to it.

Pei three opened and closed their swords, as if their bodies were full of endless strength. Yu Zhen and the three of them couldn't resist. The three of them were so difficult for one person. Xiaotian and Yu Zhen, who had always been geniuses, were extremely shocked at this time.

"Yu Zhen!" Pei San shouted, stared at the injured Yu Zhen, and took a deep breath. Pei San rushed to Yu Zhen with a Wufeng sword and inadvertently swept around with a Wujian sword to block the attack of Xiaotian and Qing Lingzi.


After the Wufeng sword pierced into Yu Zhen's body, it was decisively pulled out by Pei San and pierced it again. Again and again, Yu Zhen's body was like a sieve, spewing blood everywhere.

The bladeless sword in Pei San's hand swept away, separated from his head, and fell straight down. Pei San did not have any nostalgia, and rushed directly to Xiaotian and Qing Lingzi.


With a series of attacks, Pei Sanyue fought more and more bravely, while Xiaotian and Qinglingzi quickly wanted to escape from this place, but they suffered from no chance. If they dragged on like this, Xiaotian and Qinglingzi will definitely die!

Who would have thought that there would be such a result? After the six disciples besieged the eldest brother, and Ji Rulong began to fight against the water, Guo Baochuan took the lead in death, followed by Feng Qiang, and then Ji Rulong was plotted to die by Yu Zhen. Yan Ruyu killed Huo Xin, and Pei San killed Yu Zhen. At this time, only Xiaotian and Qing were left. Lingzi is still struggling with Pei San.

"No power?" Pei San sneered, and the gourd on his waist was thrown directly into the air by Pei San. The light of the bladeless sword flashed, and the gourd was divided into two. More than 100 small tablets fell down like raindrops. Pei San stood there motionless, and Qinglingzi and Xiaotian did not dare to rush to Pei San.

They only saw the more than 100 small pills disappear on Pei San's body. Xiaotian and Qing Lingzi's eyes widened and couldn't believe all this. They didn't know anything about Pei San's details.


The mana in the body has recovered to the peak and is even growing. The most consumed battle in the world is the power of the witness. The aura in the world is thin, so few witness will fight in the world. This time, the elders and others are also very relieved to hand over this task to Huo Xin and other disciples. The first point of miscalculation is Pei Sanhui There is Xiao Huan Dan! The second point is the opposition of Ji Rulong and Yan Ruyu, and the third point is that they don't know Pei San at all!

With a sword, Xiaotian's eyes were wide open. This sword penetrated through his head. His eyes were dim at the next moment, and he pulled out the bladeless sword, and Xiaotian also fell into the woods. At this time, there was only one person left for Pei San's opponent, Qing Lingzi.